Can I Study M Tech in Different Branch than B Tech?



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“Can B. Tech. students change their branch in M. Tech?
I am from Electronics & Communication can I write GATE exam in Computer Science?

You all must have this kind of questions in your mind. Below article will solve this puzzle of yours. Just take a look.”

can i study m tech in different branch than b tech
Can I Study M Tech in Different Branch than B Tech?

Can I study M Tech in different branch than B Tech – This is a common question students have asked me several times. I think this post would clear your doubts before you start your preparation for GATE 2017 in different branch other than your B E / B Tech branch. This post would be useful for them to make decision about M Tech through GATE score.

A candidate who want to take admission into M Tech Programme through GATE score need to take two points under consideration :
(1) Eligibility for GATE examination and
(2) Eligibility for M Tech admission.

[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]A candidate who is eligible for GATE exam is also eligible to choose any GATE paper in GATE examination.[/box]

What GATE Office says about this GATE Paper selection issue :

A candidate can apply for only ONE of the 23 papers listed in the GATE Information Brochure or GATE website. The choice of the appropriate paper is the responsibility of the candidate. Some guidelines in this respect are suggested below.

(1) The candidate is expected to appear in a paper appropriate to the discipline of his/her qualifying degree.
(2) The candidate is, however, free to choose any paper according to his/her admission plan, keeping in mind the eligibility criteria of the institutions in which he/she wishes to seek admission.

From the above statement of GATE office we can conclude that :
(1) A candidate must choose GATE paper related to his/her branch of B E / B Tech course like a candidate from Electronics & Communication Engineering must choose GATE paper of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
If there is no such paper related to your branch of B E / B Tech course then candidate must choose GATE paper related to his/her branch of B E / B Tech course like an Automobile Engineering candidate must choose Mechanical Engineering GATE paper because Mechanical Engineering is closely related to Automobile Engineering.
(2) Candidate is free to choose any GATE paper out of 23 GATE Papers defined by GATE office. But candidate must keep in mind there is only one eligibility criteria for attending GATE exam which is B E / B Tech completed but for getting admission into M Tech Programme there are two criteria (1) B E / B Tech completed & (2) Qualifying GATE exam in appropriate GATE paper related to your B E / B Tech course.

[box type=”warning” align=”” class=”” width=””]Just appearing in GATE exam in a certain paper doesn’t guarantee that you are eligible for that particular GATE paper related branch for getting admission into any of its specialization. There are some restrictions.[/box]

Let’s try to understand this topic from an example :

A student “Ram” from Electronics and Communication Engineering want to take admission into Civil Engineering because he loves construction related work. He appears in GATE exam in Civil Engineering paper, score well enough to get admission into any specialized course of Civil Engineering. Let’s take a close look in this matter. Here I am providing you a list of some specialized course of Civil Engineering like :
(1) M. E. / M. Tech. in Structural Engineering
(2) M. E. / M. Tech. in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
(3) M. E. / M. Tech. in Construction Engineering and Management
(4) M. E. / M. Tech. in Construction Engineering
(5) M. E. / M. Tech. in Infrastructure Engineering
(6) M. E. / M. Tech. in Remote Sensing

He went for getting admission into top “X” engineering college in a specialization course of Civil Engineering using his GATE score card. He love construction related work, So he decided to take admission into M Tech in Construction Engineering (one of the specialized course of Civil Engineering). But after getting a good rank in GATE, after attending paper in that branch in which he want to get admission i.e., Civil Engineering, he was not eligible for this particular specialized course of Civil Engineering i.e., Construction Engineering for M. Tech. Programme.

Now you all must have thinking that why ?  

Course from 1 to 5 are limited for Civil Engineering graduates. Only Civil Engineering graduates can get admission in these courses. So, Ram was not eligible for courses which are core sub branches of Civil Engineering course.

[box type=”warning” align=”” class=”” width=””]Core subjects of any branch of engineering need theoretical as well as practical knowledge. One who don’t have basics knowledge in such field how he/she could be able to be Master in such specialized field. [/box]

So, Ram is not eligible for any branch of civil engineering ? 

We can not say ‘No’ because Ram graduate from Electronics and Communication Engineering is still eligible in a specialization course of Civil Engineering that is “Remote Sensing”.

Why he was eligible for remote sensing while being not eligible for other branches of civil engineering ?

Remote Sensing is a specialization course of civil engineering in which many other branches are eligible for M. E. / M. Tech. Programme. Some of those are as follows :
(1) Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(2) Electronics and Communication Engineering
(3) Computer Science and Engineering and
(4) Civil Engineering (of course).

Remote Sensing course is closely related to Electronics & Communication Engineering. This is why Electronics & Communication Engineering candidates are eligible for Remote Sensing course under Civil Engineering department. The same case is true for all other branches of engineering.

Eligibility criteria and eligible branches of engineering varies institute to institute. Here we are providing you a list of eligible branches of various specialization course of civil engineering in Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.

Table – 1

S. No.Specialization course of civil engineeringEligible branches of engineering

1.GeoinformaticsB.Tech./B.E. degree in Civil / Mining / Electrical / Computer Science / Electronics Engineering / Information Technology / Geoinformatics, or M.Sc. degree in Earth Science streams or Geography / Physics / Mathematics / Environmental Sciences.
2.Geotechnical EngineeringB.Tech./B.E. degree in Civil Engineering.
3.Hydraulics & Water Resources EngineeringB.Tech./B.E. degree in Civil/Agriculture Engineering.
4.Structural EngineeringB.Tech./B.E. degree in Civil Engineering. Some candidates with Bachelor’s degree in Architecture, Building Construction.
5.Transportation EngineeringB.Tech./B.E. degree in Civil / Mechanical / Aerospace Engineering.

So we can conclude from the above discussion that a candidate who is from civil engineering will only be eligible for core civil engineering specialized courses. Below table will explain you this issue more clearly :

Table – 2

S. No.Candidate’s Education ProfileSpecialized Branch of Civil Engineering

Engineering Degree of CandidateGATE Paper Attended by CandidateConstruction EngineeringRemote Sensing
1.Civil EngineeringCivil EngineeringEligibleEligible
2.Electronics & Communication EngineeringElectronics & Communication EngineeringNot EligibleEligible
3.Electronics & Communication EngineeringCivil EngineeringNot EligibleNot Eligible

We are not saying last combination of Table -2 is not possible. It could be possible :
(1) If Institute in which you want to take admission allow such combination. Which is generally not allowed by most of the Institutes in India.
(2) If you have some experience in the same field in which you want to take admission then your experience will consider majorly.

# Note : Before choosing any GATE paper other than your graduation level (B E / B Tech), you must first visit the Institute where you want to take admission (for higher education/studied like M Tech / P HD) in order to clear your all doubts. Because once you filled and finally submitted GATE 2017 online application form you would not be able to change anything.

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Can I study M Tech in different branch than B Tech FAQs

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  1. The article is really helpful. I just wanted ask that will you provide same for Computer science and information technology branches in M Tech if the B E degree is in Electronics and Telecommunications ?

  2. hi..ihv done biomedical engg and then hospital management…
    now i want to do me/, should i opt for gate exam, will that be helpful to have a career in engg..
    Also i hv experience of MBA and not engg
    will the career change be fruitful?


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