“What would new in upsc ese/ies 2018 exam?
What would be the syllabus for upsc ese/ies 2017 exam?
You all must have this kind of questions in your mind. Below article will solve this puzzle of yours. Just take a look.”
Contents [show]
What’s New
IES / ESE New Examination Pattern – Official – Main points of this new Engineering Services Examinations (ESE) / Indian Engineering Services (IES) 2017-2018 examination structure are as follows :
(1) Three tier examination :
[1] Preliminary examination
[2] Main examination
[3] Personal Interview
(2) Syllabus changed/updated (Preliminary & mains)
[1] IES 2017 Changes – Civil Engineering (CE)
[2] IES 2017 Changes – Electrical Engineering (EE)
[3] IES 2017 Changes – Mechanical Engineering (ME)
[4] IES 2017 Changes – Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (E&T)
IES Paper Pattern & Syllabus
S. No. | IES Paper | Paper Pattern & Syllabus |
0. | General Studies and Engineering Aptitude (GS&EA) | Follow me |
1. | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Follow me |
2 | Electrical Engineering | Follow me |
3. | Civil Engineering | Follow me |
4. | Mechanical Engineering | Follow me |
Must Check : PDF – IES 2017 New Scheme & Pattern
UPSC Annual Calender
[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]Union public service commission(UPSC) have changed pattern of Engineering Services Examination (ESE/IES) for the year 2017. So, Candidates who are preparing for ESE/IES for the year 2017 must follow this New pattern & syllabus for their ESE/IES 2017 exam preparation.[/box]
IES Scheme & Schedule
Revised Scheme and Schedule Engineering Services Examination 2017 may be summarized as under, which clearly specifies the dates for ESE(Prelims) , ESE(Mains), Personality Test, Medical Examination and Joining of respective Engineering Services.
S.No. | Activities | Time Frame |
1. | Engineering Services Examination (prelims) | 08.01.2017 (Sunday) |
1.1 | Objective Paper-I : General Studies and Engineering Aptitude Paper | |
1.2 | Objective Paper-II : Engineering Discipline-specific Paper | |
2. | Result of Engineering Services Examination (prelims) | 15th March |
3. | Last date for application to ESE (Mains) | 30th April |
4. | Engineering Services Examination (Mains) | 14.05.2017 (Sunday) |
4.1 | Paper-III : Engineering Discipline-specific Paper-I | |
4.2 | Paper-IV : Engineering Discipline-specific Paper-II | |
5. | Result of Engineering Services Examination (Mains) | End of September |
6. | Personality Test (Interviews) | 1st November-15th December |
7. | Medical Examination | Within 10 working days of date of interview of candidate |
8. | Submission of Medical Examination reports to Ministry of Railways | 15th January |
9. | Final Result of ESE after Personality Test | End of january |
10. | Allotment of services | End of fabruary |
11. | Appointment letter | First week of March |
12. | Date of joining | First Monday of April |
IES/ESE GS & EA Books |
IES/ESE Guide Books |
IES Total Information & Guidance
Click below given links to get further information.
UPSC IES New Examination Pattern FAQs
What is the new examination pattern for UPSC IES?
The new examination pattern for UPSC IES consists of a preliminary examination (Objective type), followed by a main examination (Conventional type), and finally, a personality test (Interview).
What is the purpose of the preliminary examination in the new pattern?
The preliminary examination serves as a screening test. It tests the candidates' knowledge and understanding of general studies and engineering aptitude.
How many papers are there in the preliminary examination?
The preliminary examination consists of two papers - Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 is on General Studies and Engineering Aptitude, while Paper 2 focuses on the candidate's engineering discipline.
Are both papers in the preliminary examination objective type?
Yes, both Paper 1 and Paper 2 in the preliminary examination are objective type with multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
What is the duration of each paper in the preliminary examination?
Each paper in the preliminary examination is of 2 hours duration.
How is the main examination different from the preliminary examination?
The main examination is a conventional (subjective) type examination. It tests the in-depth knowledge and understanding of the candidates in their respective engineering disciplines.
How many papers are there in the main examination?
The main examination consists of two papers - Paper 1 and Paper 2, both specific to the candidate's chosen engineering discipline.
What is the duration of each paper in the main examination?
Each paper in the main examination is of 3 hours duration.
What is the weightage of the personality test (interview) in the final selection?
The personality test, or interview, carries a weightage of 200 marks in the final selection process.
Is there negative marking in the new examination pattern?
No, there is no negative marking in the UPSC IES examination. The objective type papers are marked based on correct answers only.
It's important to note that the information provided above is based on the general understanding of the UPSC IES new examination pattern, and candidates are advised to refer to the official UPSC website or notifications for the most accurate and updated information.
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Hey admin you are the best.
Hello mounika,
Thanks for appreciating our work.
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is stage one engineering discipline paper is subjective paper or objective paper?
Hello dharshini,
Stage one engineering discipline paper is objective paper.
IES 2017 Selection Procedure :
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my dob is10/2/1996 am i eligible for ies 2017.
Hello rama,
Please follow below link.
IES 2017 Age limit :
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One of the best website I have ever see for UPSC IES exam. Thank you very-very much Sir.
I am confused with stage 1 paper 2 syllabus. Can anyone explain what is the syllabus for stage 1 paper 2 ? Is that it include both the papers of stage 2 ?
Hello swarnambika,
Yes you are correct.
There would be one paper of technical knowledge for state 1 which will contain technical syllabus of both the papers defined for stage 2.
For more information please follow below link.
IES 2017 Paper Pattern & Syllabus – E&T Engineering ;
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Can Computer Science & Engineering students appear for IES/ESE Exam?
If yes under which category? (Electronics / Electrical)?
Hello sir/ma’am,
You can appear under any category out of four categories defined by UPSC.
1. Electronics and Communication Engineering
2. Electrical Engineering
3. Civil Engineering
4. Mechanical Engineering
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What’s the difference between IES and ESE exam…? Why you conducting the both exams on the same date?
How to get IES 2017 civil engineering sample papers, I want to download.
Hello Dev,
Please follow below link.
IES Previous Years Papers :
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Hello sir I m Subham. I want to attend ies examination 2017.but I don’t know with out couching is it possible or not. And I want to know the registration date for ies examination 2017.thank you.
Good Informational website.
My DOB 14-2-1998 .am i eligible for ese 2018
Hello ayush,
Please visit this link.
IES 2017 Age limit :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir i m JE (TTA) in Bsnlsince decmber 2012 …am i eligible for age concession in ESE exam
Hello Abhishek,
You need to be a central govt employee and you must have completed 3 year of your service.
If you satisfy these condition you are eligible.
For more details please read age limit section in the official notification.
IES 2016 Notification :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir, which date is correct for IES PRE EXAM 8 jan 2017 or in 1st week of fab 2017 ?
Hello zuber,
IES Pre date : 08.01.2016 (Sunday)
For more info visit here :
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Is this new schedule official? Because there is no such notification on the UPSC website indicating this.
Hello sidhant,
We have provided a PDF named “IES 2017 New Pattern & Scheme” attached with this article. Which is provided by UPSC. For more details refer UPSC official website.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir please tell me where to study these topicsm “Ethics and values in Engineering profession” and “Standards and Quality practices in production, construction, maintenance and services” and “Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools and their applications in Engineering such as networking, e-governance and technology based education.”
sir can u please share the dob of the upper age allowed for 2017 and also 2018
Hello kamal,
Please check below link.
IES 2017 Age limit :
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thanks aloat sir…
Hello ashok,
Thanks for appreciating our work.
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sir please put some mock test papers foe ese 2017 new pattern first prelims paper ,,,i shall be thankful ti u for this….sir
Hello ashok,
We will surely put mock tests for IES paper 1 based on new pattern but you need to wait for few days for this.
Thanks for notifying us.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hello ashok,
Please check below link.
IES GS&EA Mock Test – 1 :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
My d.o.b is 23-3-1996 can I apply for IES 2017 exam?
Hello lekha,
Please follow below link.
IES 2017 Age limit :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Sir acoording to new ies EE syllabus … maths is in paper 1 with few subjects and there are remaining subjects in paper 2 … maths is in conventional paper … which book to prefer for that or any study material …. and whats is syllabus for preliminary paper 2 ?? plzz help
Hello sonal,
IES 2017 Electrical Engineering reference books :
IES 2017 Electrical Engineering Paper Pattern & Syllabus :
Same syllabus is defined for both objective as well as conventional. There is no separate syllabus for conventional paper.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hello Sir,
can a student of electrical and electronics engineering discipline eligible for ies/ese exam 2017
Hello abhishek,
Yes you are eligible.
You can choose any subject for IES as per your interest from Civil, mechanical, Electrical & Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.
It doesn’t depends upon your engineering stream. You can choose any of the written above.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
hello sir,
What if I clear the ESE mains exam 2017 but not get degree that time (I will get my degree in december 1st week 2017)?
Will UPSC give me some time to submit my degree.
please tell me in detail about when to submit the degree and can this date of submission be extended for a little time ?
Hello Kailash,
You need to submit your education qualification certificates at the time of interview.
That may fall in the month of December or January.
For complete detail please read education qualification section of IES 2016 notification :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
what about the tentative date for the notification of ESE2017?
Hello sai,
Most probably November, 2016.
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hello sir
in Table 5 how did u anticipated time frame?
is there any official link for that or just assumption?
Hello saikumar,
Please check the link given below table-5.
Click here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
can students are eligible to write ies exam in 2017, who are studying in final year in 2017
Hello suresh,
Yes you are eligible.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Dear sir ,
I am Harish (OBC Candidate ) born in the month of June 1984 and currently working with State Electricity Board . Now i am planning to appear ( first attempt ) for Indian engineering Services exam to be conducted in year 2017. Please let me know the exam schedule which will help me to plan my study chart .
Hello harish,
IES 2016 exam schedule :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hello sir ; is their large chenges in ece syllabus in 2017
Hello kasim,
There are some changes in IES 2017 pattern and syllabus but those are favorable changes for IES aspirants. So you guys need not to worry about these changes, just start your IES 2017 exam preparation as soon as possible.
IES 2016 pattern & Syllabus :
IES 2017 pattern & Syllabus :
IES Total Info :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
how many no of attempts?what is the max age for obc?
Hello Chinna,
There is no attempt limit in IES, there is only age limit.
For more details about age limit click here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
i born in 21st july 1996. Am I eligible for ies2017
Hello Pavani,
IES age limit is 21 to 30 years.
Have you completed 21 years from your birth date.
If yes than you are eligible.
For more details click here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Now i am working in CPWD Central Govt. Job (joined in 26-11-2015), now i want to take ESE couching, Please tell me, is it possible to take leave for one year.
Hello Neeharika,
You may apply for Leave Without Pay, if you need long term leave.
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Sir my DOB is 11-jun-1996.Am i eligible for IES 2017
Hello Dharmveer,
IES age limit is 21 to 30 years.
Have you completed 21 years from your birth date.
If yes than you are eligible.
For more details click here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
what is the prelims 2017 notification date??
Hello Anand,
Please check table-5 of the same post.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
hello, thnks for the update….what book shuold we prefer for this exam pattern prepration .
Hello charul,
Please follow below link.
IES Reference Books :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Can any one guide me with the IES syllabus of Maths specially for Mechanical Engineering department as it is not specifically mentioned in the Syllabus.
Hello Mohit,
Engineering mathematics is not a major part of Mechanical engineering as GATE exam. Please check IES official notification for more details.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Thanks for the support.
But Can you at least let me know the syllabus of Maths in Objective paper-1 of IES,as it is common for all.
Hello Mohit,
Thanks for appreciating our work.
It would be closely related to GATE Maths syllabus. You may follow that.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hello sir,
My dob 01-10-1996 can I eligible for ese exam 2017??
Hello sahil,
Age limit for IES exam – 21 to 30 years for general candidate.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Is there any modification in age limitation criteria for the exam to be conducted in 2017 for IES
Hello rks,
At present there is no news about changes in age limitation in IES – 2017. If we find any, we will update here.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
hello sir ,
is it possible to crack i.e.s by scoring good marks in gate ? i listen about the direct interview of i.e.s by scoring good marks in gate .is it true???
Hello aryan,
GATE & IES are totally different examinations.
Yes if you prepare for GATE you will get advantage in IES preparation. But there is no any surety that those who score well in GATE also score well in IES.
No. Both exam have separate exam and exam structure. You have to prepare for both exams separately if you want to clear both.
You must check below post.
Difference between IES & GATE :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
how to prepare GS and aptitude paper for ies 2017 as per new syllabus
Hello waquar,
Wait few days we will guide you properly for IES exam GS and aptitude paper.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
hello sir,
Is it final year students of engineering are eligible for the mains as well if they passed the mains exams….
because at that time they are not actually completed their respective degree of engineering..
so is it they are eligible for ESE 2017…do plz rly..
Hello sourabh,
Final year candidates are eligible for IES. You must have degree certificate at the time of document verification.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hi, engineering aptitude paper means general aptitude (logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude etc) right ? If so, RS Agarwal may be used…
Hello Anurag,
General Studies and Engineering Aptitude will combinely contain 10 topic and each topic have almost equal waitage in this paper.
Please check syllabus of General Studies and Engineering Aptitude for IES 2017 here :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Thanks for the link and info. If an article is published on how to prepare/attempt the engineering aptitude paper ( now or in future) (model questions etc for those topics) it would be highly helpful and appreciable.
Hello Anurag,
Wait for few days we will here update all information required for newly added portion in IES 2017 syllabus.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hello Sir,
Scheme and schedule is not given on UPSC website.Please provide the link if you have the same for the tentative dates.
Hello vineet,
Please check again UPSC website :
Topic named : Revised Scheme & Syllabi – Engg. Services Examination (to be effective from 2017)
in what’s New.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
On which dates exam will be and paper ¡ &¡¡ one day r two days exam just given me
Hello Mahesh,
At the last of this article you will find table-5. There you can get idea about IES exam dates.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Is there any changes in ies 2016 pattern and syllabus??
Hello vikash,
Please follow this link for IES 2016 Paper pattern & Syllabus information :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Hi, thanks for this detailed information. Can you please tell me that is there any changes in the age limit from 2017 onwards which is now below 30 on 1 January of the examination year.
Hello ,
Only IES 2017 notification can answer this question because age related matter is solely defined by UPSC.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
what is the syllabus for General studies paper….
Hello Harshit,
Please follow this link for IES 2016 Paper pattern & Syllabus information :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
very nice information. Can u please tell me untill when will it be notified ?
Hello gulshan,
Thanks for appreciating our work.
Notification of IES 2016 exam will released on – 27.02.2016
For more details please follow :
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