GATE 2025 Syllabus & Exam Pattern – All 30 Subjects



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Explore the comprehensive GATE 2025 syllabus, covering key topics in engineering and sciences for effective exam preparation and success.


gate paper pattern syllabus

GATE 2025 Syllabus & Paper Pattern [PDF] – Here we are proving GATE 2025 Syllabus PDF and also GATE 2025 Paper Pattern of all 30 subjects: AE, AG, BM, BT, CE, CH, CS, DA, EC, EE, ES, IN, ME, MN, MT, PE, PI, TF, XE, AR, CY, EY, GG, GE, NM, MA, PH, ST, XH and XL.

GATE is an all-India examination conducted jointly by IIT’s & IISc in eight zones across the country.

The score is used for admissions to various post-graduate programs in Indian higher education institutes e.g. Master of Engineering, Master of Technology, and Doctor of Philosophy.

Such candidates also get financial assistance provided by MHRD and other government agencies.

GATE scores are also being used by several Indian public sector undertakings i.e., government-owned companies for recruiting graduate engineers in entry-level positions. It is one of the most competitive examinations in India.

*PwD candidates with benchmark disability are eligible for the compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour. Thus, they will get one hour extra for a three hours examination.

GATE 2025 aspirants can download GATE 2025 syllabus of their subjects which they are going to choose for GATE 2025 examination.

As per  GATE paper pattern GATE paper has two sections general aptitude section which is common to all streams of engineering / science and engineering / science section which is different for different branches of engineering / science.

General aptitude section is common to all streams of engineering / science and this section is compulsory to attend for every candidate.

You can visit the respective link by clicking the icon against each branch and download GATE 2025 syllabus of your concern branch of engineering / science in pdf file format.

GATE 2025 Syllabus & Exam Pattern

Paper CodeGATE PaperPaper Pattern & Syllabus
Paper CodeGATE PaperPaper Pattern & Syllabus
GA*General Aptitude (Common to All) Follow me
AEAerospace Engineering Follow me
AGAgricultural Engineering Follow me
ARArchitecture and Planning Follow me
BMBio-medical Engineering Follow me
BTBiotechnology Follow me
CECivil Engineering Follow me
CHChemical Engineering Follow me
CSComputer Science and Information Technology Follow me
CYChemistry Follow me
DAData Science & Artificial Intelligence (NEW) Follow me
ECElectronics and Communication Engineering Follow me
EEElectrical Engineering Follow me
ESEnvironmental Science and Engineering Follow me
EYEcology and Evolution Follow me
GEGeomatics Engineering Follow me
GGGeology and Geophysics Follow me
INInstrumentation Engineering Follow me
MAMathematics Follow me
MEMechanical Engineering Follow me
MNMining Engineering Follow me
MTMetallurgical Engineering Follow me
NMNaval Architecture & Marine Engineering Follow me
PEPetroleum Engineering Follow me
PHPhysics Follow me
PIProduction and Industrial Engineering Follow me
STStatistics Follow me
TFTextile Engineering and Fibre Science Follow me
XEEngineering Sciences Follow me
XHHumanities and Social Sciences Follow me
XLLife Sciences Follow me

GATE 2025 Paper Pattern

Examination ModeComputer Based Test (CBT) [will be conducted at select centers in select cities]
Duration3 Hours*
Number of Subjects (Papers)29
SectionsGeneral Aptitude (GA) +
Candidate’s Selected Subject(s)
Type of Questions(a) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
(b) Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/or
(c) Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions
Questions for testing these abilities(a) Recall
(b) Comprehension
(c) Application
(d) Analysis & Synthesis
Number of Questions10 (GA) + 55 (subject) = 65 Questions
Distribution of Marks in all Papers EXCEPT papers AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, ST, XH and XLGeneral Aptitude: 15 Marks +
Engineering Mathematics**: 13 Marks +
Subject Questions: 72 Marks =
Total: 100 Marks
(**XE includes Engineering Mathematics section XE-A of 15 Marks)
Distribution of Marks in papers AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, ST, XH and XLGeneral Aptitude: 15 Marks +
Subject Questions: 85 Marks =
Total: 100 Marks
Marking SchemeQuestions carry 1 mark and 2 marks
Negative MarkingFor a wrong answer chosen in a MCQ, there will be negative marking.
For 1-mark MCQ, 1/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.
Likewise, For 2-mark MCQ, 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.
No negative marking for Incorrect answer(s) to MSQ or NAT question.


Paper CodeGeneral Aptitude (GA) MarksSubject MarksTotal MarksTotal Time (Minutes)
AE, AG, BM, BT, CE, CH, CS, CY, EC, EE, ES, EY, IN, MA, ME, MN, MT, NM, PE, PH, PI, ST, TF1585100180
AR [Part A + Part B1 or B2 (B1: Architecture or B2: Planning)] B1 or B2 can be selected during Exam.1560 + 25100180
GE [Part A + Part B1 or B2 (B1 – Surveying and Mapping or B2 -Image Processing and Analysis)] B1 or B2 can be selected during the Exam.1555 + 30100180
GG [Part A + Part B] (Section 1: Geology or Section 2: Geophysics)1525 + 60100180
XE (Section A + Any TWO Sections)
Sections can be selected during Exam.
1515 + (2 x 35)100180
XH (Section B1 + Any ONE Section)1525 + 60100180
XL (Section P + Any TWO Sections)
Sections can be selected during Exam.
1525 + (2 x 30)100180

GATE 2025 Syllabus – Subject Wise Topics

General Aptitude Syllabus (Common for all papers)
Verbal AbilityNumerical Ability
Biomedical Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsElectrical Circuits
Analog and Digital ElectronicsSignals and Systems
Measurement and Digital ElectronicsSensors and Bioinstrumentations
Medical Imaging SystemBiomaterials
Human Anatomy and PhysiologyBiomechanics
Aerospace Engineering Syllabus
Fourier SeriesLaplace Transforms
Numerical methods for linear and nonlinear algebraic equationsNumerical integration and differentiation.
Dynamic stabilityEuler angle
Equations of motionAerodynamic forces and moments, stability & control derivatives
Decoupling of longitudinal and lateral-directional dynamicsLongitudinal modes; lateral-directional modes.
Orbit transferIn-plane and out-of-plane
Elementary ideas of viscous flows including boundary layersWind Tunnel Testing
Measurement and visualization techniquesVibration of  beams
Theory of elasticityEquilibrium and compatibility equations
Airy’s stress function
Agriculture Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsFarm Machinery
Farm PowerSoil and Water Conservation Engineering
Irrigation and Drainage EngineeringAgricultural Processing Engineering
Dairy and Food Engineering
Architecture & Planning Syllabus
Architecture and DesignBuilding Materials, Construction, and Management
Building and StructuresEnvironmental Planning and Design
Urban DesignUrban Planning and Housing
Planning Techniques and ManagementServices, Infrastructure, and Transportation
Biotechnology Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsGeneral Biotechnology
Recombinant DNA TechnologyPlant and Animal Biotechnology
Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology
Civil Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsStructural Engineering
Geotechnical EngineeringWater Resources Engineering
Environmental EngineeringTransportation Engineering
Geomatics Engineering
Chemical Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsProcess Calculations and Thermodynamics
Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical OperationsHeat Transfer
Mass TransferChemical Reaction Engineering
Instrumentation and Process ControlPlant Design and Economics
Chemical Technology
Computer Science and Information Technology Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsDigital Logic
Computer Organization and ArchitectureProgramming and Data Structures
AlgorithmsTheory of Computation
Compiler DesignOperating System
DatabasesComputer Networks
Chemistry Syllabus
Physical ChemistryOrganic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Electronics and Communication Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsNetworks, Signals, and Systems
Electronic DevicesAnalog Circuits
Digital CircuitsControl System
Electrical Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsElectrical Circuits
Electromagnetic FieldsSignals and Systems
Electrical MachinesPower Systems
Control SystemsElectrical and Electronic Measurements
Analog and Digital ElectronicsPower Electronics
Environmental Science & Engineering (New)
Environmental Management and Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental Chemistry
Environmental MicrobiologyWater Resources and Environmental Hydraulics
Water & Wastewater Treatment and ManagementAir and Noise Pollution
Solid and Hazardous Waste ManagementGlobal and Regional Environmental Issues
Ecology and Evolution Syllabus
Mathematics and Quantitative EcologyBehavioral Ecology
Geology And Geophysics Syllabus
Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsControl Systems
Electrical CircuitsAnalog and Digital Electronics
Signals and SystemsMeasurements
Sensors and Industrial InstrumentationCommunication and Optical Instrumentation
Mathematics Syllabus
CalculusLinear Algebra
Rear AnalysisComplex Analysis
Ordinary Differential EquationsAlgebra
Functional AnalysisNumerical Analysis
Partial Differential EquationsTopology
Linear Programming
Mechanical Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsApplied Mechanics and Design
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal ScienceMaterial, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
Mining Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsMine Development Surveying
Geomechanics and Ground ControlMining Methods and Machinery
Surface Environment, Mine Ventilation, and Underground HazardsMine Economics, Mine Planning, System Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsThermodynamics and Rate Process
Extractive MetallurgyPhysical Metallurgy
Mechanical MetallurgyManufacturing Process
Physics Syllabus
Mathematical PhysicsClassical Mechanics
Electromagnetic TheoryQuantum Mechanics
Thermodynamics and Statistical PhysicsAtomic and Molecular Physics
Solid State Physics and ElectronicsNuclear and Particle Physics
Production and Industrial Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsGeneral Engineering
Manufacturing ProcessesQuality and Reliability
Industrial Engineering Operation Research an Operational Management
Textile Engineering Syllabus
Engineering MathematicsTextile Engineering and Fibre Science
XE-A (Engineering Mathematics Syllabus)
Linear AlgebraCalculus
Vector CalculusOrdinary Differential Equations
Partial Differential EquationsComplex variables
Probability and StatisticsNumerical Methods
XE-B (Fluid Mechanism Syllabus)
Flow and Fluid PropertiesKinematics
Integral analysisDifferential Analysis
Inviscid flowsDimensional analysis
Internal flowsPrandtl boundary layer equations
XE-C (Material Sciences Syllabus)
Processing of MaterialsCharacterization Techniques:
Structure and ImperfectionsThermodynamics and Kinetics
Properties of MaterialsMaterial types
Environmental DegradationElements of Quantum Mechanics and Mathematics
XE-E (Thermodynamics Syllabus)
Basic ConceptsLaw of Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics CycleThermodynamics Relations
Ideal Gas Mixtures
XE-F (Polymer Science and Engineering Syllabus)
Chemistry of high polymersPolymer Characterization
Synthesis and propertiesPolymer blends and composites
Polymer TechnologyPolymer rheology
Polymer processingPolymer testing
XE-G (Food Technology Syllabus)
Food Chemistry and NutritionFood Microbiology
Food Products TechnologyFood Engineering
XL-P (Chemistry Syllabus)
Atomic Structure and PeriodicityStructure and Bonding
s, p and d Block ElementsChemical Equilibria
ElectrochemistryReaction Kinetics
ThermodynamicsStructure-Reactivity Correlations and Organic Reaction Mechanisms
XL-R (Botany Syllabus)
Plant SystematicsPlant Anatomy
Morphogenesis & DevelopmentPhysiology and Biochemistry
GeneticsPlant Breeding and Genetic Modification
Economic BotanyPlant Pathology
Ecology and Environment
XL-S (Microbiology Syllabus)
Historical PerspectiveMethods in Microbiology
Microbial Taxonomy and DiversityProkaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells: Structure and Function
Microbial GrowthControl of Micro-organisms
Microbial MetabolismMicrobial Diseases and Host-Pathogen Interaction
Chemotherapy/AntibioticsMicrobial Genetics
Microbial Ecology
XL-T (Zoology Syllabus)
Animal worldGenetics
EvolutionBiochemistry and Molecular Biology
Cell BiologyGene expression in Eukaryotes
Animal Anatomy and PhysiologyParasitology and Immunology
Development BiologyEcology
Animal Behavior
XH-B1 (Reasoning and Comprehension) (New)
Reading ComprehensionExpression
Analytical reasoningLogical reasoning
XH-C1 (Economics) (New)
Statistics, Econometrics and Mathematical EconomicsMicroeconomics
MacroeconomicsInternational Economics
Public EconomicsDevelopment Economics
Indian Economy
XH-C3 (Linguistics) (New)
Areal Typology, Universals, Cross-linguistic FeaturesLanguage and Linguistics
Levels of Grammar and Grammatical AnalysisHistorical Linguistics
SociolinguisticsMethods of analysis
Applied Linguistics
XH-C4 (Philosophy) (New)
Classical Indian PhilosophyContemporary Indian Philosophy
Classical and Modern Western PhilosophyContemporary Western Philosophy
XH-C5 (Psychology) (New)
Perception, Learning, Memory, and ForgettingCognition: Thinking, Intelligence, and Language
Research Methods and StatisticsPsychometrics
The biological and evolutionary basis of behaviorPersonality
Applications of PsychologyMotivation, Emotion, and Stress and Coping
Social psychologyDevelopment across the life span
XH-C6 (Sociology) (New)
Family, Marriage, and KinshipSociological Theory
Research Methodology and MethodsSociological Concepts
Agrarian Sociology and Rural TransformationIndian Society / Sociology of India
Social MovementsSociology of Development

GATE 2025 Syllabus FAQs

Is GATE 2025 syllabus out?

The GATE Syllabus 2025 will be released soon, along with other notifications pertaining to the GATE exam dates and more on the official website.

Is GATE syllabus changes every year?

GATE Exam Pattern and Syllabus is almost the same every year.

Who will set GATE 2025 paper?

GATE 2025 will be a computer-based test (CBT) which is being organized by the IISc, Bangalore.

What is Benefits of passing GATE exam?

A good GATE score is helpful for getting admission in to IITs, IISC, IIITs, NITs and many other renowned institutions.

GATE qualification is also a minimum requirement to apply for various fellowships awarded by many Government organizations like DRDO, BARC, ISRO etc.

What are the types for questions asked in GATE 2025?

GATE Question Paper 2025 consists of three types of questions- MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MSQs (Multiple Select Questions) and NATs (Numerical Answer Type).

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GATE (Reasoning & Aptitude & Maths) Books

GATE Guide Books

GATE Total Information & Guidance

1.GATE 2025 Introduction »
2.GATE 2025 Notification »
3.GATE 2025 Dates »
4.GATE 2025 Login »
5.GATE 2025 Application »
6.GATE 2025 Paper Pattern »
7.GATE 2025 Syllabus »
8.GATE 2025 Books »
9.GATE Previous Years Papers »
10.GATE Free Notes »
11.GATE Free Study Material »
12.GATE Free Mock Tests »
13.GATE 2024 Paper Analysis
1. GATE Paper Analysis - Institute Wise »
2. GATE Paper Analysis - Year Wise »
14. GATE 2024 Answer key »
15.GATE 2025 Exam Schedule / Dates »
16.GATE 2025 Exam Centers / Cities List »
17.GATE 2025 Admit Card »
18.GATE 2024 Result »
19.GATE 2024 Cut-off Marks »
20.GATE Helpline »
21.GATE FAQs »

Click below given links to get further information.

GATE 2025 Total InfoGATE 2025 BooksFree Notes 2025
IES 2025 Total InfoIES 2025 BooksFree Mock Tests 2025
JAM 2025 Total InfoJAM 2025 BooksEngg Diploma 2024
PSUs 2024 Total InfoM Tech 2024 Total InfoUGC NET 2024 Total Info

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  1. Thanks for sharing GATE syllabus, I am looking for good books for computer science stream. Can you share some good books name?

    Thanks in Advance.

  2. hello sir,
    i completed my degree in 2014 through electrical and i like to prepare for gate 2017..and i am a average student n want to crack gate for semi-govt jobs. i just want to know how to start the preparation to get good marks. And what type of books should i refer n one more thing i want to know about the cut off marks to get a govt jobs

  3. Hello Admin!

    sir,i am now in engineering second year after diploma branch mechanical,so i want to know that how to study for gate as i am eligible for gate in 2018.please give details about time management,use of reference book,making self notes,also suggest that how to prepare for engineering mathematics as my maths is weak.please give detail information.

  4. helo sir,
    I am from Kathmandu, Nepal.I completed BE in Electronics and communication and I want to appear in GATE exam 2016.So can i able for this.If yes then,
    please suggest me the syllabus, marks booklet and how I got previous gate papers?
    please help me for all this.

  5. hello sir
    sir i have filled the gate form with photograph not having as per mentioned guideline (white). Is it mandatory to have white background if yes how could i change it after submitting the application.Please help me out
    thank u sir

  6. Hai,
    I’m doing final year in ECE .now am going to write a gate exam but i have no experience plz give a advice for how to prepare for exam..if the GATE2016 book enough sufficient during my preparation

  7. hello sir …sir i am msc student of 1st year with physic ….. what i am elgble of gate exam ???? and what can i give gate papper plz give me ans sir

  8. Sir, i have completed bsc in maths, physics, computer science. Please tell me i m eligible for gate exams or not. If yes than do i have any choice for subjects?

  9. Hello sir,

    I’m currently in my Third year B.E “Automobile engineering” . I don’t know exactly which GATE paper I should choose. Please help me.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Hello Ajay,

      Automobile engineering is closely related to Mechanical engineering. You may choose Mechanical engineering GATE paper.
      If you have any other view about this issue. Please let us know.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  10. Hello sir,
    as this time IISc is orgaizing the gate exam, is there any major changes in syllabus…??? and what will be the
    paper pattern for CS for GATE 2016

  11. Sir, i want to prepare for gate from now. What should i do? I have to study from eighter notes or any institutes booklet.Reading book and making notes are time consuming.

    • Hello deepak,

      Nowadays there are two main options after GATE :
      (1) Jobs through GATE score
      (2) Higher education through GATE score

      Section in b/w Job and Higher education depends upon many factors like your family condition, your interest etc.
      So get good score in GATE then discuss with some people who are doing job after clearing GATE and also with people who are doing Masters or P HD course after claring GATE exam.
      Do some discuss with your family too what they want you to do bcz they are also part of your preparation.
      Most of the candidates choose Jobs in PSUs bcz now a days competition is high so no one wants to lose a single change to get a good job.
      Rest final decision depends upon you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  12. Hello,

    I am a 2012 passed out from IT branch and have 3 years work experience. Now I want to appear for GATE 2016. I got very short time to prepare. Please provide me some detailed tips how can I prepare for this exam in such short span.

    Is there any sectional cutoff for different sections like Maths or General Aptitude? Or total marks are the only selection criteria..

    Thanks!! Have a good day!

  13. what r the books to be referred to gate examination?i am belong to shivaji the local publication books are satisfy the needs?

    • Hello Bosu,

      GATE 2016 reference books :
      There is no problem with Local books but these books must be error free and must contain good enough knowledge for a particular subject.
      If you find a question in question paper you answer correctly as per your local book but that answer differ in standard books.
      Your answer would be wrong because GATE office always follow standard books.
      So it is always advisable that always read standard books.
      You may follow Local books too for understanding any topic but final reference must be from standard books.
      I hope you understand my point.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  14. I am persuing 3rd yr,Sir what am I elligible for gate2016,and if I m not elligible than how may I crack gate 2017 for psus

  15. sir,is it better to have self study and join in short term course or to join in long term course directly for gate.

    • Hello yeswanth,

      For 2016 short term would be fine but you need to prepare what they dont study you in the class in short term course.
      For 2016 GATE you dont have enough time for long term course now.
      long term would be fine for GATE 2017 preparation.
      Self study is best option but it requires hard work in right direction. If you can maintain, it would be best.
      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  16. hello sir,
    i have discontinued my engineering degree after 2nd year of engineering,
    i cannot afford to spend 2 more years to complete my graduation,
    m i eligible to give gate2016 if i pursue btech in 1year? there are few universities affiliated with aicte which provide 1 year btech programs.

  17. Hi

    i am bharath i did not start preparing for gate 2016 i am mechanical branch i am week in maths but in technical i need some suggestion to study those subjects which will be asked for more marks and my main problem is i cannot remember the topics what i studied so please give some suggestion to clear gate and gate syllabus for mechanical

    • Hello Bharath,

      For GATE 2016 there is nearly 6 months.
      So first concentrate more on technical and general aptitude left mathematics right now.
      It’s just have 15 marks. If you will left it you will loose only 15 marks.
      If you will prepare it you will loose 85 marks. Which I think you dont wanna loose.

      If you are weak in technical too than start from basics not just start solving problems.
      In GATE exam some times we need to apply more than one theorems, approach.
      So we must be clear first in our basics.

      For not being able to remember topics there could be 2 reasons :
      (1) You are not using right way of understanding/reading as per your mind frequency.
      (2) You dont timely revise what you have read.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  18. sir , i am astudent of manufacturing engineering ….so plzz tell me that am i eligible for gate exam through production and industrial engineering or is it compulsory to go with mechanical engineering….plzz reply as soon as possible

    • Hello sumit,

      You can attend any paper in GATE exam as per your choice but first check the institute’s education qualification requirement in which you want to get admission for a particular course.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  19. Sir
    I am pursuing my third year in electronics and communication engineering. i would like to know if i give the gate 2016 than will my score be valid till i complete my engineering in 2017
    thanking you in advance.

    • Hello Sarvesh,

      As per GATE 2015 information brochure only final year candidates are allowed not 2nd/3rd year.
      Rules may change in GATE 2016. So prepare for GATE 2016. May this time GATE allow 3rd year candidates too.
      Yes GATE 2015 score card is valid for 3 year earlier it was for 2 years.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  20. sir,as success in gate exam depends on individual efforts,can we join in any coaching center whether it is good or aim is to get 50-60 marks .so,please give me answer

    • Hello yeswanth,

      A good coaching institute can help you better than bad one.
      Remember a person with 10-20 year experience in a particular subject is having knowledge always better than a fresh candidate.
      So you can use that experience without being experienced.
      Final decision is totally depend upon candidate.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  21. Respected Sir
    I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering. I wanted to know about the fields I am eligible in to apply for M.E./M.Tech through GATE. Also under which subjects should I be appearing for GATE for acquiring admission in the eligible courses. Also wanted to know about the preparation pattern for GATE.
    Thanking You

  22. sir, iam studying 3rd year it better to join in the best coaching center ( ace academy hyd) for 2 months or to join in not much good coaching center (ies academy guntur) for 1 year long course .ace costs 36,000, whereas ies costs 20, aim is to get 50-60 marks in,please give me best answer

    • Hello Ambresh,

      There are two main use of GATE score :
      (1) For higher education purpose like getting admission into M. E. / M. Tech. / P. HD. programms.
      (2) For getting a job in top PSUs of India. Your GATE score would be used by PSUs for screening purpose. They call candidates on the basis of their GATE score.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  23. I am currently doing my Masters in Zoology and am looking to give the GATE 2016 Exam for Ecology and Evolution.
    Could you please answer my following queries-

    1.Which universities accept the GATE Ecology and Evolution scores for P.hD ( other than IISc. ) ?

    2.Can you suggest any books on this particular subject that are especially designed to tackle this exam (Ecology & Evolution) ?

    Thanking you in advance.

  24. thank u sir for the instant reply.. there are certain more doubts in my mind… my family is not in much a good financial i would like to go for gate without any coaching how shud i go abt it? also being in fourth year ..when shud i give my exam ..2016 or 2017? wud b grateful if u kindly rely to this

  25. Sir/mam
    I am pursuing btech in computer science and i am in second year.I wished to know what is the right time to start gate preparation.Should i start now or from third year or only last year.Guide me sir/mam .

  26. hello,
    i have completed my in 2012. Now i am working as a software engineer in a MNC.

    i m interested in pursuing my higher education. so i need to crack gate exam.
    due to a big gap after my, i am not confident with my basics as of now.

    could you please share links/books, which i can refer for basic concepts. It would be very helpful if you suggest how to start preparing for gate assuming a person like me.

    i thank you in advance for your reply

  27. which are the IITs and NITs dont need 60% aggregate in BE..?
    does IISc banglore really need more than 50 % aggregate in BE ?

    • Hello saurabh,

      Wait for few days we will write a post in which we will clarify this topic that which institute demand what percentage etc.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  28. Sir,
    I want to know whats the minimum percentage required to appear in the Gate exam.
    Is it compulsory to have the Percentage above 60% in general.

    • Hello Arunodaya,

      There is no any percentage criteria for attending GATE exam but there is a percentage criteria when you are going to use this for taking admission in any institute for higher education or for applying any PSU for job purpose. Generally almost all colleges and almost all PSUs demanded 60% in B Tech.
      I hope know you understand what I mean to say.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  29. hello sir

    my 2015 gate score is 724. and iam NCC ‘B’ n ‘C’ certificate holder and played national level cricket tournaments. iam planning to apply to all iits in 2016.
    is der any reservation for me while attending interview in iit’s??

  30. Hello sir.. i m presently in my fourth year…computer engineering.. i am planning to give my gate in 2017.
    sir i would like to know what should my strategic plan for the preparation with the placements and finaly year projects in line. hoping to get a reply soon. thanking u in advance.

  31. Hello Sir
    Thank you so much for the information u have provided.My ques is if a student perceives B.E./B.Tech degree frm any one f engg branches and wants to give GATE entrance exam frm a branch other than the one he has completed his degree,is he allowed to do so?

    • Hello sir/ma’am,

      First don’t post your query with such name otherwise our team member will remove you from our list and your would never get answer of any of your question. So next time be careful.
      You may ask query again when you corrected your name.

    • Hello Karthick,

      You need a book of previous 20-30 years solved papers so that you can have a good idea abt GATE exam & its paper pattern.
      Start your preparation by solving previous years papers.
      Then you need an standard book of each subject so that you can get knowledge up to the level of GATE exam without any error.

      GATE 2016 Electrical Engineering Reference Books :
      Our team denoted * (Star) marks along with one important book of each subject. You will find this * (Star) mark attached with S. No. of each subject on the left side of the table. However all books are important & must recommended books for higher education purpose.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  32. hello sir, this site is really very much useful for my gate 2016 exams.i have a difficulty that now i am in final year of electrical engg,i have started my gate preparation,but this year i have my seminar,projects,unit tests,and many more which consumes my time very much and secondly if i completed my syllabus by the end of october bcoz from november onwards my external practicals and theory papers will get started so full november and december i am not getting a chance for my gate preparation.and last 2 months for preparation is must but i am not getting it………and in january how much i will revise my syllabus.and in feb gate exams r sir pls guide me.i am in big confusion what to do?

  33. Sir, I am going to appear for Gate 2016, i recently got my name changed legally. Now i am worried if i;ll face any troubles applying for Gate as my SSC and graduation certificated hold my old name.
    My fears:-
    1) Does organising IIT provide any support for uploading Name Change affidavit?
    2) In the blank for Candidates name( mandates to fill same name as mentioned in SSC certificates) which name should i give?
    3) Can there be any discrepancies leading to cancellation of my application?

    • Hello Sir,

      Changing name is not so hard but when you connect this with your education it would not be a good experience for you.
      You would face many problems. As far as I can suggest you, do not change your name in your educational life.
      Rest get suggestions from an expert in this field that would be better.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  34. Hi,
    The contents of the web is wonderful and very useful,

    I want to know what are the eligibilities for writing GATE exams.

    a.) U.G is must or Diploma candidates is also eligible ?
    b.) Suppose If any one of the paper in the last sem of Btech is not passed is he eligible to writeexam ?

    • Hello muthukumaran,

      (a) Diploma of any kind doesn’t comes under any kind of graduation. So for GATE exam minimum education qualification is bachelor of engineering/technology or Master in science/computer etc.
      (b) Yes you are eligible.
      Candidates who are currently in the 4th/final year or already completed are only eligible for GATE exam but if you don’t have minimum qualification within the restricted time period then your GATE score will be of no use. It would be like a trial exam.
      #Information as per GATE 2015 Information brochure.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  35. i m currently pursuing mtech last sem,,,is there any benefit of gate after completion of mtech, i got admission for mtech in non gate college n now m luking for good career opportunities

    • Hello ramneet,

      Nowadays GATE exam is the key of two doors, one getting admission into top engineering colleges of India second getting a call of GD/PI from India’s top companies related to engineering.
      So it is always beneficial to qualify GATE exam if you are looking for a good career opportunity.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  36. sir, i wanna ask about the strategy of how to prepare for gate in 6 months. especially about time division for various subjects

    • Hello shivam,

      A candidate with BCA degree need to complete Master’s degree in computer in order to qualify for GATE exam.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  37. hello sir,
    plz tell me a minimum criteria of degree & minimum score of GATE for getting admission in any one of IIT or NIT.

    • Hello pramod,

      Minimum % criteria for taking admission in most of the IITs & NITs is 60%.
      GATE score vary institute by institute and course by course. So always try to score good marks so that you can have a good change of getting admission in good college as well as good course.
      GATE score cut-off list will be update soon here. You please check regularly.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  38. Sir,

    My son is in 12 th now. Planning to do BE in Computer science in Kochi. Will he be given preference if he cracks the GATE exam ?

    • Hello needtoknow,

      GATE exam is for those who have completed B. E. / B. Tech.. GATE exam syllabus contain part of B. E. / B. Tech. syllabus.
      It is like IIT entrance exam. IIT entrance exam is for getting admission into IITs and other Institutes for B. E. / B. Tech. course same as GATE exam is for getting admission into IITs and other Institutes for M. E. / M. Tech course.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Thank you for the previous reply. could you please help me in choosing the best engineering colleges in kochi.
        Am in confusion whether to put my son in kochi or chennai ? can you advice

        • Hello needtoknow,

          Why an engineer take admission in an engineering college ?
          directly saying : mainly for getting a good job.
          If you are looking for placement from college then choose a collage with high placement ratio.
          If you are looking for a govt job then choose a college with good reputation in education.
          If you can find a college with both of these qualities then it would be nice.

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  39. Hi Sir,
    I have done my B.Tech Mechanical Engineering. n I want to write Gate in Mechanical Engineering so, i want the pattern of the paper and the weightage to the the subjects.

  40. Sir I did my B.E. from Mechatronics Engineering and preparing for GATE 2016. I want to know in which PSU’s I am eligible .

  41. Hello sir
    I m prsuing in b tech (bt) in third year.
    Am i eligble for gate 2016?
    I wnt to appear in gate exam 2016 just for getting idea about qsn paper and pattern.

    • Hello rahul,

      No you can’t apply for GATE 2016 as per GATE 2015 information brochure.
      I would like to give you some basic information about GATE. As per GATE 2015 notification –
      (1) Eligibility Criteria for GATE 2015 is : Currently in the 4th year or already completed.
      Note : There is written that : Year of qualification cannot be later than 2015. In your case it would be 2016 for GATE 2016 candidates. If you would clear your B.E./B.Tech. course in the year 2016 then you are eligible.
      (2) GATE 2015 score is valid for THREE YEARS from the date of announcement of the results.

      #All the above information are provided from GATE 2015 information brochure. It may change for GATE 2016 exam. Final decision is totally depend upon GATE 2016 organizing committee.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  42. Hello, I am a final year student of CSE and wish to appear in GATE 2016.Please let me know the important
    dates and the detailed syllabus.
    Any suggestions for reference books or web resources will also be helpful.Thank you.

    • Hello mimansa,

      You may apply in the following courses :
      (1) Maths/Applied Maths
      (2) Aeronautic /Aerospace Engg
      (3) Chemical Engineering
      (4) Civil Engineering
      (5) Computer Science
      (6) Electronics & Communications Engg
      (7) Electrical & Electronics Engg
      (8) Mechanical Engineering
      (9) Naval Architecture
      (10) Physics/Applied Physics etc.

      #Mathematics is one of the eligible branch for these courses. Eligibility may vary as per college requirement. So please check eligible branches in these courses in which institute you want to take admission first.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  43. Hi, am currently pursuing 4th year btech in petroleum engineering from Amet uni. I want to knw abt the syllabus for me to prepare for gate xm. As I knw petroleum engineering is included in gate xm for the first time in this year, I would like to knw more details abt it. Waiting for ur reply….

  44. Hello,

    I have completed my B.E. (CS) in 1995 from Mumbai University. Worked In Software industry for 14 years. Currently on a break to be at home for the children’s sake. Wish to appear for GATE 2016 because a non valid GATE score reqd for admission to M.E in Mumbai. Intend to be an assistant professor in Engineering college. What do you recommend should be my approach keeping in mind that I will need to refresh concepts learnt about 2 decades ago?

    • Hello Nitin,

      GATE 2016 exam will most probably carried out in an ONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT) mode. GATE 2015 examination for all the papers was carried out in an ONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT) mode. Information provided as per GATE 2015 information brochure.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

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