Competitive Exam Results – Here you will find result(s) of various technical as well as non-technical exams like UPSC CSE, IFS, IES, SSC JE, CGL, CHSL, Railways NTPC, SSE & JE, Group-D, SAIL MT, BEL PE, AAI JE, DMRC AE & JE, UPMRC AE & JE, DRDO SC, ISRO SC and other similar kind of national and state level examination. Almost all the government organization and Public sector units(PSUs) recruit every year.
This section will help you to let you know about the result of latest technical as well as non-technical examination and will also help you in future to know about various kind of technical as well as non-technical exams previous results and their analysis. This page will help you to keep an eye on latest technical as well as non-technical results.
Aspirants are advised to check this page regularly in order to keep yourself update related to latest technical as well as non-technical results. If you want us to publish any new result on this page that we haven’t updated yet. You just need to notify us using below comment box. We will update this list as as soon as possible. So that everyone can get latest technical as well as non-technical results updated news always.
However on the basis of notifications released by various Govt. / PSU Organizations hereby we are providing the detailed list of various Govt. / PSU Organizations which have declared result of various examinations. The list is as follows :
UPSC CSE 2020 Toppers Name, Rank & Marks – Click Here!
List of Competitive Exam Results – (2020-2021)
April, 2019
Name of Organization | Name of Examination | Date of Result Declaration | Complete Detail |
UPSC | CSE | 05/04/2019 | Follow me |
VIZAG Steel | MT | 23/04/2019 | Follow me |
March, 2019
Name of Organization | Name of Examination | Date of Result Declaration | Complete Detail |
RRB | Group-D | 04/03/2019 | Follow me |
IIT | GATE | 15/03/2019 | Follow me |
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make a new tab for survey. so that we can get a rough idea about cutoff for various exams.
please update question paper and cutoff of mahatrasco in respective sections.
Thanks for this awesome website.
Can anyone pls tell me the aai 2015 je (elec. &Atc) Cutoff marks for sc category and all other categories
Hello Ayush,
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