“RRB(Railway Recruitment Board) nowadays conducting online exams for all kind of recruitment?
“What kind of test is this?
How we are going to deal with this RRB online test?
You all must have this kind of questions in your mind nowadays. Below article will solve this puzzle of yours. Just take a look.”
RRB (Railways) 2019 Official Mock Test – JE/DMS/CMA – RRB(Railway Recruitment Board) introduced online examination system first time in the history. The main reason behind introducing this system was to speed up the whole recruitment process as well as to increase transparency in selection process. First time this method of online examination system was used by RRB in Sr. section engineer(SSE) and Junior engineer(JE) examination against RRB CEN 01/2015 recruitment. Now RRB is going to conduct an online examination for RRB CEN 03/2015 recruitment for Non-technical posts for graduates where lakhs of candidates will appear for the exam.
You all much have thinking that what kind of exam you are going to face this time because this time it is online. So everyone will attend RRB online exam first time. Keeping this issue in mind RRB have designed an online mock test for candidates who are preparing for RRB CEN 03/2015 recruitment for Non-technical posts. Might be there would be some candidates who are not familiarize with computer, this mock test will help them a lot. This mock test will also help those candidates who are not familiarize with online computer tests. Such candidates are advised to take this test as many times as possible before RRB exam.
Here we are providing some basic details about this RRB online mock test for Non-technical posts.
How you can attend this mock test ?
Just visit any RRB website. You will see a link named “Mock Test/Practice test” or Click Here.
When you will click on the link given above a new page would open.
On the upper right corner you would see your Name and your Photograph. When you attend this exam on the exam day, if you find anything wrong you need to contact invigilator present at that time and notify him about this issue. You need to enter Roll number and Password. Password would be given to you at the time of exam and you can find your roll number from your admit card. After entering these two entries and clicking on login a new window will appear.
On this new window you will find general instructions about what is the pattern of paper and how you are going to attend this online computer based test. At the last of this page you will find word “Next >>” click on that after reading the whole instruction. You must read all instructions carefully when you attend this exam at home so that it would save your time in real time exam.
After clicking on “Next >>” you will go to next page. where you will find some instructions and a declaration. Which you need to check mark after reading it completely. Also there is an option of choosing language. You need to choose any one of these listed languages. You see that there is only two options right now one English and another Hindi. Candidates need not to worry much test would be in nearly 11 languages. It is clearly mentioned in the notification that :
“The questions paper will be in English, Hindi, Urdu and local languages as indicated in Para 16.” refer point 8.03 under recruitment process. These languages are English, Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati, Punjabi, Kannada, Konkani, Marathi, Tamil, Telgu and Malayalam languages.
Now you need to click on “I am ready to begin”. As you click on “I am ready to begin” online question paper will appear.
On the upper right corner there is a digital clock which shows how much time left for this online question paper to solve. As the duration of examination is 120 minutes. So, it starts to decrease from 120 minutes. Remember this clock will show minutes and seconds only.
For improving your performance in such time limit exam where number of question are equal to the number of minutes or more like in RRB exam there are 150 question to solve in 120 minutes. You must have a Digital Clock while you prepare for such exam at home.
There is also an option to choose language named “View in” just click on that and choose language as per your suitability. You can use this option in any question and any time.
On the right hand side of the screen you will see the Question Palette. Here you will see the status of each question using one of the following symbols :
Navigation related Instructions :
1- Save & Next : This option will save answer of the current question and then go to the next question.
2- Clear Response : This option will clear your response which you have answered earlier but later find that it was wrong. This option will erase your response.
3- Mark for Review & Next : This option actually do two different kind of task :
(1) Click on this option without answering the question – This option will mark the current question for review but has not answered yet and then go to the next question.
(2) Click on this option with answering the question – This option will mark the current question for review but has answered and then go to the next question.
Remember only questions for which answers are saved or marked for review after answering will be considered for evaluation.
A candidate can check different kind of responses made by him in the question paper any time. Just by clicking on a tab on the upper left corner of the screen as shown in the picture below. It will show how many question a candidate have been answered, NOT answered, Marked for review and NOT visited.
There is an option named “Question Paper” at the lower right side. This option will show the complete question paper in a form of series of questions as shown in the picture below. This option will help you to see the all questions from 1 to 100/150 at once.
There is an option named “Submit” at the lower right side. This option will submit your question paper.
This option will either automatically save your responses given in the question paper just after time allotted elapsed or when you click it at the end of the time allowed.
This is a short description of the historic RRB online competitive exam question paper. You may take advantage of it. Attempt this online question paper as much as time you can so that you could be familiarize with the online test of RRB. This will surely help you in real time exam specially for those candidates who are not familiarize with online tests. If you have any query related to this online test you may ask here freely.
RRB (Railways) Technical Guide Books
Related Links
Click below given links to get further information.
sir is there any chance to get in RRB by computer science if yes then how many seats will be there for computer science students.
Hello Amit,
Yes you can apply under Junior / Senior Section Engineer (IT).
But number of posts for such posts are very less.
For more detail please follow below link.
RRB (Railways) 2017 Recruitment – SSE/JE (Technical) :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
sir goodmorning….how to prepare the rrb nontechnical like group c and d exams please suggest me sir help me…. and online mode question paper way like questions is similar to offline exam mode question wise…. or paper giving easy,moderate r tough thankyou sir……
Where is mock test for JE exam
I have received admit card for 2 sessions from rrb, I need to know if I had to attend both the sessions or only one of them
sir please suggests some all in one book which should contain all engineering branch questions.
Hello Deepak,
There are very few days now buy any book for RRB and start your preparation. At present there is no any book in market which can help you in this matter.
sir if the Rrb je or sr exam is having mix type and contain all engineering stream questions.
then should we study all branchs syllabus…..? sir if yes suggests some all in one book which should contain all engineering branch questions.
Hello Deepak,
sir during online mock test which roll number and password are to be given
Hello kavitha,
Roll Number as mentioned on your admit card.
Password is your own DOB like 18/02/1996(DD/MM/YYYY) So password would be : 18021996(DDMMYYYY)
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
wat about marks i recieved in the test
wer can i get the password for login
Hello shiva,
Roll Number as mentioned on your admit card.
Password is your own DOB like 18/02/1996(DD/MM/YYYY) So password would be : 18021996(DDMMYYYY)
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hello admin, Can I know, what does Shift 1, Shift 2 and Shift 3 indicates? Little confused about that.
and one more question is if i answer and mark a question, will I get mark for that answer if it is correct or deduce if not?
Hello Pritam,
Don’t worry about shifts it is the matter of RRB you just remember your exam day and time.
For more details about shifts and photos read this article :
If you answered a question and then mark it for review, You will get marks for it.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
I have studied previous rrb sse exam papers the qs asked were related to all engg branches .
So nw itz online so will the qs still be asked from all branches or wld stick to only one branch.e.g.mechanical engg.
And the book in market provide qs related to only particular branch so hw does it help .
Plz help me out
Hello mangesh,
Paper will be of mix type and will contain all engineering stream questions.
Paper Pattern & Syllabus for RRB 2015 SSE & JE Posts :
Yes publishers are providing books branch wise so you need to prepare for each subject separately from separate book.
RRB SSE/JE reference books :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
sir what is the syllubus for sse post
Hello manjunath,
Paper will be of mix type and will contain all engineering stream questions.
Paper Pattern & Syllabus for RRB 2015 SSE & JE Posts :
RRB SSE/JE reference books :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
from where can i get the syllabus of rrb je exam
plz tell me
Hello sarmistha,
Please follow below link.
RRB SSE/JE paper pattern & Syllabus :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
is this type of questions will be for candidates from all kind of departments..or the qns varies depend upon the departments???
Hello abi,
Paper will be of mix type and will contain all engineering stream questions.
Paper Pattern & Syllabus for RRB 2015 SSE & JE Posts :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
plz upload both type of pic. as a DEMO
kindly supply us a question pattern for practice.
thanking you
How can i view the answers of this mock test?
Hello selvam,
This mock test doesn’t contain answer’s.
This is for introduction of RRB online test.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sorry ADMIN,……now this link is working….but in morning not worked…thnks again
thnks….but now this link not working…when i open rrb ahemdabad n click mock test……then showng some Maintenance page….again thnks 4 making very good site and information……i just wanna know about admin…YOUR R THE BEST..THNKS