[2025 -2026]
IES 2025 Syllabus PDF – Here we are proving IES 2024 Syllabus PDF of all 4 subjects : Civil Engineering (CE), Electrical Engineering (EE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE).
Here we are also proving IES 2024 Paper Pattern of all 4 subjects : Engineering (CE), Electrical Engineering (EE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE).
Contents [show]
IES 2025 Highlights
IES 2025 Conducting Body | UPSC (IES 2025) |
IES 2025 Total Subjects | 4 (CE, ME, EE, EC) |
IES 2025 Total Vacancy | _ _ _ |
IES 2025 (Prelims) Exam Date | 16.02.2025 (Sunday) |
IES 2025 (Mains) Exam Date | 22.06.2025 (Sunday) |
IES 2025 Selection | Preliminary, Mains and Interview |
IES 2025 Preliminary exam | Objective Type |
IES 2025 Mains exam | Conventional Type |
IES 2025 Exam Mode | Offline |
IES 2024 aspirants can download IES 2024 syllabus of their subject which they are going to choose for IES 2024 examination. As per IES 2024 paper pattern IES paper has three levels i.e., preliminary examination, main examination and personal interview.
Preliminary examination consists of two sections, section I – general ability objective papers and section II – engineering discipline objective papers.
Section I – objective papers again consists of ten sections includes technical and non technical both kind of topics. General ability section which is common to all streams of engineering.
A Candidate can attend Union public service commission (UPSC) Engineering services examination (ESE/IES) only in any of the below listed branch of engineering irrespective of his/her branch of engineering.
(1) Civil Engineering
(2) Electrical Engineering
(3) Mechanical Engineering
(4) Electronics and Communication Engineering
General ability section is common for all four branch of engineering and this section is compulsory to attend for every candidate.
You can visit the respective link by clicking the icon against each branch and download IES 2024 syllabus of your concern branch of engineering / technology in pdf file format.
IES 2024 Paper Pattern & Syllabus
S.No. | IES Paper | Syllabus & Paper Pattern |
0. | General Studies and Engineering Aptitude (GS&EA) | Follow me |
1. | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Follow me |
2 | Electrical Engineering | Follow me |
3. | Civil Engineering | Follow me |
4. | Mechanical Engineering | Follow me |
IES 2024 Paper Pattern & Syllabus FAQs
How many Papers are there in IES exam?
IES Preliminary exam and Main exam will have 2 papers each – Paper 1 and Paper 2. IES Prelims Paper 1 is common for all the candidates which are General Studies and Engineering Aptitude.
Prelims Paper 2 and Paper 1 and 2 of the Main exam are of the engineering discipline (CE/ EE/ ME/ ECE) paper opted by the candidate.
What are some of the suggested books for General Studies and Engineering Aptitude?
Ace Academy ESE General Studies and Engineering Aptitude and Made Easy General Studies and Engineering Aptitude Practice Books are some of the suggested books for IES Prelims Paper 1.
What are the most asked topics in IES Civil Engineering Exam?
Building Materials, Structural Analysis, Design of Steel Structures, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Foundation Engineering, and Transportation Engineering are the most important topics for Civil Engineering Paper.
What are the most important topics for IES Mechanical Engineering Paper?
Thermodynamics and Heat transfer, IC Engines, Refrigeration, and Air conditioning, Engineering Mechanics, Manufacturing, Industrial and Maintenance Engineering, and Mechatronics and Robotics are the most important topics for Mechanical Engineering Paper.
What topics are given the highest weightage in IES Electrical Engineering Paper?
Engineering Mathematics, Electronic Measurements, Electric Circuits and Fields, Analog and Digital Electronics and Power Systems are the most important topics for Electrical Engineering Paper.
What is the syllabus for IES Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Paper?
Basic Electronics Engineering, Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Computer Organization and Architecture, Advanced Electronics Topics and Advanced Communication are the most important topics for Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Paper.
Recent Posts
- IES 2024 Expected Cut-off Marks: Prelims and Mains
- How to Prepare for IES Electrical Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide
- How to Prepare for IES Electronics Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide
- IES 2024 Vacancy – Branch-wise and Category-wise Distribution
Related Tags
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IES/ESE GS & EA Books |
IES/ESE Guide Books |
IES Total Information & Guidance
Click below given links to get further information.
Hello Sir,
Thanks for your kind help and support.
Sir, i am an IT Engineer. Can I apply for IES exam?
Hello Sudhir,
Yes you can apply but only in 4 branches of engineering Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics & Telecommunication.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
In my ies admit card there is a image of my photo but there’s no image of my signature, is that any type of discrepency?
Helo sir I m doing my btech from civil nd my completion yr is 2017 so plz tel me the procedure for registering for the IES exam
I born on date 8 jan 1996 can I apply for ies
HI SIR This is a.r.naidu iam studing 4-2sem in eee branch
sir, I am pursuing 3rd year ECE can I apply for IES 2016
my DOB:31/08/1996
sir, how to prepare for the gate exam and i’m studying in 2nd yr ece ,is it the correct time for preparing gate exam.if yes how
Hi admin ,recently I have taken my gate examination. Is the time from now ,sufficient to prepare for ies. 2016
Hi admin ,recently I have taken my gate examination. Is the time from now ,sufficient to prepare for ies.
hello admin
can mining, metallurgy, chemical engineering students are eligible candidates to apply for ies examination…
Hello Chand,
Yes you can apply. But you have to choose any of the following branches for attending IES exam.
1. Electrical Engineering
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Civil Engineering
4. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hello Admin.. I am Kalyan Reddy
Can you please suggest me that how the future is based on IES ?
Hello Kalyan,
You will work for Govt of India. You will be posted as Group A gazetted officer and get all the facilities as per the designation.
You will work with India’s largest and oldest organizations like Indian Railways, Indian Navy, India Ordinance Factory etc.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
sir Im doing my 3rd year(Electronics and Communication engg) Im much interested to become an IES officer. will this be a right time to start?
Hello Ramya,
Yes it is the right time to start your IES exam preparation.
When you will check IES exam syllabus then you will find that there are some subjects which you have studies so far and remaining few subjects you are going to study in upcoming years.
So if you prepare those subjects along with your B tech study, You will not only get benefited in your IES exam preparation but also in your engineering semester/yearly exams.
IES Complete information & Guidance :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
to apply IES EDUCATION QUALIFICATION Diploma or degree or both them
Hello kapil,
Candidate with bachelor degree in engineering or technology are eligible.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
my name is vikash godara. i am first year student of production & industrial engineering of m.b.m. engineering college, jodhpur.
will i elligible for ies examination after complet my graduation.
please, reply correct suggetion.
Hello vikash,
Yes you can apply. But you have to choose any of the following branches for attending IES exam.
1. Electrical Engineering
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Civil Engineering
4. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
notify me all latest updates…
Hello wasim,
Please join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates of IES exam.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
I am doing my final year last semester can I apply for Ies 2016
I am a 3rd yr B.Tech. Biotechnology guy…am I applicable for IES?
sir,my name is sai aditya,i am studying 2nd year civil,could you please advice me, how can i start preperation for ies examination.
my birth is in jan 1998.can I apply for IES 2018 and currently i am in 1st year civil.
what is maths syllabus for ies 2017
Hello Sir,
I have completed B.E. (E&TC) from Pune University in May, 2015. Please inform me frequently about IES.
Sir, I want to appear in ies 2016 exam, I’m in 8th semester ece, and now I have to do training. Is there any preferences? Can u suggest me any.
is there any cut off marks for IES exam and which books we have to refer for this exam. tell me about the exam pattern about 1 to 5 papers. am graduated in engineering and my stream is ECE
Hello sandeep,
Please refer below links –
(1) IES Cut off Marks :
(2) Reference Books for IES :
(3) IES Paper Pattern & Syllabus :
For more detail about IES visit :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Is there any criteria about educational qualification like degree with first class or mini. 60% .
Fhello sir
I m studying in 2 nd year mechanical engineering , so I want to do the preparations for IES exam so please tell me what I have to do from today.
Which book choose for gate and ies both preparation.
I am a mechanical engineer
Hello Abhishek,
GATE cover almost 70-80% syllabus of IES. So no need to buy separate books for both of these exams.
Just buy previous years papers book of both exam and atleast one standard book of each subject which are mentioned in the GATE and / or IES syllabus.
GATE Mechanical Referenced Books :
IES Mechanical Referenced Books :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
I have passed my diploma in mechanical engineering in 2014 now I m working in a private company as JE and also appearing for AMIE but I want to be an IES officer. how I can prepare for IES .how much time I have to spent a day for this?
Sir i am computer engineer…can i apply? ?
Hello prajapati,
Yes you can apply. But you have to choose any of the following branches for attending IES exam.
1. Electrical Engineering
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Civil Engineering
4. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
I am a student 2nd year B.E CSE branch ,can IES applicable for CSE ..
How to apply me for iES ?
Good Morning sir,
I have done mechanical engineering passout 2012 want to appear for ies 2016. will u plz tell me how can i prepare for it while working.
What is the cut off for IES Civil..I an doing civil engineering from Jadavpur university..
What score out of 1200 would be enough to get a good rank in IES??
Hello Rounit,
We can answer your question better if you mention your branch of engineering clearly along with your query.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hello Rounit,
Wait for 1-2 days we are writing a post related to previous years cut offs of IES exam.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
actually i don’t know how to prepare…now am in 3rd year of civil enginering…
Is computer science students can write the ies exams?
Hello Perumal,
Yes Computer Science candidate can apply for IES. But you have to choose any of the four engineering stream listed in IES notification :
1. Electrical Engineering
2. Electronics & Communication Engineering
3. Civil Engineering
4. Mechanical Engineering
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
what is the maximum age limit for OBC to appear in the exam(with age relaxation is applicable)
Am a aeronautical engineer can I apply? Am I eligible?
Hello Faraz,
Yes you are eligible but you have to choose any of the four subjects mentioned in the official UPSC IES notification.
Click here for notification :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
pl. advise the date for attaining the minimum age of 21 years for IES. Is it on Ist August or on ist Jan?
Dear Sir,
plz help me.,i am interested to write this exam but my english knowledge is poor. if am possible for pass this exam?
Hello aravindan,
Just prepare basics of English. You will easily get 30-40 marks in this section out of 100 marks. There are many candidates who qualify IES while scoring just 60 marks out of 200 in GS paper.So prepare other subjects very well so that they can adjust this subject marks in your total marks.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
hello sir plz tell me in which month ies 16 exame……….
Hello abhijeet,
Date of IES exam – 27/05/2016
For more details about important dates of IES Click here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
If ies 2017 syllabus change then what would be new syllabus and new pattern will be….
Plz..tell me
Hello Manish,
Check here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir I am a btech (ce) 2nd yr student what I have to do right now for prepation for ies 2018 …………sir please give some suggestions….
Sir,is there anyany oral test in IES exam?
Hello mugilan,
Yes there would be a Personal Interview for those who qualify written exam.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
all informatipon about ies time to time
sir….ifs or ies gs+english syllabus are same for civil engineering
Hello ranjan,
You can simply check it by downloading notification of both of these exams.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
what r advantages of ies over gate?
Hello harry,
We have a specially designed article for you for this query :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
sir ,i am doing chemical engineering,so i can not aaply for PSU or IES .but i want to do job in public sector .is there any scope for chemical engineering ?
Hello pankaj,
There ar emany PSUs for Chemical Engineering though GATE 2016 now. Please check this :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir, last date for apply to GATE 2016?
sir my DOB- 20/12/1995
may i eligible for IES -2016?
Sir iam currently doing BE 2nd year(Mechanical) in uvce Bangalore.I want to be an IES can I prepare well for the IES exam today onwards ???
Hello suresh,
We can give you some suggestion for your IES exam preparation :
(1) Make plan as per time availability in a day for study exclude other times like daily routine work, office work etc.
(2) Always study in three level anything :
1. easy
2. medium
3. Hard
First follow easy. Like you are going to study a chapter. Note down all the important topic from exam point of view and study introductory of every topic then move to next chapter and so on. It will not take much time and you will complete your whole syllabus at least once then medium than hard.
Make a time table for a whole day, for a week, for a month and for five months for GATE 2016. Stick to the time table. Must include time for revision in each time table.
First clear your basics then start solving previous years GATE papers and solve similar kind of problems from standard book of each subject. Solving previous years papers will give you a good idea about question asked in GATE exam and areas from where they generally asked questions.
You must read this post :
First you have to have a book of previous IES 10-15 years papers and atleast one standard book of each subject. All books required for GATE exam preparation in Engineering are mentioned in below link.
IES Reference Books :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Solved paper of ies for electrical .can we download
sir, can you tell me expected cutoff marks in rrb sse exan 2015?
Hello satyam,
Cut off depends upon many factors no one can decide it exactly. Factors like number of applicants, papers pattern n difficulty level, number of seats etc. these factors vary year by year so cut off also vary. In some RRB, 2014 recruitment cut off is 60% while in some 80% no one can say what would be it for RRB 2015 recruitment.
sir where I get questions for practice .
Hello mukhtar,
Wait for few days we will updates here complete information about practice questions for IES preparation.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
I am final year student having 21 years and intrested in ese am i eligigle to write ese 2016.
Hello Gopi,
Yes you are eligible.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
sir ,
upsc calender released stating exam will be held on 27 may 2016 -30 may 2016 which shows that there will be no change in pattern of upsc ese 2016.
Hello Aditya,
Yes sir there is no change in IES 2016 pattern.
We have posted details about this here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Is ies have any cutoff marks in their interview?????
Hello mukhtar,
No there is no cut off criteria in UPSC IES Interview.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
thanks sir ………………………….
when will the notification of ese-2016 be come if pattern is going to change ?
Hello gulshan,
Approximately in the month of march, 2016.
Patter related information would be either notified by UPSC earlier to notification release or with the notification of IES 2016.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir , Notification is yet to come , what are the chances to implement new IES pattern from this year , or from IES 2017 ..
plz reply
Hello pradeep,
UPSC IES Pattern haven’t change for the year 2016.
For more detail please follow below link :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
i am currently doing my in cse , can i apply for ies 2016 ?
Hello yuvraj,
Yes you can apply.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
I got one back but it will be cleared before the interview can I still give this paper?
Sir,I am in 2nd year ece.Is it right time for preparing gate..
Hello Pravin,
It is best time to start GATE preparation.
we can give you some suggestion for your GATE exam preparation :
(1) make plan as per time availability in a day for study exclude other times like daily routine work, office work etc.
(2) Always study in three level anything :
1. easy
2. medium
3. Hard
First follow easy. Like you are going to study a chapter. Note down all the important topic from exam point of view and study introductory of every topic then move to next chapter and so on. It will not take much time and you will complete your whole syllabus at least once then medium than hard.
Make a time table for a whole day, for a week, for a month and for five months for GATE 2016. Stick to the time table. Must include time for revision in each time table.
Solve previous years GATE papers and solve similar kind of problems from standard book of each subject. Solving previous years papers will give you a good idea about question asked in GATE exam and areas from where they generally asked questions.
You must read these posts. These posts will give you an idea about GATE exam and about GATE exam preparation approach.
(1) How to start preparation for gate 2016 ? –
(2) 15 Must Read Tips and Tricks for GATE 2016 Aspirants –
(3) Is it necessary to join coaching for GATE 2016 ? –
(5) Preparation strategy for GATE 2016 examination –
First you have to have a book of previous GATE 15-20 years papers and atleast one standard book of each subject. All books required for GATE exam preparation in Engineering are mentioned in below link.
GATE 2016 Engineering Reference Books :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hello Sir,
My self ARUN. Im in 1st year B.Tech(ME). I want to write IES exam so.. can you please provide me all necessary information about the examination and when i start to prepare for the exam.. so please give me all the information regarding the IES exam..
what is the age and attempt limit for IES exams?
Hello nath,
21-30 years.
You can attempt till your age limit to IES i.e., till 30 years.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Please inform me time to time….?
Hello Sudheer,
Please like our facebook page.
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check mark “GET NOTIFICATIONS” under “LIKED” tab. That’s it.
We posted our all updates there. You will get all the updates via notification message to your Facebook account.
If you still have any query you are free to ask.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.