How to Complain BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 Wrong Questions ?



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bsnl tta je complain wrong question

How to Complain BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 Wrong Questions – BSNL has recently conducted TTA (JE) 2016 exam from 25.09.2016 to 29.09.2016. After successfully completion of TTA (JE) 2016 exam BSNL now announced provisional answer key along with candidate response sheet. BSNL has also send an email to all candidates who filled BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 exam online application form as shown in image below.

» BSNL Mail regarding Question/Provisional answer key upload «


Many BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 candidates complaining us that there are many wrong answers in the provisional answer key provided by BSNL office. What to do with these wrong answers ? Not 1 or 2 mistakes in the provisional answer key but there are complain that 20-30 mistakes are there is their response sheet / answer key. Because of these large number of wrong answers, candidates are not able to calculate their actual marks obtained. Because of these large number of wrong answers many are not even able to clear sectional cut-offs.

There is a solution for this issue that candidate need to send correct answer of the wrong questions along with proof to the BSNL office. This solution is provided by BSNL for complaining about wrong answers.

» BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 Online Examination Queries Proforma «


(Queries should reach by 28.10.2016)

NAME OF EXAMINATION:      DRJE (Erstwhile TTA) 2016





Encl:  (…….) pages.



Jt. GM (Rectt.)

BSNL Corporate Office

New Delhi.     

E-mail ID: [email protected]

Fax No.: 011-23715511

Candidates can download BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 online examination queries proforma from the official website. It is in MS Word file format. Candidate need to download it first and then take printout. Candidate can complain as much as question they find wrong in the provisional answer key.

BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 official Queries Proforma
   Click me

Here we will suggest all candidates to complain 10 wrong answers of the questions per complain application. If there is more than 10 complain you must make another application for that. Complains can only send till 28.10.2016. Candidates can send their queries to BSNL using any of these two methods.

E-mail ID : [email protected]

Fax No. : 011-23715511

» BSNL Online Examination Queries Proforma – Check Here «


Here we are providing a sample filled BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 online examination queries proforma. Please check below.

» BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 Online Examination Queries Proforma «


(Queries should reach by 28.10.2016)





 1. 6What is Question ?
 (c) (d)Book Name : complete book name
Chapter Name : complete chapter name
Topic Name : complete topic name
Page No : 24
Line No : 15
Enclose No :  1
 2. 35 What is Question ?
 (d) (a)Book Name : complete book name
Chapter Name : complete chapter name
Topic Name : complete topic name
Page No : 424
Line No : 25-27
Enclose No :  2-3
 3. 46
 4. 49
 5. 56
 6. 99
 7. 115
 8. 122
 9. 159
 10. 167

Encl:  (15) pages.




Address to which
BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 online examination queries proforma to be send.


Jt. GM (Rectt.)

BSNL Corporate Office

New Delhi.     

E-mail ID: [email protected]

Fax No.: 011-23715511

# Note :
1. Write Question ID of wrong questions in sequence.
2. Provided as detailed solution of the wrong questions as you can.
3. Also attach book page xerox copy along with details. So that examiner can verify your request of wrong question(s).
4. Underline your answer in the xerox copy so that it would be easy to find your suggested answer to the examiner easily.
5. Put serial number to all enclose documents. So that it would be easy to examiner to find correct document for a particular wrong question.
6. Candidates must fill all the details in MS word copy of BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 query proforma and then take print out.

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  1. Sir my name is guru nath. I belongs to OBC CATEGORY in ANDHRA PRADESH state and I applied for TAMILNADU circle. While filling application form I filled community as OBC in TAMILNADU circle also. Will it create any problem.

  2. Dear sir,
    I have filled my the answer quires in answer quires format and send via mail id. But i have attached the google screenshot for correct answer ,so i want know that this format is wrong or correct.

    thank you sir


  3. fnds is there anybody have sent quary form answer key proof to bsnl for 28th sep eve shift…..i sent but my mail was rejected by bsnl server…….

  4. hai friends, i am also suffering from same problem. i sent mail on 28th 10 am then i got a reply as mail delivery failed on 30th oct, how our queries will be solved.

  5. hello sir , in TN circle is there any chance for OBC category with 90 mark.. when will be the expected date for final answer key and result of bsnl

  6. frnds…anyone attempt 28th sep evening shift have sent quary there anybody? i sent quary form to bsnl. but my mail was rejected.

  7. Hello Sir,
    I am Basab from Kolkata and I would like to give you thanks for not only answering all the queries of the vast BSNL JE candidates but also helping each of them by posting such important articles relating to specific issues of the pre as well as post exam of BSNL JE 2016. It is only because of this site I actually understand how to send the query proforma as there were no strict official guidelines given. The sample query proforma posted on this article undoubtedly help not only me but thousands of candidates out there. Really you are doing a great job. Many many thanks and best wishes !

  8. Hello frnds,
    my exam was on 27.9.16 evening shift. I send query mail to BSNL on 26th, and i again send it on 27th but this time they rejected it. So , those candidates who send their queries on or before 26th are successfully, done.

  9. Dear Sir,
    I also got so many wrong answers in provisional answer key of 27 sept morning shift and I fail to send Queries proforma in time. But I hope many others have sent for this shift already. So my question is that if they correct those mistakes, will it also be applied to those who are unable to send their Queries proforma?
    plz reply

      • Sir,
        BSNL has corrected some of the questions in the official answer key.but still some questions are wrong. So my query is that is it. A final call or still changes can occur.

        • Hello Shubham,

          As per BSNL it is final because they have published the result but you can file RTI to know about the questions which are still wrong in answer key.

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  10. sir i sent the bsnl queries proforma on 27.10.16, i got message mail has sent .but 28.10.16 i again received that ur mail has retired in 1more day. now my doubt is whether my mail is sent or not. iam waiting for ur reply.

  11. Sir,
    I sent questions for correction in given format on 28-10-2016 but I got a Google mail that your message delivery has been delayed. Sir how can I know, my mail has gotten by admin or not..?

    • The same problem I also have faced. Bsnl has made the recruitment process a complete joke. Nothing is happening in correct order. Also no phone number or email is given to redress our complaints. Now result of exam is only a luck game .it is not becoming of a psu like bsnl.

  12. Query sent by me have been rejected by bsnl server . I sent it to [email protected] at 10:30 pm on 28.10.2016. Error message came after two days . What should I do? Please help .why the whole recruitment process has been made a mockery by bank.

  13. Hello sir
    I sent my 20 queries with all supported doc on 27 oct
    But day yesterday before i received syetem generated mail that their mail receiving rate is low and its capacity exceeded therefore it will tried after some time.
    I tried one more time and from different I’d as well, how can I assure that they accepted my mail.please give ur suggestion.
    Though I sent it within last date but its their fault that they isn’t maintaining their account.

  14. I’ve sent the queries on 27th October at 9:00 am around it has been rejected by bsnl server again I send the document by different mail id again message is delayed I tried a lot but. Message returning back to me in the mail id possible reason is bsnl prevents receiving additional message please guide me. What I have to do because last for sending queries has been passed.

  15. Hello sir
    I found 20 question wrong and I attached all supported doc for that as possible . I sent all these by mail dated 27 Oct.
    But yesterday evening I got system generated mail that due to their mail receiving rate is exceeded therefore it will tried after some time .
    I tried one more time and from different id as well how can I assure that they accepted my mail . Please give ur suggestions

  16. Sir, I had mailed the BSNL TTA Exam-Queries Performa to BSNL Corporate Office on 29th September, 2016 at 12:25 A.M. in the Night. Will they accept my Exam-Query Performa ?

  17. sir i sent the queries proforma on 27.10.2016, at hat time i received mail sent. but 28.10.2016 it says delivery to the following recipient has been delayed:

    [email protected]

    Message will be retried for 1 more day(s)
    why i received this type of message sir. whether i have to send again or not.

  18. Sir i hv sent the mail to the bsnl after making solution with this some docs are screenshots taken from Google and some snapshot of book and after converting into pdf format i hv sent them.will it work or not.

  19. Dear Sir,

    1. I sent an email to BSNL that contains two documents. One document contains proforma details and ebook link for the theoretical questions. Second document contains snapshot of the relevant portions of the ebook with its link for the theoretical questions.

    Is it proper way to send the details regarding wrong answers?

    2. I have an issue regarding 2-3 questions for which i got different answer from the provided multiple choices. How can i fix this error?

    I need your help. So reply me as soon as possible.

    • Hello Mihir,

      1. Yes it is correct.
      2. Send BSNL correct question written in the provided performa and also provide proof of that to BSNL.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  20. Sir how to attach the proof ,whether all proof together scanned and converted to single PDF and attaching them in single attachment or attaching the proof for one question in one attachment and for other question in next attachment while sending through email

  21. Hello sir,

    I am getting around 85+ marks and i belongs to OBC category . applied for Maharashtra circle , is there any hope to get selected . please reply sir, getting tension.

  22. is there any one who already prepared there query performa of 26 sep morning shift paper ,, pls share becoz it is becoming vry difficult for me to give exact topic details or book name for the wrongg answers .

  23. sir final answer key will be same for all students or not . And should i aspect the error free final answer key from bsnl as in this provisional answer key i get around 14 wrong ones…….

  24. sir ji me bsnl me mail kia apni quary. but mera ek qustion he exam 1mnth pahele hua he. is lea bohut larka apni choice bhul gaya he. bohut sare larke submitt bhi nahi kia he. mera ek request he koie achha institute se sari qustion dubara milana chahea.

  25. sir,
    can we send xerox copy from standard books that are available in google or we have to take xerox of books which are available with us.

  26. sir some other website they have given as expected cut off mark for OBC categary is 110-130…and highest cut off is 130-150, we need to get cut off mark within this range or below 110 have a chance. pls tell me sir…..

  27. hi sir..i have one doubt ..sir can i take the proof of wrong answer from any standard book …how many proof should i need to submit..will be sent through mail is enough?

    • Hello Raju,

      1. Only one proof for one wrong question.
      2. How many wrong question you find.
      3. You can send through mail or fax.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  28. Will bsnl consider only those candidates who send correct answers through documents? Or will it applicable all candidates who even unable to send documents? Please clarify sir

  29. hello sir
    I’m getting less than 6 marks in 1st section and my overall marks are 125+ . I’m from open category Maharashtra circle . do I have chances of selection. plz reply sir

  30. My daughter has given exam on 29th September. A lot of mistakes are noticed in the answer key. As many candidates have already trying to submit the right answers for the questions, I want to know, whether the corrections/changes will be made only in the answer sheet of those candidates who have supplied the right answers with documentary proof or a comprise answer-sheet will be notified for all the candidates, whether they have represent or not?

    • Hello Neha,

      This is provisional answer key. Final answer key will be released by BSNL after this rectification process.
      Actually correction would be made against particular question of particular day & time. That correction would be application to all candidates of that particular day & time.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  31. as per the bsnl answer key..near about 80-90 answers are correct..m belonging to sc category frm i have any chances for selection ? also i have found 8-9 answers wrong frm bsnl answer key..

  32. hi sir tx for ur guidence throug out je recuitment i got between 105-111 marks in tamilnadu circle in obc catogery any chances in selection list

  33. hello sir
    I’m getting less than 6 marks in 1st section and overall marks are 125+ in open category Maharashtra circle . plz tell do I have any chances of selection?

  34. hello sir…is this circle based JE selection or over all selection …is there any chance to get in tamilnadu with 105 mark from OBC category..sir one more doubt is query can send through mail with book author name and page number of solution is enough or not pls tell me sir………..i m waiting for your reply ..

  35. I’m getting less than 6 marks in 1st section and overall marks are 125+ open category in Maharashtra circle. do I have chances of selection.

  36. Hello Sir,
    I got approx 110 questions correct in my answer sheet . is there any chance of selection. and i applied from jharkhand circle, where there is only 19 seat . and i comes under OBC category

  37. Sir,
    Is it mandatory to complain BSNL for the wrong answers? I mean some of the mistakes/wrong answers are from easy/basic questions. Don’t they know the correct answers to such questions? What if someone doesn’t rectify the mistakes? Don’t they consider the correct answers for everyone?
    Please reply.

  38. hello sir,
    we are very thankful to are doing such great work.I was prepare this site only. I am from Gujarat and SC in category.I ll get approximate 95 around.Is there any chance?

    • Hello Arun,

      You can use any of these two medium to send complain about wrong questions to BSNL.
      1. Email or
      2. FAX

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello pintu,

      You can use any of these two medium to send complain about wrong questions to BSNL.
      1. Email or
      2. FAX

      Both of these medium are digital, So you will send soft copies through these medium.
      You need to send proof to justify your complain along with application of complain.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  39. Hello Sir,

    I am Basab from Kolkata, I have read the full article and understand that there is a lot of work on my part to send the query proforma. Anyways I want to tell you that I am from Open Category( General ) and I applied for Kolkata Circle. There is 63 seats and I am expecting to get 130 marks out of 200. Shall I stand a chance to qualify ? Thank you Sir ? Will be waiting for your reply.

    • Hello manish,

      You can use any of these two medium to send complain about wrong questions to BSNL.
      1. Email or
      2. FAX
      No need to send hard copy to BSNL office.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello irshan,

      Google is not a proper source of information. Actually google is a search engine. It shows you what is available online. It doesn’t not provide any guarantee for its search result.
      You need to send proper proof to justify your complain along with application of complain.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello kripal,

      You can use any of these two medium to send complain about wrong questions to BSNL.
      1. Email or
      2. FAX
      No need to send hard copy to BSNL office.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Anil,

      Yes. It is provisional answer key. Final answer key will release by BSNL just after completing this answer key correction process.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  40. sir,i had written exam on 29th morning .There are total of 7 questions are wrong(like no option is correct,printing mistake etc).If these are proven to be wrong questions then what would be the procedure?Wheather they allot marks to only attempted students or they cancel these 7 questions out of total 200 questions.please give me reply,thank you.

    • Hello basha,

      All these things will clear after final answer key release by BSNL which will release by BSNL just after completing this answer key correction process.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  41. hello sir
    please send 25 sept. morning shift objection queries references books i have not any reference books i online read your solution
    i need to your help there are may be 21 wrong question in bsnl pdf answer key so i request to
    you send if you have reference books or any idea my e-mail id is [email protected]

  42. i attempted on 27th sep evening shift my no 9417902001 … me or add me in whatsapp group to discuss the wrong questions.If same questions will be sent in bulk with proofs they will be considered as wrong. Please do contact.

  43. Hello sir,

    If someone reported the wrong answer to bsnl….do they rectify that and revaluate for all candidates…..? or just for the one who reported?
    pls reply ..i hope already many candidates were reported the wrong question…do i really need to report them again?
    Thank you in advance….

    • Hello Yawar,

      You can use any of these two medium to send complain about wrong questions to BSNL.
      1. Email or
      2. FAX
      No need to send hard copy to BSNL office.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  44. hello sir i want to know that if i secured 100 marks with obc category in maharashtra circle then how much probability of getting selected?pls relply……

  45. Hello sir for proof BSNL JE wrong questions can I send the proof from local and guide book or it is necessary a reference books.

    • Hello Harendra,

      You can send any book xerox copy as proof but try to send xerox copy from standard books so that they can also collect those books easily for verifying your proof.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  46. R there anyone who given 29 sept evening shift exam . i got nearabout wrong answers of 6 questions in bsnl tta 29sept 2nd shift exam.

  47. Sir many answers are not available in books as supported document. Can we use Wikipedia and any other websites support documents.

    • Hello Chetan,

      Google/Wikipedia/online resources are not proper source of information.
      You need to send proper proof to justify your complain along with application of complain.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello bajnesh,

      Google/Wikipedia/online resources are not proper source of information.
      You need to send proper proof to justify your complain along with application of complain.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  48. Hello Rahman,

    There are more than 20-25 Questions which are answered incorrectly, many numerical answers are incorrect but the problem is that we can not provide similar numerical from book so whether we can provide them a hand written solution ?
    I have attempted the paper on 26th sept. 2016 (morning shift ).


    • Hello shubham,

      You need to send complete document to support your complain otherwise they will not consider your request.
      Provide similar kind of problem from any standard book and also provide written solution of the same question and attach this along with application.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  49. 1) Can we send the screenshot of Google search as each question is not possible to find in book.
    2) Many mistakes noticed in my question paper of 27th oct morning shift.So can we file RTI as notifying the queries to BSNL and giving the proofs seems the difficult task.
    3)Big question is that what the BSNL is doing then, they somehow troubled students only though charging Rs.1000 per application.

    • Hello Pradeep,

      1. No.
      Google/Wikipedia/online resources are not proper source of information.
      You need to send proper proof to justify your complain along with application of complain.
      2. You can file RTI for any kind of information.
      3. Only BSNL can answer this.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  50. hello sir,
    i had found 100 questions correct in my paper and i am from obc category and my circle is maharashtra.will there any chances of my selection?

  51. Sir BSNL did not give our response sheet then how we know the options that we have marked will BSNL provide our response sheet or not?

    • Hello Vijaya,

      At present BSNL only released provisional answer then they will show you your response sheet.
      This answer key need rectification right now. So you can send wrong questions complain to BSNL till 28.10.2016.
      This answer key will be consider as final answer key after this correction process.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  52. 18 wrong answers in bsnl answer key of 29/09/16 second shift. if any one there with same issue and same date of examination please contact us.
    9860967752 we have whatsapp group, we will fight together.

  53. Hi sir please tel me cut off marks in Andhra Pradesh region and also tell me for how much marks we get the job in Andhra Pradesh region.

  54. Dear Admin
    Feel bad that any of the candidates questioned about thier answered copy of questions ( response sheet ) How can you compare answers without it……Pls bring this issue to BSNL notice and arrange for releasing candidate response sheets also.

    • Hello Arun,

      At present BSNL only released provisional answer then they will show you your response sheet.
      This answer key need rectification right now. So you can send wrong questions complain to BSNL till 28.10.2016.
      This answer key will be consider as final answer key after this correction process.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

        • Hello Arun,

          At present BSNL only released provisional answer then they will show you your response sheet.
          This answer key need rectification right now. So you can send wrong questions complain to BSNL till 28.10.2016.
          This answer key will be consider as final answer key after this correction process.

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  55. Hii RAHMAN,,THIS is Ramesh,i think you also attempted 27th of November morning shift,,,I got 17 wrong questions,,I wanna contact you to discuss about wrong questions,,,or my contact number 8328520471

    • Hii,,I wanna help while preparing the supporting documents for my queries,,,I attempted BSNL JE EXAM on 27th of September morning shift,,,,if any those also suffering to attach the documents,,,,,and also if u have any clear information regarding attached documents,,,contact me @ 8328520471…
      I got 16 wrong questions information out of 27,,,,so I want to exchange my data.

  56. Sir can I have to send the hard copy of queries along with proforma to the BSNL Office or sending through email id or FAX please help me
    Also when we encounter the numerical question which is not given in books is incorrect then can be provide the hand written solution or internet material so as they can understand by thoroughly going through this docue

    • Hello Ziyaur,

      1. Yes you have to send complete document to support your complain otherwise they will not consider your request.
      2. First try to provide authentic solution like any standard author book xerox which contain that question exactly
      or if you find similar kind of question then attach a solution written by you along with that xerox copy.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  57. Sir I’ve found the 25-27 wrong answer in the answer key and also 2 question has misprinted data like in place of thevenin’s theorem , therein’s theorem is written
    How to write all these in a single performa or 10 question per documents please suggest me.

    • Hello Ziyaur,

      Everything you asked is clearly mentioned in this article. Please read the complete article carefully.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Udit,

      You can provide similar numerical example from any book and you also provide solution of that particular question solved by you in a separate paper in detail and attach that along with the application.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  58. Sir
    In bsnl answer key there are too many silly mistakes like they have wrong conversion from decimal to binary. Nearly 25 to 30 mistakes were found in my paper. From where and how can we give supporting documents for these obvious mistakes. Can I send self-made solutions as a supporting document.

  59. Sir,
    There was a question whose options were different in exam paper.The question was
    Question 7.Choose the appropriate word in the blank from the given alternatives.
    The firemen were able to ________ the fire in church street.
    a) put out
    b) put away
    c) put of
    d) put in
    Correct Answer: put out
    Here option a) was put over , as i remember and i m sure about this.Because the same question was discussed in freeresultalertdotcom too.How to notify BSNL about this exact situation.The proof of this is my response sheet which they haven’t released yet.

    • Hello nishant,

      You need to send complete document to support your complain otherwise they will not consider your request. This is what we can suggest you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Sir,we have to ask query in the ms word form by editing it in ms word only or we have to fill the print out of form using pen and attach the xerox with it.Help me i can’t fill more than 6 or 7 questions as space given is less for even questions itself.

  60. if i provide book name, chapter name, topic name, page no, line no & enclose no is it enough to quary the question, then i, no need to provide the scanned copy of this page.
    please tell me

    • Hello mahabeer,

      You have to provide proper document too along with your explanation. Without document your request will not be considered.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.


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