
RRB SSE/JE Exam Objection Form – Railway recruitment board (RRB) recruited nearly 3000 engineers for various posts through RRB 01/2015 notification. In order to reduce illegal activities in various RRB examinations, this year RRB conducted online computer based test (CBT). RRB conducted exams in various cities from August 22, 2015 to September 05, 2015 in three shifts a day.
Nowadays various government organizations are adopting online computer based exam technique. This technique not only reduce chances of paper leak but also make this whole recruitment process faster. Starting from application form filling, admit card generating, conducting online exams, checking responses of candidates and generating results everything is possible using this technique within short period of time and with high accuracy. This is why RRB adopted this technique for the RRB 01/2015 recruitment for various technical posts. If this technique works well then RRB will use this technique for all kind of examinations conducted by RRB. RRB conducts exams almost every year for various technical and non-technical posts. This technique will help them very well because RRB is one of the largest organization of India and recruit for technical and non-technical posts in large number. So this technique will help them very well in all aspects.
RRB SSE/JE Exam Objection Form
First candidate need to visit below link.
Click here :
Firstly candidates have to fill two entrees in the objection form :
(1) Roll number and
(2) Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
# Note : Don’t forgot to use “/” after DD, MM & YYYY. This is one of the major mistake done by candidates.
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After filling above two entrees candidates can download :
(1) Master Answer Key in English
(2) Master Answer Key in Hindi
(3) Response sheet of the candidate
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In this objection form there are three section :
(1) Personal Details
(2) Ignored Questions
(3) Objection
Ignored Questions section is for those questions list which are marked by RRB for evaluation. Candidates first need to check this section before raising objection against any question.
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Objection section is to create objection against questions which candidate find wrong in any way as per their source of information. In order to fill objection form candidates need to click on “Create” as shown in Image-4.
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When candidate will click on “Create” they will redirect to a new page named “Objection Form”. Here they can fill details about wrong question(s). They have to provide some information in order to file objection against any question as listed below :
(1) Question ID (given in your response sheet as well as answer key)
(2) Objection type (select anyone from given list)
(3) Candidates have to upload the documents/reference link that refer and justify your objection.
(4) Auto generated keywords then click on “Submit”.
A separate window will open for uploading documents as shown in Image-6.
# Note :
(1) Please upload the documents in PDF / JPG / JPEG format only.
(2) All objections need to be written and submitted in English only.
(3) All objections should have valid and authentic supporting – books with author name and page reference, e-books etc.
(4) Google search/Wikipedia and similar such websites as a reference will not be accepted.
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# Note : This link will be live from 23rd September 2015 to 4th October 2015.
This post is created to help candidates who are facing any kind of problem in filing objection against wrong questions. RRB also aiming the same they want to implement transparency in their selection process and make this recruitment process faster.
Click below given links to get further information.
Hello sir i am B.Tech final year computer science engineer, and i am able to job in railway or not?
Hello Himanshu,
You are eligible for some posts. For more details read education qualification section in the notification :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
When the results comes of JE exam which was held on 27/8/2015
Dear sir wen I am trying to the answer key for rrb je 2015 it show
Unable to login? Below might be possible reason :
1. Invalid credentials
Plz sir……… reply the answer.
my Roll No is 28017710900107
Sir if am not need to submitt the rejection form,,this will may any problem to my result…
it’s compulsory or not?
dis is for JE 2015 Banglore
objection link is mandatory to every one???
change my email id
is there any compultion that we should give a question as wrong one
sir i dont have any message in my email….regards rrb exam
Very busy site hi
Hello Ravi,
Try late night or early morning.