SSC JE 2019 Expected Cut-off Marks – Staff Selection Commission conducted an open competitive examination for recruitment to the post of Jr. Engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Quantity Surveying and Contract) Exam every year. Here in the below table we have listed expected cut-off marks for SSC JE exam 2019.
Expected Cut-off Marks – 2019
SSC Junior Engineer Expected Cut-off Marks in Paper-I
Civil Engineering
Paper Name | SC | ST | OBC | OH | HH | UR |
SSC Junior Engineer Cut off in Paper-I | 85-95 | 85-95 | 90-100 | 75-85 | 30-40 | 100-110 |
Electrical/Mechanical Engineering
Paper Name | SC | ST | OBC | OH | HH | UR |
SSC Junior Engineer Cut off in Paper-I | 115-116 | 105-115 | 125-135 | 100-110 | 80-90 | 130-140 |
SSC Junior Engineer Expected Cut-off Marks in Paper-II
Civil Engineering
Paper Name | SC | ST | OBC | OH | HH | UR |
SSC Junior Engineer Cut off in Paper-II | 80-90 | 80-90 | 100-110 | 78-88 | 30-40 | 135-145 |
Electrical/Mechanical Engineering
Paper Name | SC | ST | OBC | OH | HH | UR |
SSC Junior Engineer Cut off in Paper-II | 150-160 | 130-140 | 180-190 | 125-135 | 65-75 | 216-226 |
SSC JE Total Information & Guidance
Click below given links to get further information.
SSC JE Expected Cut-off Marks FAQs2
They are usually estimated by analyzing previous years' cut-off trends and considering the exam's specific characteristics." image-1="" headline-2="h2" question-2="Are SSC JE Expected Cut-off Marks the same for all engineering disciplines?" answer-2="No, SSC JE Expected Cut-off Marks may vary for different engineering disciplines, such as Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, etc.
The cut-off marks are determined separately for each discipline based on the factors mentioned earlier." image-2="" headline-3="h2" question-3="When will the SSC JE Expected Cut-off Marks be available?" answer-3="SSC JE Expected Cut-off Marks are usually available after the completion of the examination and the release of the answer keys.
Various coaching institutes, educational websites, and exam analysis platforms provide estimated cut-off marks based on their analysis and expertise." image-3="" headline-4="h2" question-4="Can I rely solely on SSC JE Expected Cut-off Marks for my preparation?" answer-4="SSC JE Expected Cut-off Marks are helpful indicators, but they should not be the sole basis for your preparation.
It is important to aim for a score higher than the expected cut-off marks to increase your chances of qualifying for the next stage or securing a final selection.
Focus on understanding the syllabus, practicing previous year papers, and improving your overall performance." image-4="" headline-5="h2" question-5="Do SSC JE Expected Cut-off Marks change every year?" answer-5="Yes, SSC JE Expected Cut-off Marks can vary from year to year due to the factors influencing the cut-off determination.
Changes in the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, and the performance of candidates can lead to fluctuations in the cut-off marks." image-5="" headline-6="h2" question-6=" Can I predict the actual cut-off marks based on SSC JE Expected Cut-off Marks?" answer-6="While SSC JE Expected Cut-off Marks provide an estimation, they may not always align with the actual cut-off marks.
The actual cut-off marks are officially released by the Staff Selection Commission after considering various factors and statistical analysis." image-6="" headline-7="h2" question-7="Is it necessary to score above the expected cut-off marks to qualify for the next stage?" answer-7="Yes, to qualify for the next stage of the selection process in SSC JE, you typically need to score above the expected cut-off marks.
However, the actual cut-off marks are the final determining factor, and you should aim to achieve the highest possible score to enhance your chances of selection." image-7="" headline-8="h2" question-8="Can I get an idea of the previous years' cut-off marks for SSC JE?" answer-8="Yes, the previous years' cut-off marks for SSC JE are usually available on the official website of the Staff Selection Commission.
You can refer to the official website or other reliable sources to get an idea of the cut-off marks for reference and analysis." image-8="" headline-9="h2" question-9="Can the expected cut-off marks be different for different categories (SC/ST/OBC/General) in SSC JE?" answer-9="Yes, the expected cut-off marks for SSC JE can vary for different categories. Separate cut-off marks are often determined for different categories, such as SC (Scheduled Caste), ST (Scheduled Tribe), OBC (Other Backward" image-9="" count="10" html="true" css_class=""]
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