RRB 2020 Syllabus, Paper Pattern & Books – SSE/JE/DMS/CMA – The Question papers shall be of Objective Multiple Choice Type. The questions paper will be in English, Hindi, Urdu and local languages as indicated in Para 16. The standard of questions for the ONLINE (Computer Based) examination will be generally in conformity with the educational standards and/or minimum technical qualifications prescribed for the posts. The questions will be of objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include questions pertaining to General awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Science and Technical Ability.
The Question paper will have 150 questions, out of which 90 questions will be of Technical Ability & General Science and 60 questions from General awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence and Reasoning. The technical portion of 90 questions shall cover basic concepts of Science and Engineering from all the branches/disciplines of educational qualifications, prescribed for respective categories in column 17 of vacancy table.
RRB SSE & JE Paper Pattern – 2019
S.No. | Examination Name | Paper Pattern |
1. | RRB 2019 Paper Pattern – JE(Civil) | Follow me |
2. | RRB 2019 Paper Pattern – JE(Electronics) | Follow me |
3. | RRB 2019 Paper Pattern – JE(Electrical) | Follow me |
4. | RRB 2019 Paper Pattern – JE(Mechanical) | Follow me |
5. | RRB 2019 Paper Pattern – JE(IT) | Follow me |
6. | RRB 2019 Paper Pattern – JE(Printing Technology) | Follow me |
7. | RRB 2019 Paper Pattern – Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA) | Follow me |
8. | RRB 2019 Paper Pattern – SSE | Follow me |
RRB SSE & JE Syllabus – 2019
S.No. | Examination Name | Paper Pattern |
1. | RRB 2019 Syllabus – JE(Civil) | Follow me |
2. | RRB 2019 Syllabus – JE(Electronics) | Follow me |
3. | RRB 2019 Syllabus – JE(Electrical) | Follow me |
4. | RRB 2019 Syllabus – JE(Mechanical) | Follow me |
5. | RRB 2019 Syllabus – JE(IT) | Follow me |
6. | RRB 2019 Syllabus – JE(Printing Technology) | Follow me |
7. | RRB 2019 Syllabus – Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA) | Follow me |
8. | RRB 2019 Syllabus – SSE | Follow me |
RRB SSE & JE Books – 2019S.No. Examination Name Books 1. RRB 2019 Books – JE Follow me 2. RRB 2019 Books – JE(IT) Follow me 3. RRB 2019 Books – SSE Follow me 4. Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant Wait … 5. Depot Material Superintendent Wait … 6. Chief Depot Material Superintendent Wait …
RRB (Railways) Technical Guide Books
If you are aspiring to crack the RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) exams for SSE (Senior Section Engineer), JE (Junior Engineer), DMS (Depot Material Superintendent), or CMA (Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant), it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the syllabus, paper pattern, and recommended books. In this article, we will provide you with valuable insights into these aspects to help you excel in your preparation.
- RRB Syllabus: The RRB syllabus varies for different positions, but the core subjects generally include:
- General Intelligence and Reasoning
- General Awareness
- Arithmetic
- General Science
- Technical Ability (specific to the relevant engineering discipline)
- General Studies (for DMS and CMA positions)
- RRB Paper Pattern: The paper pattern for RRB exams typically consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with negative marking for incorrect answers. The duration of the exam and the number of questions may vary based on the specific position. It is crucial to understand the paper pattern to manage your time effectively during the exam.
- Recommended Books: To kickstart your preparation, here is a list of recommended books for each position:
For SSE:
- “RRB Senior Section Engineer (SSE) Guide” by Arihant Experts
- “RRB (Senior Section Engineer) Civil Engineering” by Dr. Chandresh Agrawal
- “RRB (Senior Section Engineer) Mechanical Engineering” by Dr. Chandresh Agrawal
- “RRB (Senior Section Engineer) Electrical Engineering” by Dr. Chandresh Agrawal
For JE:
- “RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Guide” by RPH Editorial Board
- “RRB (Junior Engineer) Civil Engineering” by Dr. Chandresh Agrawal
- “RRB (Junior Engineer) Mechanical Engineering” by Dr. Chandresh Agrawal
- “RRB (Junior Engineer) Electrical Engineering” by Dr. Chandresh Agrawal
For DMS and CMA:
- “RRB DMS (Depot Material Superintendent) & CMA (Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant)” by Dr. Chandresh Agrawal
- “RRB DMS (Depot Material Superintendent)” by Arihant Experts
- “RRB CMA (Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant)” by Arihant Experts
Additionally, you can refer to previous years’ question papers and solve sample papers to get acquainted with the exam pattern and improve your time management skills.
- Online Resources: Apart from books, there are several online resources available to complement your preparation. You can access PDF study materials, video lectures, and mock tests specifically designed for RRB exams. These resources can provide additional practice and help you understand complex concepts more effectively.
Related Links
Click below given links to get further information.
[PDF] RRB 2023 Syllabus, Paper Pattern & Books – SSE/JE/DMS/CMA FAQs
S.No. | Examination Name | Books |
1. | RRB 2019 Books – JE | Follow me |
2. | RRB 2019 Books – JE(IT) | Follow me |
3. | RRB 2019 Books – SSE | Follow me |
4. | Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant | Wait … |
5. | Depot Material Superintendent | Wait … |
6. | Chief Depot Material Superintendent | Wait … |
Sir RRB SSE M engg math Bhi aata Hai Kya??
Hello Mohit,
Please check RRB paper pattern here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir ,
Is paper for all branches in RRB for SSE/JE or Papers are prepared According to each Branch????
Please guide me??
Hello Navdeep,
RRB asked general engineering questions from all branches of engineering.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir I am mechanical graduate …. I can I prepare for rrb exam which contains ques from all branches basics like civil electronics computer science etc …… Pls tell me
Hello ravi,
RRB asked general engineering questions from all branches of engineering.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Respected sir
I want to know …that in technical section .. paper will be mix or branch wise..
Hello pawan,
RRB asked general engineering questions from all branches of engineering.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
hi sir,
My brother selected for RRB JE certificate verification .. His qualification is Btech ..(after intermediate).. He not have diplomo qualification… He selected for category number 35 in notification… any problem with no diplomo qualification ..Please help…
Hello venkat,
You will face no issue during document verification. In all govt services/jobs highly educated candidates are allowed for selection.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Dear sir,
Please suggest me the best exam guide for both sse and je .
with regards
Hello Badshah,
Please follow below link :
For complete details about RRB exams click here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
i am a chemical engineer… may i know for which post i can apply for?
Hello priya,
For Chemical Assistant post.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
hello sir, i m final year student of chemical engg. i m intrested to chemical and metallurgical asisstent in rrb. so please sir , probvide me related books and question paper name.
hello sir. with due respect i want to ask that since i am a civil engineer so whether the technical syllabus is confined to civil engineering basics only of or it is going to be from all the engineering streams..
reply as soon as possible sir
Hello sumit,
Paper will be of mix type and will contain all engineering stream questions.
Paper Pattern & Syllabus for RRB 2015 SSE & JE Posts :
RRB SSE/JE reference books :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future.
Respected sir,
I have completed my reg of ssc je
but during the online application the percentage of my mark filled was incorrect (btech CE mark perctge)
my diploma CE percntg mark filled was correct……
any problm occur for this
respected sir,
i have completed my registration for sse post .
1. i need previous year question paper for sse electrical and electronics branch..
2. i din get any mail related to exam schedule
3. whether question paper ll b different based on streams or cities???
hopefully waiting for your reply
with regards
Hello Meena,
1. Wait for few days I will upload previous papers here on this blog.
2. You would get admit card directly, in which you would find every kind of information related to exam.
3. Paper will be of mix type and will contain all engineering stream questions.
Paper Pattern & Syllabus for RRB 2015 SSE & JE Posts :
RRB SSE/JE reference books :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
respected sir,
my name is anishek i have completed my Btech with ECE, so i applied for RRB SSE,
so my concern is that ,,,please give me better refrence of books for prepartion which book would be best for SSE for an Electronics Engineering.
Hello anishek,
Please follow the below link.
RRB SSE/JE reference books :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir, I applied for electrical, what type of questions come from other branches? and how many questions may come from other branches? Being Electrical Graduate what books to be referred to answer other branch questions, Please reply sir, Your guidance and support would be appreciated.
Hello sandeep,
Paper will be of mix type and will contain all engineering stream questions.
Paper Pattern & Syllabus for RRB 2015 SSE & JE Posts :
RRB SSE/JE reference books :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir, I am electrical engineer, so is there any possibility of getting other branch questions in my technical paper, please reply as soon as possible
sir, i am ece grad,but i chose degree of electronics in qualification.can i eligible for all jobs under ece catagory?and then tell me what will be the syllabus for degree of electonics?
please reply asap,waiting for further modification..
I have applied for JE.
I also want to apply for SE…
So,what shuld i do?
Do i need to register myself again as a new candidate with a different mail i.d. and ph no.?
Coz when i am login in with my existing registration no. obtained during JE form fill up,then no option is there,to fill in for SE.
Hello Shubhankar,
You need to fill a separate form again for RRB SSE post with a different mail i.d. and ph no..
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
thank u fr ur kind response sir.
Thanks priya for appreciating our work.
hello sir,
i hav applied for sse and je post. i completed b.e in e&c. i want to know whether the technical ques wil b only frm e&c core sub or wil it include mech topics also.? also pls let me know the exam date for rrb chennai sse and je.
Hello priya,
Paper will be of mix type and will contain all engineering stream questions.
For exam dates n all information follow this link :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
SIR, i want to know where the exam will take place….
I live near kolkata,if i choose RRB ahmedabad…then where will be my exam centre?
Hello Shubhankar,
Exam center would be allotted near to your home/communication address your filled in the form this time.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
thank u fr ur immediate response sir.
sir, i need ur guidance regarding the books which i should refer for the sse and je posts exam. since im from general catogory i need to score 95+ to clear the exam. so please do guide me regarding the books. how to prepare for the question of all engg stream?
Hello priya,
Please follow the link given below.
RRB 2015 SSE & JE Reference books :
Paper Pattern & Syllabus for RRB 2015 SSE & JE Posts :
Technical 90 Questions
Non-Technical 60 Questions
First cover Non-Technical 60 Questions then 95 is not so far if you just study your own subject only.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hello sir, i didnot find detailed syllabus for e.c.e rrb je at official sites, so please can you provide the information regarding e.c.e. (sub stream of electronics) syllabus i.e, necessary topics such as signals, diodes etc….
Hello Sai,
Please follow the below link for RRB 2015 syllabus for SSE and JE post.
RRB 2015 syllabus & Paper pattern :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Dear sir,
i completed diploma in Electronics and communication but dind found option like Diploma ECE. so what should select sir.
Hello maheswar,
Diploma in a combination of any sub stream of basic electronics engineering.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
hello sir,
i am a btech graduate in e&tc..i just want to know dat paper for je will be same for all branches or differ branchwise…..and what is the complete syllabus..
thanks a ton sir.
Hello arvind,
RRB SSE & JE Paper pattern & Syllabus –
Click here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
sir which region is best for choice
Sir, Can you provide material and previous papers for RRB Sr. Section Engineer, Jr. Enginner.
Please send material and previous papers.
I have to share this material, previous papers to all my fiends and prepare well.
Please forward to [email protected] as soon as possible.
Hello satish,
We don’t provide any kind of material here.
We only provide help and support for preparation.
Sir, I completed BE electrical and electronics engineering so what I select education qualifications….
Hello kumaran,
You need to choose “combination of sub stream of basic stream of electrical”.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
goo morning sir,
my problem is
“”degree in a combination of
any substream of basic
streams in electrical
REPLY me sir
sir paper is online then how it is possible in single booklate
Can anyone suggest how to prepare 12th standard science for rrb sse..any book..?any notes to prepare this vast topic..?
Hi gunjan,
We added new section as per your requirement.
“Basic concepts of science”
Click here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hii sir, Actually i Belong to general category and From EC branch, By atleast in howmany marks i can secure a seat .. Please provide some cutt off analysis if u have
Hello divyam,
Cut off depends upon many factors no one can decide it exactly. Factors like number of applicants, papers pattern n difficulty level, number of seats etc. these factors vary year by year so cut off also vary. In some RRB, 2014 recruitment cut off is 60% while in some 80% no one can say what would be it for 2015 recruitment.
Only one way to get success prepare in right direction and prepare hard.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
I have completed my in Civil engineering in march 2015. my Question is “am I eligible for SSE as well as JE group (BOTH).” Is local language is mandatory for the specific region? please help me out.
Hello rahul,
B Tech completed eligible for both posts i.e., SSE & JE.
No issue of local language.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
I completed my graduation(bca) last year
My question
Apart from je(it) post for which post i elegible
Can i elegible for je(signal) because je(signal) elegibilty is this
Three years Diploma in (a)Electrical / Electronics /Information Technology /Communication Engineering OR (b) a combination of any substream of basic streams ofElectrical / Electronics /Information Technology /Communication Engineeringfrom a recognized University /Institution
So can i elegible?or for any other post can i elegeible
2)je(it) have only in 2 rrb’s allhabad,bhubneshwar
So i if want to give exam i can only give in bubnaeshwar and allhabad and will get job in these 2 cities
Olz clear my doubt
Hello sankalp,
1) That’s actually Engineering Diploma in IT mentioned in education qualification. So, you are not eligible there.
However you are eligible for JE(IT post). There BCA is separately mentioned.
2) yes you will get job only there.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Thanks sir for your reply
1More qestion
Can i elegible for any other post?
2)and for this bhubneshwar and ald exam i have to go to bubelmeshwar or ald for giving this exam can i give thi exam where is stay i.e mumbai
I mean can I change language during exam
Hello sharad,
Paper would be in hindi, english and some other languages too in a single booklet. So dont worry about language you can choose hindi or english.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
respected sir
I want solve my technical in english language and non tech in Hindi language.can I do it
Hello sharad,
Paper would be in hindi, english and some other languages too in a single booklet. So dont worry about language you can choose hindi or english.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
paper is online then how it will be Hindi english and other language
Hello sharad,
May there would be an option on first page of selecting language or on the question page there would be an option to switch language of the question.
Railways since a very long time conducting examination in nearly 8 languages of India.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
The paper how many language will be sir ji
Hello Balvinder,
15 languages.
Sir,just for knowledge purpose can i apply & attend for exam is there possibility,i m final year civil engg student???
Hello Suresh,
Yes you can but for this you need to fill false information. Rest decision is yours.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hai sir,tq for u r kind reply as i know that it is mentioned clearly for those students awaiting for results need not to apply & jst for pattern and knowledge purpose i m gonna attempt these exam is there possibility to apply both for je &sse posts(as i m a final year student & i want jst to attempt exam with false informatiom as u informed previously sir tell me that can i apply for both or not???)
Hello suresh,
yes you can apply through false information but if you face any kind of problem at any state it would be your fault rest you decide.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.