How to Prepare for GATE 2025 in 6 Months?



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Learn effective GATE 2024 preparation in six months. Expert tips, study schedules, and strategies for success in this concise guide.

“How to prepare for gate 2024 in 6 months?
How should I prepare for gate 2024 without coaching in 6 months?
Can I crack gate exam in 6 months?

You all must have this kind of questions in your mind nowadays. 
Below article will solve this puzzle of yours. Just take a look.”

how to prepare for gate in 6 months

How to Prepare GATE 2025 in 6 Months – You must have heard that some candidate says that I studied for only 6 months or 3 months and get 3 digit rank in GATE. You must have thinking that, that candidate is awesome.

He is surely awesome but have you ever think what he/she did awesome with his/her study ? Here I am going to throw some light on such key points with the help of this article.

I am writing these point keeping in mind that a candidate have just 6 months to prepare for GATE 2024. Here, First I am writing some points which you must consider first.

GATE 2025 Highlights

GATE 2025 Conducting BodyIIT, Roorkee
GATE 2025 Exam Date1, 2, 8, 9 February, 2025
GATE 2025 Total Subjects30
GATE 2025 Exam ModeONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT)
GATE 2025 Exam Duration3 hours (180 minutes)
GATE 2025 Total Questions10 (GA) + 55 (subject)= 65
GATE 2025 Total Marks100
GATE 2025 Question TypeMCQ, MSQ, NAT

2. Don’t Start Study with Reading Standard Books

You must have thinking that I always suggest you guys that always study using standard books.

Here what I just wrote is different. I said, “don’t start with standard books not don’t use standard books”. Now I think you are understanding what I want to tell you.

If you start your study for GATE 2024 exam by reading standard books you would not go so far, just end up by completing a book of a single subject in this whole 6 month period because standard reference books contain 1000-2000 pages with lots of topics and information in it.

The syllabus of GATE is as large as your B. E. / B. Tech. complete course.

So, Here you are going to complete that 4 year syllabus in just 6 months using lots of books, Guides and MCQ banks. Is it possible in just 6 months ? Think yourself.

You can’t even get all the information contain in a single standard book in these 6 months. So, Here you have to change your approach.

Then what to do?
Answer is right below.

3. First Complete GATE Syllabus

Obviously, If you are preparing for GATE 2024, You need to complete your whole GATE syllabus in just 6 months or earlier.

So, If you start your preparation without any proper approach you will not be able to complete your whole GATE 2024 syllabus in just 6 months.

There may be many reason for not being complete your GATE 2024 syllabus in these 6 months, like you studied some topics in very deep while they were not much important from exam point of view, you spent lots of time on a single subject like your favorite one, din’t study regularly like study for 2 days all day and night and after that 10 days rest, studied topics which are less or not important from exam point of view.

So, Here your first preference must completing the whole GATE syllabus first. Obviously you have less time so you can’t go in depth of each topic and each subject.

So study little bit of everything, little bit of each topic and each subject and finally little bit of the whole syllabus.

4. Does Questions Get Repeated in GATE ?

This point is also worth considering while preparing for GATE 2024. Many would tell you, No GATE question doesn’t get repeated generally.

Here I would like to tell you GATE question also get repeated but in different way.

They will not ask the same question again but they will ask the question with same approach again.

Like they asked a question, what is 1+1=?. Next time they will not ask the same question in the same way, they will ask like what is 2+3=?.

Question may be different, values provided in the question may be different but approach of solving question will be almost same.

GATE syllabus is huge to prepare in just 6 months but here is a secret, GATE paper mostly contain numerical problems and numericals are based on formulas and formulas are limited.

So, this is a key point by using this you can even limit this GATE huge syllabus by using some techniques.

So always try to maintain a short note book in which you always write important formulas & short tricks which you think may be useful at the time of GATE 2024 examination.

Nowadays there are many such short notes & formula books available in the market which you can use for this purpose, it will save your time during these last 6 months preparation.

GATE/IES/PSUs Handbooks

A Handbook for Mechanical Engineering
made easy hand book
₹ 895
A Handbook For Electrical Engineering
Binding: paperback; Language: english; It is made up of premium quality material.
₹ 291
A Handbook For Civil Engineering (2021)
Language Published: English
₹ 331
H/b Computer Science
Language Published: English
₹ 233

5. How to Prepare for GATE 2024 in 6 Months ?

Now let’s come to the point of discussion again, This post is specially designed for those candidates who want to prepare for GATE 2024 exam in just 6 months.

Candidate preparing for GATE for 1/2/3/4 long years may follow this approach but will not be appropriate for those because they have huge time to prepare instead of just 6 months.

1. Solve Previous Years Papers

Start with previous years papers. Buy a book with previous 20-30 years solved papers.

Solve each and every question precisely.

Not just solve but also understand and solve questions which are closely related to that particular question from standard books.

Remember solving questions without understanding will not help you much.

GATE Guide Books

2. Summarize Important Topics

After solving previous 20-30 years papers nicely you will have a good idea about what kind of questions they ask in exam and from which topic they ask the most or frequently.

Now note down such all topics and do solve some more questions from standard books or you may refer some good MCQ books related to those topics.

Remember don’t waste your time on hard topics because your every single minute count here. You have limited time just 6 months for GATE 2024 preparation.

3. Solve Mock Tests

Now its time to solve some mock tests. Arrange some previous mock tests from your friend or buy any mock test book from market and solve every question of the test precisely.

Certainly you would not able to solve all the question of the test. This is not the point where you need to worry.

Here you will get a good idea about in which area you are strong and in which area you are weak.

Go through each question one by one, to which you were not able to solve.

Solve them with the help of standard books, internet etc.. Study enough so that you can answer the similar kind of question next time easily, if it appears.

Remember, Here again try to understand the basic of that particular topic not go in depth. We have limited time just 6 months to prepare.

If you find a question hard to understand or unlikely to be asked in exam, skip it. Mark it for later and move on. You can come back to these kind of questions later if time permits.

GATE Guide Books

4. Solve Test Series

Repeat the same approach. keep solving as many paper as you can.

It will increase your level of understand that what kind of question GATE office is going to ask in GATE 2024 exam and this will also give you an idea that how you would handle such kind of questions in GATE 2024 exam.

If possible join some online test series of some reputed coaching institutes.

It would be better to join multiple institutes test series if you can because you will face variety of question from different-different institutes.

You will face different-different kind of questions for the same subject designed by different-different institute’s master.

It will also help you in you real time GATE 2024 exam because GATE exam is nowadays online computer based test(CBT).

5. Timely Revision

Last but very important point besides understanding lots of things, reading lots of stuff, referring lots of books, joining lots of test series you need to remember these all things atleast till the GATE 2024 exam finish.

So you need to revise these all things time to time so always prepare a plan or time table which contain timely revision.

Make a time table for a whole day, for a week, for a month and for next 6 months for GATE 2024. Stick to the time table. Must include time for revision in each time table.

6. Assessment and Goal Setting

Before diving into your preparation journey, take the time to assess your strengths and weaknesses and set clear goals.

Table 1: Sample Goal Setting

Score TargetSet a specific GATE score you aim to achieve.
Subject PrioritiesIdentify subjects where you need to excel.
Weekly Study TargetsBreak down your study goals into manageable weekly targets.

7. Creating a Comprehensive Study Plan

A well-structured study plan is the foundation of successful GATE preparation.

Table 2: Sample Weekly Study Schedule

WeekSubjectsDaily Allocation
Week 1Core Subject 14-5 hours
Core Subject 24-5 hours
Revision & Practice2-3 hours
Week 24Mock Tests3-4 hours
Revision & Practice5-6 hours

8. Gathering Study Resources

Ensure you have all the necessary study materials and resources at your disposal.

Table 3: Essential Study Resources

TextbooksCollect recommended GATE preparation books for each subject.
Online LecturesUtilize online video lectures and tutorials for in-depth understanding.
GATE ForumsJoin GATE preparation forums to stay updated and seek guidance.

9. Subject-wise Strategy

Allocate your time strategically by prioritizing subjects based on their weightage.

Table 4: Subject-wise Priority

Subject 1 (Hard for Solve Problems)High
Subject 2 (Hard to Understand)High
Subject 3 (Average Preparation)Medium
Subject 4 (Almost Prepared)Low

10. Effective Revision Techniques

Regular revision is essential for retaining information.

Table 5: Effective Revision Strategies

FlashcardsCreate concise flashcards for quick review of key concepts.
Mind MappingUse mind maps to visualize and connect important topics.
Regular RevisionsPeriodically revisit previously covered subjects and topics.

11. Practicing with Mock Tests

Regularly taking mock tests is vital for assessing your progress.

Table 6: Benefits of Mock Tests

Self-AssessmentIdentify strengths and weaknesses in each subject.
Time ManagementPractice allocating time for different sections during the actual exam.
Exam SimulationExperience the pressure and time constraints of the GATE exam.

12. Solving Previous Year’s Papers

Solving past GATE papers is a valuable strategy.

Table 7: Benefits of Solving Previous Year Papers

Question PatternsRecognize recurring question patterns in different subjects.
Time ManagementDevelop efficient time-saving strategies for specific sections.
Confidence BoostGain confidence by solving authentic GATE questions.

13. Seeking Assistance and Clarifications

Online forums and communities can be immensely helpful.

Table 8: Online Resources for Assistance

GateOverflowA community-driven platform for GATE discussions and problem-solving.
QuoraEngage in GATE-related discussions and get answers to specific queries.
YouTube ChannelsEducational channels provide video explanations for GATE concepts.

14. Maintaining a Balanced Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is essential for optimal performance.

Table 9: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

DietConsume a balanced diet with adequate nutrients.
ExerciseEngage in regular physical activity to stay energized.
SleepEnsure 7-8 hours of quality sleep for mental alertness.

15. Staying Motivated

Setting achievable goals and milestones is essential for staying motivated.

Table 10: Strategies for Staying Motivated

SMART GoalsSet Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals.
MilestonesDivide your study goals into smaller milestones for a sense of accomplishment.
RewardsTreat yourself with small rewards for achieving milestones.

16. The Final Months

The last months before the GATE exam require focused efforts.

Table 11: Last-Month Strategies

Comprehensive RevisionFocus on key concepts, formulae, and quick revision notes.
Stress ManagementPractice meditation and deep breathing exercises to stay calm.
Self-ConfidenceBelieve in your preparation and avoid last-minute cramming.

17. Do’s and Don’ts While Preparing for GATE 2024

1. Do’s

1. Start preparation by solving previous 20-30 years papers.
It will give you a good idea about what you have to prepare and what not to prepare. Because in this competitive world you need to be smart along with having knowledge.

2. First complete GATE whole syllabus as soon as possible.
You are going to attend GATE 2024. So, You have to complete it completely before GATE 2024 examination. Examiner may ask question from any subject and also from any topic mentioned in GATE 2024 syllabus.

3. Solve previous 20-30 years papers precisely. Don’t just solve them, understand them.
GATE question don’t get repeated but by solving previous years papers you are being familiarize with questions asked in GATE exam. So that you can prepare according to that now for GATE 2024.

4. Solve question which are closely related to previously asked questions.
GATE question don’t get repeated but approach may get repeated. So solving related questions will surely increase your marks in GATE 2024 exam.

5. Join some good online mock tests and prepare for them nicely.
As nowadays GATE exam is an online computer based test (CBT). So these online mock tests will prepare you to be familiarize with exam like environment and will also help you to improve your GATE 2024 preparation.

6. Make a proper time table as per your daily routine for a day, a week, a month and for 6 month period and stick to that.
As you have less time to prepare, So you need a proper plan to complete your whole GATE 2024 syllabus within time limit of 6 months. 

7. Always keep a place for revision in your time table.
Revision is really-really important because you can’t remember all the things you have studied in last 6 months.

2. Don’ts

1. Don’t start preparation by reading standard books.
As you have less time to prepare, So you need be more focus on what you have to study first and what later. Its all about time management when time is less.

2. Don’t just solve previous years papers.
Just solving previous years papers will not help you much in GATE 2024 exam. It will even confuse you more in exam. So, solve previous years papers with understanding not just solving.

3. Never go in depth of some topics or subjects.
Obviously examiner is not going to ask all the question from the subjects which you have prepared well. They will ask question from almost all subjects. So prepare all subjects equally first.

“GATE examination is to check basic knowledge and understanding of a candidate at their graduate level.”

Original Question

Of course short span of time one must solve previous year question papers but without reading standard books or without basics, I could not solve the problems, I felt very difficult to solve single problem. It made me inferior. What to do?
Asked by : Prabhu

Hello Prabhu & all,

I didn’t tell you don’t read standard books. You must again read our post.

Preparing with some technique & proper plan in 6 months for GATE exam would be more fruitful.

While starting your GATE exam preparation with standard books will be hard to complete whole GATE syllabus in just 6 months because a single book contain 1000 pages atleast of a single subject.

Let me try to explain you this issue a little.
Question: Who is the current Prime minister of India?
Answer: Narendra Modi

So what basically you must know in order to understand the question.

First what is the definition of a Prime minister in respect of India.
What is its work, responsibility etc.

Then comes question: Who is the prime minister of India and then
Answer: Narendra Modi

After that also know about who were prime minister of India before Narendra Modi.
And who would be next to Narendra Modi in future.
That’s it question closed, go to next.

But for knowing “Who is the prime minister of India?”
reading complete India Polity will not help you much. I hope you understand.

18. Conclusion

In conclusion, preparing for GATE 2024 in six months is challenging but achievable with a well-structured plan.

Focus on your strengths, set clear goals, and maintain a disciplined study routine. Make use of the available resources and seek assistance when needed.

Staying healthy, motivated, and managing stress is key to success. The final months should be about comprehensive revision and confidence-building.

Believe in yourself, and you’ll be well-prepared to ace the GATE 2024 exam.

Remember, consistency and dedication are the keys to GATE success. Good luck with your preparations!

19. References

For official GATE information and updates, please refer to the official GATE website ( and relevant documentation.

20. GATE in 6 months FAQs

Is 6 months enough to prepare for GATE?

Students with good basic understanding of all subjects covered in GATE can crack the exam in as less as 6 months preparation and that too with a good score.

How can I qualify GATE in 6 months?

Prepare with some technique & proper plan in 6 months for GATE exam would be enough for good rank in GATE 2024.

How can I prepare for GATE 2024 without coaching?

  • Familiarize yourself with the syllabus,
  • Analyze GATE previous years question papers,
  • Analyze the GATE exam patterns,
  • Select appropriate books and resources,
  • Plan your preparation,
  • Follow your plan,
  • Keep these in your mind,
  • Revise again and again,
  • Mock tests are a must for developing.

How many months are sufficient for GATE preparation?

For best results, your GATE self study plan must be scheduled atleast before 4-6 months of the exam.

How many hours a day should I study for GATE?

Experts suggest that candidates should at least give 6-8 hours daily for their studies for getting good rank in GATE 2024 exam.

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GATE (Reasoning & Aptitude & Maths) Books

GATE Guide Books

GATE Total Information & Guidance

1.GATE 2025 Introduction »
2.GATE 2025 Notification »
3.GATE 2025 Dates »
4.GATE 2025 Login »
5.GATE 2025 Application »
6.GATE 2025 Paper Pattern »
7.GATE 2025 Syllabus »
8.GATE 2025 Books »
9.GATE Previous Years Papers »
10.GATE Free Notes »
11.GATE Free Study Material »
12.GATE Free Mock Tests »
13.GATE 2024 Paper Analysis
1. GATE Paper Analysis - Institute Wise »
2. GATE Paper Analysis - Year Wise »
14. GATE 2024 Answer key »
15.GATE 2025 Exam Schedule / Dates »
16.GATE 2025 Exam Centers / Cities List »
17.GATE 2025 Admit Card »
18.GATE 2024 Result »
19.GATE 2024 Cut-off Marks »
20.GATE Helpline »
21.GATE FAQs »

Click below given links to get further information.

GATE 2025 Total InfoGATE 2025 BooksFree Notes 2025
IES 2025 Total InfoIES 2025 BooksFree Mock Tests 2025
JAM 2025 Total InfoJAM 2025 BooksEngg Diploma 2024
PSUs 2024 Total InfoM Tech 2024 Total InfoUGC NET 2024 Total Info

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  1. Hello sir,
    I m mechanical engineer student in 7th sem . i want to prepre for gate 2017 . so from where i need begins to get good rank in gate 2017

    • Hello Devendra,

      We generally suggest candidate to divide GATE exam preparation in three levels.
      1. Basics
      2. Moderate
      3. Hard

      Start your preparation from any of these levels as per your preparation.
      Good rank in GATE depends upon many factors like your hard work, determination, smart study and many more.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  2. hello, i have completed from mechanical engineering. what is the scope of cad designing after good gate score. Is there any psu who hire cad designers because i am interested in cad designing.

    • Hello Rajat,

      You will not get extra marks for this extra qualification but you can make this your strong point at the time of interview.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  3. Hi, I am 2012 passout, worked in mnc for 2 years, 1 year i prepared by myself and couldnot do well. But this time i am sure i will get a good rank. My question is , in interview will i have a negative impression of my old age as compared to other young candidate. please reply soon.

    • Hello abhijeet,

      If you will give them chance to think like you are thinking right now then they would also think like you.
      Don’t think like that you are old for any job in PSU. Those interview panel members have so much experience not only of work but also of life.
      Just prepare well for GATE and get call for Interview from various PSUs & show them you experience which you got after investing your age.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  4. First of all a lot of thanks for this tremendous work, it’s really very heartening for all aspirants who will be going to appear in upcoming competitive exam.
    I think it’s an elegant platform for eng. for GATE, IES & PSU guidance similar to “MRUNAL” for IAS.
    I’m a student of 7th sem B.Tech form MDU, Rohtak. Actually i need your help to optimize the no. and name of subject which is importance in GATE 2016 w.r.t time. Can i prepare for gate in 90 days with the help of solving previous year paper and mock test. One thing i would like to clear to you for better advice i haven’t brief knowledge about every topic but …….. have admissible knowledge.
    i’m hopefully waiting for your valuable advice.

  5. Dear sir,
    Thanks for giving lots of information in your site.
    I am a professional & working in good industry.I have done BE in 2006. I cleared GATE exams 3 time in electrical engineering branch & obtained max. 41 marks.
    I want to take mtech or phd from iit. I am 31 years old.
    I want to some useful suggetions.
    I am married & have two kids so with my family responsibility can i do mtech or phd?
    Again i am preparing GATE 2016.

  6. Sir,
    I am working professional and preparing for Gate 2016. Your post is really very helpful to me. Thanks a lot for such post. My problem is that with 6Days working in a week I get very less time to prepare for Gate. Also only few months are left now and I have covered only 30% of whole syllabus. Can you please suggest me how to prepare in a better way?

    • Hello drasty,

      Completing GATE syllabus as soon as possible will be beneficial. If possible complete GATE 2016 syllabus before 2-3 months of GATE exam so that you can revise GATE syllabus atleast 2-3 times before exam. Revision will reduce chances of mistakes and also build confidence in you. It would be better if you join any good test series during these 3 months it will save your time in exam and prepare you for GATE 2016 online exam.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello raghu,

      IISc is first choice for M. Tech. and P. HD. Program for most of the candidates. So it is really hard to get admission into IISc. You must be clear in your concepts of all subjects mentioned in the GATE syllabus. You level of understanding a particular subject start from very basic to advance. If you would be able to do this then you are on the right path for getting admission into IISc.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  7. sir….i’m studying 2nd year mechanical engineering,i have confidence in self-studying for GATE exam but all of them are telling me to join in coaching centres …….what should i do now?????????????

    • Hello padmanathan,

      If you are confused about joining coaching or not then prepare one subject of your interest by yourself for GATE in limit time period.
      Use standard books for study, you can refer a good coaching institute study material / class notes and GATE previous years papers.
      Prepare that well and arrange some previous mock tests of any good institute(s) try to solve them without any/anyone’s help. If you are able to solve questions of that particular subject in that test then no need to join any coaching if you still find difficulty to achieve required level for GATE exam in that test then you should join coaching because at that point you need some strong guidance.

      You must read these posts. These posts will give you an idea about GATE exam and about GATE exam preparation approach.
      (1) How to start preparation for gate 2016 ? –
      (2) 15 Must Read Tips and Tricks for GATE 2016 Aspirants –
      (3) Is it necessary to join coaching for GATE 2016 ? –
      (4) How to prepare for gate 2016 in 6 months ? –
      (5) Preparation strategy for GATE 2016 examination –

      For important subjects and topics buy a previous years papers book in which you will find all the analysis very well including GATE 2015 paper.
      GATE 2016 Civil engineering Reference Books :

      First you have to have a book of previous GATE 20-30 years papers with solution so that you can get a good idea about GATE questions.
      Then atleast one standard book of each subject. All books required for GATE exam preparation in Engineering are mentioned in above link.

      we can give you some suggestion for your preparation time table :
      (1) make plan as per time availability in a day for study exclude other times like daily routine work etc.
      (2) Always study in three level anything :
      1. easy
      2. medium
      3. Hard

      First follow easy. Like you are going to study a chapter. Note down all the important topic from exam point of view and study introductory of every topic then move to next chapter and so on. It will not take much time and you will complete your whole syllabus at least once then medium than hard.

      Make a time table for a whole day, for a week, for a month and for a year for GATE 2016. Stick to the time table. Must include time for revision in each time table.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  8. Thanks for sharing the post & giving a point to ponder upon your techniques . Does your tequnique mean go through the previous year gate questions and then accordingly read that relevant topic topic related to it to understand or solve the question?

    • Hello Snidhi,

      Yes exactly.
      For 6 month period it is best approach. Mainly for those who haven’t study yet for GATE 2016. Specially just pass-out aspirants.
      Surely many will not agree with my view but it is also true that you can’t read all the standard books of all the subject mentioned in the gate syllabus in this 6 months short period.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  9. hello sir,
    I have only 60% marks for b-tech. So am i able to find job in a good companies after completing M-tech .Now i am preparing for gate exam . Some of them told me there is no point in appearing for gate exam and doing M-tech by this mark. All good companies will select candidates having good marks for b-tech .

    • Hello arun,

      Its not like that if you perform good at your GATE exam and also at your M Tech but have only 60% at your B Tech that doesn’t mean you would not get placed.
      If you want to use GATE score for get selected in PSUs then it would difficult for you because many PSUs demand mostly above 60% at your B Tech level.
      You may also do some real time research visit any reputed institute or the institute you want to get admission and ask you queries to the student who are studying there.
      They can better explain you this issue. Certainly some one surely help you.
      It will not only clear your doubt but also give you a strength which in turn help you in your preparation.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  10. Thank you for soo much for your valuable guidance hope we will suceed so excess of this if we use some publication books like arihant e.t.c to clear our basic knowledge or doubt during solving previous year questions so is it benificial..

    • Hello safwan,

      Doubts can be clear from any where and from any source but remember your source of info must be correct otherwise it will reduce your marks in exam. Thatswhy we always suggest the aspirants to always refer standard books.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  11. hello sir
    Its really a useful information provided to us .I just have following doubts and i request you to kindly clarify.

    1.What is the time span we need to spend on basics so that we will be able to solve previous year papers.
    2.Should we have to start with maths or end with it .
    3.It would be really grateful of you if you can share a rough study plan including which subject to start and how much time has to be spent to be successful because I personally waste a lot of time thinking how to start and where to start.

    • Hello shreya,

      1. Its depends upon you. If your basics are clear then no need to prepare basics again but if your basics are not clear then you must atleast know introduction of each topic related to GATE syllabus.
      2. Start your preparation with your favorite subject or subject which you like not much. Its depends on you. But keep in mind you have to prepare all subjects mentioned in the GATE syllabus. But if you have less time for GATE preparation and haven’t prepare yet anything then prepare first those subjects which you can prepare quickly and also do prepare those topics first those are being asked frequently.

      Please read our this blog posts related to GATE preparation we have posted many different-different kind of preparation strategy and plan for GATE preparation.
      You must read these posts. These posts will give you an idea about GATE exam and about GATE exam preparation approach.
      (1) How to start preparation for gate 2016 ? –
      (2) 15 Must Read Tips and Tricks for GATE 2016 Aspirants –
      (3) Is it necessary to join coaching for GATE 2016 ? –
      (4) How to prepare for gate 2016 in 6 months ? –
      (5) Preparation strategy for GATE 2016 examination –

      For important subjects and topics buy a previous years papers book in which you will find all the analysis very well including GATE 2015 paper.
      GATE 2016 Reference Books :

      First you have to have a book of previous GATE 20-30 years papers with solution so that you can get a good idea about GATE questions.
      Then atleast one standard book of each subject. All books required for GATE exam preparation in Engineering are mentioned in above link.

      3. There are many candidates who have requested us about creating a rough plan for GATE preparation. we will try to post a rough plan in next 4-5 days. Please keep visiting our blog. However preparation time , strategy, study technique etc vary person to person thatswhy we didn’t posted any plan yet. Now we are thinking we have to post a rough plan so that aspirants can take some advantage of it.
      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  12. Hello Sir,

    I passed my engineering in 2014. I want to apply for Gate 2016. I don’t have my degree certificate with me, but I do have the Provisional Certificate. Should I collect my Degree Certificate from the college and upload the same or only the Provisional Certificate will be sufficient while applying for Gate 2016.

    Thanks in advance.

  13. I am from instrumentation dept, presently in my 3rd year, so I will be appearing in GATE 2017. I am not very good in circuit theory and analog, and hence I’m very tensed. Can you please tell me which are the most important subjects of instrumentation for GATE exam? I have the study material of Gateforum and I’m referring to standard books to build my basics, will it be sufficient?

  14. I agree with you, of course short span of time one must solve previous year question papers. but without reading standard books or without basics, I could not solve the problems, I felt very difficult to solve single problem. It made me inferior. What to do?

    • Hello Prabhu,

      I didn’t tell you dont read standard books. You must again read our posts.
      Preparing with some technique in 6 months for GATE will be as hard as preparing by reading standard books but it would be more fruitful bcz in these 6 months you cant even complete a single book which contain 1000 pages atleast.

      Let me try to explain you this issue a little.
      Question : Who is the prime minister of India ?
      Answer : Narendra Modi

      So what basically you must know in order to understand the question.
      First what is the definition of a prime minister of India.
      What is its work, responsibility etc.
      Then comes question : Who is the prime minister of India and then Answer : Narendra Modi
      Then also know about who were prime minister of India before Narendra Modi.
      That’s it question closed go to next.

      But for knowing “Who is the prime minister of India?”
      reading complete India Polity will not help you much. I hope you understand.

  15. hello sir im an architecture final year student. i would like to get more knowledge about architectural preparation for gate2016. kindly help me with good publication or the method to prepare.

  16. hello sir,
    im an architecture final year student, i would like to get more knowledge about architecture preparation for gate2016. pls kindly help me for my preparation.

  17. HELLO SIR,

    • Hello SAGAR,

      Wait for some time I will write a post for 1 or 2 year long time GATE preparation strategy. Specially for the candidates preparing for GATE 2017.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello ankit,

      Selection of coaching institute depends upon many factors like where do you live, what kind of facility you want from a institute, what is the purpose your to take admission in a coaching etc. So it is really hard to provide a institute name for an aspirant.
      I can give some advise to you contact you previously qualified friends or check some facebook communities and page for getting knowledge about good coaching institute for chemical engineering as per your requirements.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  18. Provides structured and well clear guidance to all…Thanks for ur effort in collecting much valuable informations…Continue your good work.

  19. It would be even better if you put a rough time table for preparation in 6 months. for e.g. mechanical such that we feel even more comfortable following the instruction given by you. thanks for such a great effort by ur team.

    • Hello Pradeep,

      Actually a time table depends upon various factors and those factors vary person to person.
      however we will consider your suggestion and try to make a common plan for GATE 2016 aspirants.

      Thanks for your valuable suggestion.

    • Hello arun ,

      Presently saving this websites page in word file format is not possible but you can save it as web file format.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  20. sir
    is it benificial to study some publication books like arihant gate tutor nd gkbpublication books bcz no time to refer standard books !!

    or else to get ace material(hand written)

  21. Hello sir Now I am doing 3rd year Mechanical Engineering.If I will Pass in Gate 2016 Exam , will Gate mark 2016 use for Public Sectors Units, After completing 4th year ?


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