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RRB Technical Paper Pattern, Syllabus & Books
Junior Engineer (JE)
EKXAM – Candidates who have completed Diploma in Engineering and/or B.E./B. Tech. degree course are eligible to fill application form for junior engineer post. Pay Band for this post is Rs. 9300-34800/- plus Grade Pay Rs.4200/-. Here in this post we are providing Paper pattern, Syllabus & Reference Book list for the preparation of junior engineer post in different-different categories.
Junior Engineer (JE)
S.No. | Post Name | Details |
1. | RRB JE – Civil Engineering | Follow me |
2. | RRB JE – Electrical Engineering | Follow me |
3. | RRB JE – Mechanical Engineering | Follow me |
4. | RRB JE – Electronics Engineering | Follow me |
There are many candidate who face difficulty in finding exact paper pattern, syllabus and required books list for junior engineer examination. Above provided information will surely help such candidate in their junior engineer examination preparation.
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If you are preparing for the RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) Junior Engineer (JE) exam in Civil Engineering (CE), Electrical Engineering (EE), Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC), or Mechanical Engineering (ME), having the right set of books is crucial for your preparation. In this article, we will provide you with a list of recommended RRB JE books for each discipline to help you excel in the exam.
- RRB JE Civil Engineering Books:
- “Objective Civil Engineering” by P.K. Mishra
- “Civil Engineering: Through Objective Type Questions” by S.P. Gupta and S.S. Gupta
- “Civil Engineering: Conventional and Objective Type” by R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta
- “Civil Engineering: Conventional and Objective Type” by R. Agor
- “RRB JE Civil Engineering Guide” by Disha Experts
- RRB JE Electrical Engineering Books:
- “Objective Electrical Engineering” by P.K. Mishra
- “Electrical Engineering: Objective Type” by A. Handa and M. Handa
- “Basic Electrical Engineering” by D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath
- “RRB JE Electrical Engineering Guide” by Arihant Experts
- “RRB Junior Engineer Electrical: Including Solved Papers” by RPH Editorial Board
- RRB JE Electronics and Communication Engineering Books:
- “Objective Electronics and Communication Engineering” by P.K. Mishra
- “Electronics and Communication Engineering: Objective Type” by M. Handa and A. Handa
- “GATE Electronics & Communication Engineering” by R.K. Kanodia
- “RRB JE Electronics and Communication Engineering Guide” by GK Publications
- “RRB JE Electronics & Communication Engineering: Including Solved Papers” by RPH Editorial Board
- RRB JE Mechanical Engineering Books:
- “Objective Mechanical Engineering” by P.K. Mishra
- “Mechanical Engineering: Conventional and Objective Types” by R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta
- “Mechanical Engineering: Objective Type” by R.K. Bansal
- “RRB JE Mechanical Engineering Guide” by GK Publications
- “RRB Junior Engineer Mechanical: Including Solved Papers” by RPH Editorial Board
Click below given links to get further information.
Hi admin . Where can i update rrb recuritment news ? If there is any link please reply me. Thank you for your time.
what is the best book for electrical engineering for JE with gen. science and also with technical section
Sir can you tell me how many marks each question carries for rrb je post.
and also regarding the technical part 90 questions… does it contains only the relevant field.. or the combination of all other field..
please do reply sir
please reply me soonnn
please sir as soon as possible
sir i am extc engineer which book i refer for rrb je signalplease list name of these books soon
Hello chandrashekhar,
Please follow below link.
RRB SSE/JE reference books : http://gate2016.info/railway-recruitment/rrb-2015-books/
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
please send book fpr instrument and control for rrb je exam
Hello jasvant,
Paper will be of mix type and will contain all engineering stream questions.
Paper Pattern & Syllabus for RRB 2015 SSE & JE Posts : http://gate2016.info/railway-recruitment/rrb-sse-je-paper-pattern-syllabus/
RRB SSE/JE reference books : http://gate2016.info/railway-recruitment/rrb-2015-books/
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
can you send me any link if it is available for information technology related sites for rrb…
coz i could not find anything in the website
Hello Ramya,
Currently we do not have knowledge of such useful website. If we find any we will notify you.
It would be better if you follow your graduation books instead of following some website in these last days.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
thank you sir……
Sir , I am information technology department… can you tell me the marks for each ans… coz i saw 150 questions and negative is 1/3rd … what is weigtage for each question…
could you please tell me about depot superindent… coz when i applied it came as preference superindent and no other posts… since i am from information technology…
and also do general science is required to prepare for i.t. or my technical sylabus is enough
please do reply as soon as possible sir
Hello Ramya,
Paper will be of mix type and will contain all engineering stream questions.
Paper Pattern & Syllabus for RRB 2015 SSE & JE Posts : http://gate2016.info/railway-recruitment/rrb-sse-je-paper-pattern-syllabus/
RRB SSE/JE reference books : http://gate2016.info/railway-recruitment/rrb-2015-books/
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
I need a complete guide cum Objective type questions solved book for all competitive exams related to civil engineering..please suggest me one book because I am not able to afford to buy different books
Hello Phani,
Civil Engineering (Conventional & Objective Type) : Author – R. S. Khurmi
Click here : http://www.flipkart.com/civil-engineering-conventional-objective-type-english-reprint-2006/p/itmdytga9q4nutzh?pid=9788121926058&srno=t_11&query=handbook+of+civil+engineering+by+arihant&affid=gate2016i
Follow this books this book is easy to understand and contain both theory and objectives as per theory.
So it will help you to understand topic easily.
Complete Reference books for Civil engineering : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-books/civil-engineering-ce-gate-books/
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir, I am in 7 sem .Doing mechanical engineering.Sir,can I write je exam in dis year only.
Could you please say what is the category certificate to be uploaded?..is it obc certificate
Hello sir/ma’am,
Only SC/ST category candidates, need to upload category certificate.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Whether community certificate have to be attached while filling form for JE/SE. Pls reply sir.
Hello meena,
Photo and category certificate to be uploaded only.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
sir i have done my diploma in ECE and for JE post i filled “diploma in Electronics” .Am i eligible for the same?
sir im mechanical engg for which group can i apply for je or sse. or we can apply for both.plz reply
Hello vinod,
BE/B Tech candidates are eligible for both posts i.e., SSE & JE.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
dear sir is there any soft copy of objective questions mechanical books…. if any please send the links.
Hello imran,
Here we provide guidance only no study material.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
sor im papering electronics RRB JE exams may I use sse electronic book for je sse book will book will use for jE also tel me
Hello amalan,
Yes, Syllabus of RRB SSE & JE is almost same. Jest there would be little difference in difficulty of paper.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
HIi i am taking RRB-Je exam 2015,so which book will prepare for exam?I was serched 2 books in store 1,Gk publication,and Arihant publication
Reference books for RRB 2015 preparation : http://gate2016.info/railway-recruitment/rrb-2015-books/
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
HI Sir aim taking RRB Je exam ,,can u tel me which book will prepare? i was serching in book stores two publisher is therer,,1.GKP 2.Arihant publication
Sir i have done b. Tech in computer science and engineering. I am eligibile for rrb sse signal or not. Please tell me.
Tell me sir, best book for je information technology.
Hello sandeep,
CS is not eligible for Sr.Section Engineer(Signal). For more detail check education qualification of RRB notification.
RRB 2015 books for JE(IT) : http://gate2016.info/railway-recruitment/railways-je-it-reference-books-rrb-books/
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Cs is eligible for je or sr
, I call tham and they told me cs is eligible.
Hello Sandeep,
Thanks Tushar for the help.
Yes, Now CS is eligible. This reply was given by us before RRB updated their FAQs.
In latest queries of this kind we are replying this :
CSE candidates can apply under IT if no such option is there.
Read RRB 2015 FAQ No. 17 : http://ahmedabad.rrbonlinereg.in/faq.html
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
See 17 no
You can.