[PDF] KVS PGT 2024 Syllabus – Chemistry



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TestComponent of the test
Written Examination
Number of questionsTotal marksDuration of the test
Part-I1. General English10102:30 Hours
2. General Hindi1010
Part-II1. General Knowledge & Current Affairs1010
2. Reasoning Ability1010
3. Computer Literacy1010
4. Pedagogy2020
5. Subject concerned8080
Total (written exam.)150150


KVS PGT Chemistry Syllabus 2024 TopicWise

S.No.Topics & Syllabus
1Some Basic concepts of Chemistry:
Scope of chemistry- Historical approach to nature of matter – states of matter, properties of matter and its measurement, S. I system of units, Uncertainty in measurements, dimensional analysis, Laws of chemical combination, atomic and molecular masses.
2States of Matter:

Gases, liquids and solids, three states of matter, types of intermolecular forces. The laws governing ideal gas behaviour, Dalton’s law of partial pressure, the Kinetic molecular theory of ideal gases, Maxwell Boltzmann distribution law on molecular motion. Liquid and their properties. Solids: Classification of solids, fundamental types of lattices, two and three-dimensional lattice types, Simple crystal structures, Transformation of crystal structure on varying temperature, Bragg’s law, density in solids, energy band.

3Structure of Atom:

Structure of Atom (Classical Theory), Dalton’s atomic theory, Bohr’s model of atom, Structure of atom (modern theory), de Broglie’s relationship, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Classical wave equation, Schrödinger’s wave equation, Probability distribution curve, Quantum numbers,


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Reversible reactions, criteria of equilibrium, Law of mass action, the equilibrium constant, Kc and Kp, Le Chatelier principle, Ionic equilibrium, Ostwald’s dilution Law, a solution of acids, bases, ionic equilibria in solution, Common ion effect – its application to qualitative analysis, acids and bases, Bronsted- Lowry theory of acids and bases, Lewis concept of acid and bases, relative strengths of acids and bases, their quantitative estimation, buffer solution and its use.

5Surface Chemistry:

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Adsorption, absorption, sorption, Physical adsorption, Chemisorption adsorption, isotherms (Freundlich, Langmuir), application of adsorption, types of Catalysis theories of catalysis, classification of colloids, preparation of Colloidal Solution.

6Chemical Kinetics:

Theories of reaction rates, the rate of reaction, molecularity and order of reaction, Fast reactions- Luminescence and energy transfer process, reaction mechanisms (Simple and complex reactions).

7Redox Reaction and Electrochemistry:

Oxidation and reduction, redox reaction and its application, oxidation number, Strong and weak electrolytes, activity coefficient, conductance and conductivity, Kohlrausch law, resistance and resistivity molar conductivity, equivalent conductivity, Qualitative and quantitative aspect of electrolysis.


Solution and its types, expression of concentration of the solution, solubility and factors affecting the solubility of a solid in a liquid (temperature and pressure), Vapour pressure of a liquid, Raoult’s law for both volatile and non-volatile solute

9Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:

Valence electrons and Lewis structures, Ionic bond, Covalent bond, Bond parameters, Co-ordinate bond, polarity and dipole moment, Quantitative idea of – valence bond theory, molecular orbital theory (LCAO), Concept of hybridization involving s, p, d orbitals, Hydrogen bond, Resonance.


Macroscopic properties of the system, modes of transfer of energy between system and surrounding, Phase transition, phase rule and phase diagram, First Law, second law and third law, of thermodynamics.


The position of Hydrogen in the periodic table, occurrence, isotopes, Preparation of hydrogen, on the small and commercial scale, hydrides, water, hard and soft water, heavy water, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen economy, hydrogen as a fuel.

12General principles and processes of isolation of elements and s – block elements:

Principles and methods of extraction, oxidation and reduction as applied to the extraction procedures of Al, Cu, Zn and Fe.

13p – Block Elements:

Electronic configuration, variation in physical and chemical properties of groups 13 to 18, physical and chemical properties of borax, boric acid, boron hydride, silicones, preparation and uses, preparation, properties and uses of nitrogen.

14Co-ordination Compounds and organometallics:

Meaning of coordination compounds, Werner’s theory, ligands – their types, IUPAC nomenclature of coordination compounds, isomerism, bonding in coordination compounds, colour, magnetic properties and, stabilities of coordination compounds.

15Organic Chemistry:

Some Basic Principles and Techniques: General Classification of organic compounds, Shapes of organic compounds-Hybridisation (sp, sp2, sp3), Structural representation of organic molecules, Functional groups, Homologous, series. Common or trivial names, nomenclature of aliphatic, aromatic and substituted aromatic compounds.

Structural and Stereoisomerism Fundamental Concepts in

Reaction Mechanism:
Cleavage of a covalent bond, Types of attacking species, electron movement in organic reactions, electronic displacement in a covalent bond and types of organic reactions. Methods of purification of organic compounds: Qualitative analysis, Quantitative analysis., estimation of the elements and determination of empirical and molecular formula.

16Environmental Chemistry:

Environmental pollution, Atmospheric pollution, Tropospheric pollution (Air pollution), Major air pollutants, Control of air pollution, Smog (Chemical and Photochemical smog), Stratospheric pollution: Ozone layer and its depletion, Acid rain, Green House Effect and Global warming, Water pollution, Soil pollution and Industrial waste.

17Haloalkanes and Haloarenes:

Classification, methods of preparation of haloalkanes and haloarenes, their physical properties, tests to distinguish between alkyl and aryl halides, mechanism of SN1 and SN2 reactions, elimination reactions (Saytzeff Rule, E1 & E2 mechanism). Poly halogen compounds: Preparation and properties.

18Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers:

Classification, preparation, properties and uses, tests to distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. Distinctions between alcohols and phenols. Preparation of ethers, physical and chemical properties.

KVS PGT Chemistry Syllabus 2024 PDF

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