How to Prepare IES along with GATE?



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Learn how to prepare for IES alongside GATE. Effective strategies to excel in both examinations for a successful engineering career.

“How do I prepare for gate and ies simultaneously?
How can I prepare for both gate and ies along with B. Tech?
How can I prepare for both gate and ies after completing B. Tech?
You all must have this kind of questions in your mind. Below article will solve this puzzle of yours. Just take a look.”

how to prepare ies along with gate

pulse(Based on UPSC ESE/IES New Scheme)

How to prepare IES along with GATE – Main purpose of GATE (Graduate aptitude test in engineering) exam for a candidate is to provide eligibility for getting admission into colleges of engineering for higher studies/education.

While the main purpose of Indian Engineering Services (IES) for a candidate is to provide eligibility for getting a Government job in the field of engineering and departments which comes under Govt of India.

IES 2025 Highlights

IES 2025 Conducting BodyUPSC (IES 2025)
IES 2025 Total Subjects4 (CE, ME, EE, EC)
IES 2025 Total Vacancy_ _ _
IES 2025 (Prelims) Exam Date16.02.2025 (Sunday)
IES 2025 (Mains) Exam Date22.06.2025 (Sunday)
IES 2025 SelectionPreliminary, Mains and Interview
IES 2025 Preliminary examObjective Type
IES 2025 Mains examConventional Type
IES 2025 Exam ModeOffline

Lakhs of candidates every year completed their engineering/technology courses in varies branches of engineering. Many of those prepare for GATE and IES in order of getting admission into M Tech or P. HD.

program and getting group A/B jobs in Govt department respectively. Some candidates prepare for GATE and some for IES but there are many candidates who want to prepare these both exams simultaneously.

There are many reason why candidates like to prepare for both of these exams simultaneously. Here we are listed few of them :
(1) First comes first, It will open two doors of opportunity for a candidate.
(2) It will be an opportunity to save a whole year for those who want to prepare IES just after clearing GATE.
(3) GATE exam preparation covers almost 70% of the total preparation required for IES exam.
(4) Preparing for two high level exams with almost same syllabus will help preparing both exams directly or indirectly.

Before staring any exam preparation a candidate must know exam paper pattern and syllabus for exam.

So here we are providing a short note of these two exams paper pattern & syllabus. Let us first know about what are the difference in the paper pattern of these two exams :

Table-1 Comparison of Paper Pattern

S. No.TopicIESGATESimilarity/Dissimilarity
1.Total number of written exam papers41Dissimilarity
2.Objective type question paperYesYesSimilarity
3.Total number of objective type question paper21Dissimilarity
4.Conventional type question paperYesNoDissimilarity
5.Total number of conventional type question paper20Dissimilarity
6.Written exam contain current affairs sectionYesNoDissimilarity
7.Written exam contain general english sectionNoYesDissimilarity
8.Written exam contain general aptitude sectionYesYesSimilarity
9.Written exam contain engineering aptitude sectionYesNoDissimilarity
10.Written exam contain mathematics sectionYesYesSimilarity

Table-2 Comparison of Exam Syllabus

1.IES exam conducts for only four branches of engineering.GATE exam conducts for almost all branches of engineering.
2.IES exam syllabus covers the complete engineering syllabus.GATE exam syllabus covers only those which are going to be useful in higher studies.
3.IES written exam syllabus of technical section is divided into nearly 12 subjects.GATE written exam syllabus of technical section is divided into nearly 8 subjects.

Here we are providing a comparison of technical subjects of the syllabus for IES and GATE exam. Let us take an example of Electronics & Communication. One of the most competitive branch of engineering in both IES as well as GATE.

Table-3 Comparison of Technical Syllabus for EC

1.Materials and ComponentsYesNo
2.Physical Electronics, Electron Devices and ICsYesYes
3.Signals and SystemsNoYes
4.Network TheoryYesYes
5.Electromagnetic TheoryYesYes
6.Electronic Measurements and InstrumentationYesNo
7.Analog Electronic CircuitsYesYes
8.Digital Electronic CircuitsYesYes
9.Control SystemsYesYes
10.Communication SystemsYesYes
11.Microwave EngineeringNoYes
12.Computer EngineeringYesNo
13.Basic Electrical EngineeringYesNo
14.Advanced Electronics TopicsYesNo
15.Advanced Communication TopicsYesNo

So what a candidate need to prepare if he/she want to prepare for IES along with GATE is complete syllabus of GATE as well as IES.

Here one who is going to prepare for both exams would get some advantages in preparation because syllabus for both exams in almost same.

Below we have listed what he/she is going to prepare for clearing these two exams simultaneously.

Table-4 Comparison of Sections

S. No.TopicType of PaperIESGATE
1.Current AffairsObjectiveYesNo
2.General EnglishObjectiveNoYes
3.General AptitudeObjectiveYesYes
4.Engineering AptitudeObjectiveYesNo
6.Technical SubjectsObjectiveYesYes
7.Technical SubjectsConventionalYesNo

When you take a look the above listed table you will find that there are few sections which are common in both exams.

So sections which are common in both exams will require no separate study while talking about objective type paper like General aptitude, Mathematics and Technical subjects section can be prepared simultaneously.

General english, Current Affairs  and Engineering Aptitude is not common for these two exams so you have to prepare these kind of subjects separately if you want to prepare for both exams simultaneously.

[box type=”success” align=”aligncenter” class=”” width=””]Instead of fixing Hours, fix Target for a Day, Month & Year.[/box]

Here we are providing Month wise plan for IES along with GATE preparation. Check the below list for this purpose.

Table-5 Month wise Preparation Plan

S. No.MonthsExam NameExam Dates
1.6. June
2.7. July
3.8. August
4.9. September
5.10. October
6.11. November
7.12. December
8.1. JanuaryIES (Preliminary)January Start
9.2. FebruaryGATEFebruary Start
10.3. March
11.4. April
12.5. MayIES (Mains)May Mid/Last

Above provided plan is for one year/12 months. Keeping this point in mind, Out of these 12 months candidate will prepare first 8 months for GATE & IES Pre exam and just after completing GATE exam they will start preparation for IES Mains exam.

It means according to this plan a candidate have 8 months for GATE & IES Pre exam preparation and 12 months for IES exam preparation. Candidates can adjust this plan as per remaining month of preparation for their exams.

Table-6 GATE & IES Pre Exam Preparation Plan

S. No.TopicHour(s)/DayHour(s)/Year
1.Current Affairs1/21/2 x 30 x 8 = 120
2.General English1/21/2 x 30 x 7 = 105
3.Engineering Aptitude11 x 30 x 8 = 240
4.General Aptitude1/21/2 x 30 x 8 = 120
5.Mathematics1/21/2 x 30 x 8 = 120
6.Technical Subjects (Objective+Conventional)77 x 30 x 8 = 1680

As per our analysis daily 1/2 or 1 hour preparation for General english, General aptitude & Mathematics like sections is sufficient if you prepare them on regular basis for 7 or 8 months. These three sections have 30% weightage in most of the GATE papers.

So daily 1/2 or 1 hour preparation would be sufficient for this weightage. Investing too much time in these subjects will reduce your preparation time share in technical subjects.

[box type=”success” align=”aligncenter” class=”” width=””]Quantity & Quality both matters while preparing for GATE & IES.[/box]

While you prepare Non-Technical subjects keep in the mind that General Aptitude, Mathematics is common in both exams i.e., GATE & IES. So prepare this subject for both exams simultaneously.

For technical subjects daily 7 hour preparation on regular basis for 8 months is sufficient as per our analysis.

This section contain 70% weightage of total marks in GATE. So this section requires more time for preparation than other sections and require more attention than other one.

While you prepare Technical subjects for GATE exam keep this in mind that you need to prepare objective section as well as subjective section for a particular subject.

So when you prepare a particular subject follow syllabus of GATE as well as IES and also solve previous years objective question of GATE as well as IES.

For IES you need to prepare for conventional paper too. So while preparing for objective section also prepare conventional section of a particular subject.

So that you need not to prepare all subjects again for conventional papers from start.

Although you will have 4 months for conventional paper preparation just after finishing GATE exam for IES exam but if you prepare conventional section along with objective section it will not only help you in conventional preparation but also help you in objection section preparation. So here in this way you are doubling you preparation in single effort.

[box type=”success” align=”aligncenter” class=”” width=””]Practice makes a man perfect.[/box]

After finishing GATE exam you will start your preparation for IES exam. There would be nearly 4 months for IES exam after GATE exam.

Here you need to prepare a some new sections like Basic Electrical Engineering, Advanced Electronics Topics & Advanced Communication Topics etc. So it will require more time for preparation and more effort.

Other sections will require less time because you have prepared these section during GATE exam preparation but daily revision of these subjects is essential.

You need to prepare conventional section of IES in these 4 months again because convectional section contain 600 marks out of 1100 in IES exam.

Still there are six technical subjects which you haven’t prepared yet because these subjects are the part of IES syllabus only.

These technical subjects are (1) Materials and Components, (2) Electronic Measurements and instrumentation & (3) Computer Engineering (4) Basic Electrical Engineering (5) Advanced Electronics Topics & (6) Advanced Communication Topics.

You need to prepare these subjects from conventional paper point of view in these last 4 months. There are many GATE aspirants who underestimate these subjects while preparing for IES exam and miss their selection in IES just by few marks.

Don’t you people do this mistake because these six subjects have a good share in total marks in IES exam. For more details you may check IES previous years objective as well as conventional papers.

Table-7 IES Exam Preparation Plan after GATE Exam

S. No.TopicHour(s)/DayHour(s)/Year
1.Technical Subjects (Conventional-I)55 x 30 x 4 = 600
2.Technical Subjects (Conventional-II)55 x 30 x 4 = 600

This was the short description about how to prepare IES along with GATE. This complete analysis and time table is designed keep this point in that a candidate have 12 months of preparation. Candidates may change and redesign it as per their requirements.

This is just for providing an idea to the candidates who wants to prepare for both IES and GATE but don’t have any idea about how to start and what to do. We hope this post will help you. Thanks 🙂

How to Prepare IES along with GATE FAQs

Can I prepare for IES and GATE simultaneously?

Yes, it is possible to prepare for IES and GATE simultaneously. Both exams cover similar technical subjects, so preparing for one can help you in the other.

However, it's important to understand the differences in the exam patterns and syllabi and make a study plan accordingly.

How should I manage my time between IES and GATE preparation?

Allocate your study time based on the weightage and importance of each exam.

Divide your time between revising core technical subjects, practicing numerical and problem-solving, and working on general aptitude and non-technical sections.

Set realistic goals and create a study schedule that balances both exams effectively.

Are the syllabi for IES and GATE similar?

Yes, there is a significant overlap in the syllabi of IES and GATE for technical subjects.

Both exams cover fundamental engineering topics, but IES may have additional topics specific to the engineering services.

Refer to the official syllabi of both exams and identify the common subjects to streamline your preparation.

Should I focus more on solving previous year IES or GATE question papers?

It's important to strike a balance between solving previous year question papers of both exams. Start by understanding the exam pattern and difficulty level of each exam.

Gradually increase the intensity of practice for both IES and GATE papers, focusing on areas where you need improvement.

Can I use GATE study material for IES preparation?

Yes, GATE study material can be helpful for IES preparation, especially for technical subjects. The concepts and topics covered in GATE align with the core syllabus of IES.

However, for IES-specific topics, refer to additional resources such as IES-specific books, practice papers, and study materials.

Is it necessary to join coaching institutes for combined IES and GATE preparation?

Joining coaching institutes is not mandatory for IES and GATE preparation. It depends on your individual learning style and preferences.

Self-study with the help of standard textbooks, online resources, and practice papers can be sufficient.

However, coaching institutes can provide structured guidance and access to experienced faculty.

How can I manage the non-technical sections for both exams?

Non-technical sections, such as general aptitude and current affairs, are common to both IES and GATE.

Allocate specific time for improving your English language skills, quantitative aptitude, and general awareness.

Stay updated with current affairs through newspapers, magazines, and online sources.

Are there any subject-specific books or resources for combined IES and GATE preparation?

Yes, there are books and resources available that cater to the combined preparation of IES and GATE. Look for books that cover the common technical subjects of both exams.

Additionally, refer to IES-specific books for subjects that are unique to the engineering services examination.

How should I balance revision and practice for both exams?

Allocate regular time for revision and practice for both IES and GATE. Set aside dedicated slots for revising core technical subjects, solving numerical problems, and practicing previous year question papers.

Ensure a balanced approach to cover all subjects and maintain a consistent study routine.

Is it possible to crack both IES and GATE in the same year?

Yes, it is possible to crack both exams in the same year with diligent preparation and effective time management.

It requires thorough planning, consistent effort, and a focused approach. Set realistic goals, stay motivated

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IES/ESE Guide Books

IES Total Information & Guidance

1.IES 2025 Introduction »
2.IES 2025 Notification »
3.IES 2025 Dates »
4.IES 2025 Login »
5.IES 2025 Paper Pattern »
6.IES 2025 Syllabus »
7.IES 2025 Books »
8.IES Previous Years Papers »
9.IES Free Notes »
10.IES Free Study Material »
11.IES Free Mock Tests »
12. IES 2024 Paper Analysis »
13. IES 2025 Answer key »
14.IES 2025 Exam Schedule / Dates »
15.IES 2025 Exam Centers / Cities List »
16.IES 2025 Admit Card »
17.IES 2025 Result »
18.IES Cut-off Marks »
19.IES Helpline »
20.IES FAQs »

Click below given links to get further information.

GATE 2025 Total InfoGATE 2025 BooksFree Notes 2025
IES 2025 Total InfoIES 2025 BooksFree Mock Tests 2025
JAM 2025 Total InfoJAM 2025 BooksEngg Diploma 2024
PSUs 2024 Total InfoM Tech 2024 Total InfoUGC NET 2024 Total Info

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  1. Hi sir…
    I don’t even know what is GATE & IES… because of your website now i am cleared my doubts… Now I’m in civil 3rd year… I want to prepare for both coarses… Please give me a suggestion… I’m an average student…

    • Hello Rakesh,

      Thanks for appreciating our work.
      First download latest syllabus of both exams i.e., GATE & IES.
      Check each topic mentioned in GATE & IES syllabus carefully.
      Remember you need to prepare all the topics mentioned in the syllabus.
      So, You have to check previous years papers to get idea about level of difficultly of question in these examination.

      Visit these two pages for all getting all the information related to GATE & IES.
      GATE Information & Guidance :
      IES Information & Guidance :

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  2. Sir,
    if i prepare for GATE’s Exam properly (technical papers) ,Can i manage IES technical papers only with the GATE Preparation , Rest other papers of IES will prepare individually ?

    • Hello Sumit,

      GATE preparation will help you to prepare for IES but separate preparation for IES is must.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  3. what a thought and what a wonderful site for engineering student who are crazy for getting their recognized position in gov. jobs.I never seen the sites ever before this,for every updates in every engg. deptt.It really helps for me getting updates regularly about vacancies.please be active about latest updates so that we could not miss any vacancies notification.Thanks and keep it up…..

  4. sir,

    thank you for your valuable guidance… and your golden words are ispired me and its helps for my future thank you once again sir…

    thank you

  5. i am student of cs dept currently i m in third year, and i want to prepare for both gate and ies exams, so what stream should i choose among four (mech, civil, electrical, ece). As subjects are different , will it be good to prepare?

    • Hello Vikram,

      Electronics & Telecommunication is closely related to computer science. So you my choose E&T subject for IES.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.


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