How Much Marks/Rank in GATE for IIT?



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Find the GATE marks and ranks required for admission to prestigious IITs. Plan your GATE exam strategy for IIT admissions.

“How much gate score required for IISc, Bangalore?
How much gate marks required for direct admission in iit?
You all must have this kind of questions in your mind. 
Below article will solve this puzzle of yours. Just take a look.”

how much marks gate iit

Marks/Rank in GATE for IIT – After GATE result M.E, M.Tech, Ph.d. admissions in various colleges will start for the session of 2024. Colleges follow their own rules for admission in their various programmes.

As per GATE score of a candidate some institutes provide direct admission, some conduct group discussion and interview. Selection process is wholly depend upon institution.

IISc and IIT’s organize group discussion and interview in order to select candidates for their M.E, M.Tech, Ph.d. programmes. CCMT counselling is now being used by NIT’s for their M.E, M.Tech, Ph.d. programmes.

You must have thinking that if there is group discussion and interview even after GATE exam then what is the use of GATE ? There is group discussion and interview in order to select suitable candidate for their various programmes.

GATE score weightage is always greater among these like 70-85% of total. So, always focus more on your GATE exam score. So that you would get advantage while getting admission in India’s top colleges.

Candidates who get admission through GATE score would be eligible for stipend of Rs. 13,000 per month.

You must have thinking that
Why I provided GATE rank analysis instead of GATE marks analysis?

If I tell you that you need to score 95/100 to get admission into IISc, Bangalore for a particular branch through GATE 2024 and by chance in GATE 2024 highest marks is 85/100 because of difficult paper designed by GATE office then my suggestion will go wrong.

This is why I designed this post based on rank not on marks. Marks may vary year by year but rank for getting selected in a particular college and course is almost same because seats for a particular course doesn’t vary frequently.

So try to get AIR rank in GATE 2024 within 100 for getting admission into IISc, Bangalore/Top IITs.

Summarily try to get as much as possible marks as you can in GATE 2024 because you can’t decide highest marks and cut off marks while attending GATE 2024 exam.

There are three ways in which candidates are offered admission to an institute:

1. Direct Admission on the basis of GATE score.
2. Interview of the candidates based on their GATE score and then Admission.
3. Candidate shortlisted on the basis of their GATE score then a Written test then Interview and then Admission.

Factors that Determine GATE Cut Off for IITs

The GATE cut-off for IITs is influenced by various factors:

  1. Institute and Program: Different IITs and programs may have varying cut-off scores.
  2. Total Applicants: The number of applicants for a specific program affects the cut-off.
  3. Difficulty Level: The difficulty of the GATE paper can impact the cut-off.
  4. Number of Seats: Limited seats in top programs make the competition tougher.
  5. Category: Cut-offs vary for general, OBC, SC, ST, and other categories.
  6. Previous Year’s Cut-offs: Historical cut-off trends also influence the current year’s cut-off.
  7. Reservation Policy: IITs follow reservation policies, affecting category-wise cut-offs.
  8. Exam Performance: High-scoring candidates may raise the cut-off.
  9. Specialization: Some specializations are more competitive than others.
  10. Availability of Scholarships: Scholarships may attract high-scoring candidates, raising cut-offs.

As a result, GATE cut-offs for IITs can fluctuate each year based on these factors.

GATE Rank v/s IIT Institute

S.No.Institutes GATE Rank
 1.Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
(1) For Direct Admission : AIR < 100
(2) For some courses : ≤ AIR ≤ 600
 2.Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi,
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
(1) For Direct Admission : AIR < 100
(2) For some courses : ≤ AIR ≤ 300
 3.Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur AIR ≤ 600
 4.Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee,
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati,
Indian Institute of Technology, BHU
 AIR ≤ 1000
 5.National Institute of Technology’s,
Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad,
Indian Institute of Technology, Patna etc
 AIR ≤ 1500
 6.Government Engineering Colleges (National & State level) AIR ≤ 2500
 7.Private Engineering Colleges (National & State level) AIR ≥ 2500

# Note : These are general statistics, most appropriate for the popular departments like Electronics, Computer Science, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering in their most popular and common courses. For more details you may check concern Institutes website.

GATE 2024 Expected Qualifying Cut-Off for IITs

The GATE Expected Qualifying Cut-Off for IITs is a crucial benchmark for aspirants.

IITs set competitive cut-off marks each year for various disciplines, making it essential to score well in the GATE exam to secure a spot in these prestigious institutions.

Stay updated with the latest cut-off trends for your desired program.

Paper Code GATE BranchCut Off 
ECElectronics and Communication Engineering
  • General: 25
  • OBC: 22.5
  • SC/ST/PwD: 16.5
EEElectrical Engineering
  • General: 30.7
  • OBC (NCL)/EWS: 27.6
  • SC/ST/PwD: 20.4
EYEcology and Evolution
  • General category: 33.4
  • OBC (NCL)/EWS: 30
  • SC/ST/PWD: 22.2
  • General category: 26.5
  • OBC (NCL)/EWS: 23.8
  • SC/ST/PWD: 17.6
CSComputer Science
  • General: 25
  • OBC- 22.5
  • SC/ST/PwD: 16.6
  • General: 27.5
  • OBC(NCL)/EWS- 24.7
  • SC/ST/PwD- 18.3
  • General: 27.3
  • OBC (NCL)/EWS: 24.5
  • SC/ST/PwD: 18.2
  • General: 25
  • OBC(NCL)/EWS- 22.5
  • SC/ST/PwD- 16.6
TFTextile Engineering and Fiber Science
  • General: 36.8
  • OBC(NCL)/EWS- 34.9
  • SC/ST/PwD- 25.6
XEEngineering Sciences
  • General: 40.3
  • OBC(NCL)/EWS: 36.2
  • SC/ST/PwD: 26.8
XLLife Science (Botany/ Zoology)
  • General: 33.9
  • OBC(NCL)/EWS- 30.5
  • SC/ST/PwD: 22.5
AGAgricultural Engineering
  • General: 26.3
  • OBC- 23.6
  • SC/ST/PWD: 17.5
BMBiomedical Engineering
  • General: 35.5
  • OBC- 31.9
  • SC/ST/PWD: 23.6
CECivil Engineering
  • General: 30.4
  • OBC (NCL)/EWS: 27.3
CHChemical Engineering
  • General: 25.3
  • OBC(NCL)/EWS- 22.7
  • SC/ST/PwD- 16.8
MEMechanical Engineering
  • General: 27.5
  • OBC (NCL)/EWS: 24.7
  • SC/ST/PwD: 18.3

GATE Cut off IIT Delhi 2022

GATE Cut Off for IIT Delhi varies from year to year and across different programs.

It is determined by factors like the number of applicants and the difficulty level of the GATE exam.

BranchM.Tech ProgrammeCourse CodeGATE Paper/ OtherGenOBCSCSTPwD
Mechanical EngineeringMechanical DesignMEMME725650500300300
Industrial EngineeringMEEME725650500300300
Production EngineeringMEPME725650500300300
Thermal EngineeringMETME725650500300300
Computer ScienceComputer TechnologyEETIT/CS/EC/ Other745672500425400
Computer Sc. & EnggMCSDirect Admission900900900900900
Interview Shortlisting790710


Interview Shortlisting


Chemical EngineeringChemical EngineeringCHEDirect Admission650615525440525
Interview Shortlisting540450375300375
Civil EngineeringConstruction Engg. & MgmtCETCE770700600320320
Structural EngineeringCESCE820780635495495
Water Resources Engg.CEWCE675650475454400
Transportation Engg.CEPCE709624500315400
Electrical EngineeringCommunications Engg.EEEEE/EC/IN770720540440440
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & DrivesEEPEE770700610590590
Power SystemsEESEE750640555475380

Candidates interested in specific programs at IIT Delhi should refer to the official website for the most accurate and up-to-date information on the GATE cut-off scores.

GATE Cutoff IIT Bombay 2022

The GATE cutoff for IIT Bombay varies depending on the year, program, and category of the applicants.

IIT Bombay sets different cutoff scores for each M.Tech program, considering factors such as the number of applicants and the difficulty of the GATE exam.

DisciplinePaper CodeM.Tech ProgrammeGenOBC-NCSC/ST
Computer ScienceCSComputer Science and Engineering750675500
Mechanical EngineeringMEThermal & Fluids Engineering400
Design Engineering600540
Manufacturing Engineering
Electrical EngineeringEE,CS,ECCommunication Engineering510459340
EE,CS,EC,INControl & Computing
EE,EC,INPower Electronics & Power Systems
Civil engineeringCETransportation Systems Engineering550495367
Geotechnical Engineering550495367
Water Resources Engineering500450333
Structural Engineering600540400
Ocean Engineering500450333

Candidates interested in specific programs at IIT Bombay should visit the official website for the most current and accurate GATE cutoff scores.

GATE Cutoff IIT Roorkee 2022

The GATE cutoff for IIT Roorkee can vary from year to year and across different M.Tech programs.

The cutoff scores are influenced by factors such as the number of applicants and the difficulty level of the GATE exam.

Chemical Engineering40.1636.5427.3129.7230.52
Civil Engineering43.6439.5429.4629.8330.22
Electrical Engineering5852.2339.0240.26
Electronics & Comm. Engg.28.9926.2119.5923.120.46
Computer Science & Engg.57.2351.6238.5139.3422
Mechanical & Industrial Engg65.1358.8643.8343.8344.71

To find the specific GATE cutoff scores for your desired program at IIT Roorkee, it is recommended to check the official institute website or admission brochure for the most up-to-date information.

GATE Cutoff IIT Kharagpur 2022

The GATE cutoff for IIT Kharagpur varies each year and is program-specific.

It is determined by factors such as the number of applicants, the difficulty level of the GATE exam, and the specific M.Tech program.

To know the current GATE cutoff scores for your desired program at IIT Kharagpur, please refer to the official institute website or admission brochure for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

GATE Cutoff IIT Kanpur 2022

The GATE cutoff for IIT Kanpur is subject to change from year to year and across different M.Tech programs.

These cutoff scores are influenced by factors such as the number of applicants, the difficulty level of the GATE exam, and specific program requirements.

DisciplineM.Tech ProgrammesGenOBCSCSTPwD
Mechanical EngineeringMechanical833791663482
Computer Sc. & Engg.Computer Science721349480480480
Electrical Engg.Microelectronics, VLSI & Display Technology853796632556
Power & Control769706560452
Signal Processing811754562487
Communication &
RF,Microwaves &769714521374_
Control & Automation799739565512
Civil Engg.Hydraulics & Water Resources608553488277
Structural Engineering561542380280

To find the current GATE cutoff scores for your desired program at IIT Kanpur, it is advisable to check the official institute website or admission brochure for the latest information.

GATE Cutoff IIT Guwahati 2022

The GATE cutoff for IIT Guwahati can vary from year to year and across different M.Tech programs.

The cutoff scores are influenced by factors such as the number of applicants and the difficulty level of the GATE exam.

DisciplineM.Tech ProgrammesGATE PaperGENOBC – NCSCST
Mechanical Engineering (ME)Machine DesignME753715525298
Fluids and Thermal Engineering713623510289
Computer Assisted ManufacturingME or PI546401340
Computational MechanicsME / AE503379
Aerodynamics and Propulsion625503427
Computer Science Engineering (CSE)Computer Science and EngineeringCS768654520448
Theoretical Computer ScienceCS/ MA563342
Electronics and


Engineering (EEE)

Signal Processing672582438295
Communication Engineering662559461522
Power and ControlEE/IN726629489
RF and PhotonicsEC/EE617565292




Geotechnical EngineeringCE671581488435
Transportation Systems EngineeringCE670578486382

To find the specific GATE cutoff scores for your desired program at IIT Guwahati, it is recommended to check the official institute website or admission brochure for the most up-to-date information.

GATE Marks / Rank for IIT FAQs

What is a good rank in the GATE?

GATE rank of below 200 will ensure a seat to the candidate in the leading IITs and IISC. However, the candidates will also have to meet the eligibility criteria along with scores for admission.

What is a good GATE rank for PSU?

Candidates with a rank of 150 in GATE have better chances of getting into the PSUs.

What is the difference between GATE score and GATE marks?

GATE score is calculated out of 1000 while GATE marks are calculated out of 100. A candidate who wishes to get direct admission into IISC/ IITs must try to score nearly 1000.

What is the validity of the GATE score?

GATE scorecard is valid for three years. Your score is only valid when it is above or equal to the score of qualifying marks.

What is the total marks in GATE?

GATE Exam is a single paper online examination of three hours, with 65 questions carrying a total of 100 marks.

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GATE (Reasoning & Aptitude & Maths) Books

GATE Guide Books

GATE Total Information & Guidance

1.GATE 2025 Introduction »
2.GATE 2025 Notification »
3.GATE 2025 Dates »
4.GATE 2025 Login »
5.GATE 2025 Application »
6.GATE 2025 Paper Pattern »
7.GATE 2025 Syllabus »
8.GATE 2025 Books »
9.GATE Previous Years Papers »
10.GATE Free Notes »
11.GATE Free Study Material »
12.GATE Free Mock Tests »
13.GATE 2024 Paper Analysis
1. GATE Paper Analysis - Institute Wise »
2. GATE Paper Analysis - Year Wise »
14. GATE 2024 Answer key »
15.GATE 2025 Exam Schedule / Dates »
16.GATE 2025 Exam Centers / Cities List »
17.GATE 2025 Admit Card »
18.GATE 2024 Result »
19.GATE 2024 Cut-off Marks »
20.GATE Helpline »
21.GATE FAQs »

Click below given links to get further information.

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    if yes, tell me procedure to that

    • Hello Abdullah,

      If you are getting admission on the basis of GATE score and college is also affiliated from AICTE then you will surely get scholarship. Scholarship will be provided by MHRD, Govt of India. Procedure of getting scholarship will be defined by college / institute only.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

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  12. Sir
    What happen after completing from IIT or nit
    Does they give placement
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    • What you can do for listing your name in top 100 GATE qualifiers list, Do that all. No one can stop you than varapraad.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Hello rama,

        Let me explain you with more details. Industrial Engineering (IE) students are eligible for GATE Mechanical Engineering (ME) paper bcz there is no separate paper for Industrial Engineering (IE). However you are not eligible for all the M Tech courses available in Mechanical Engineering for P.G. Programmes.

        For M. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering eligible branches are :
        1. Mechanical Engineering
        2. Production Engineering
        3. Industrial Engineering
        4. Automobile Engineering
        5. Aeronautical Engineering etc.

        Some P.G. Programmes of Mechanical Engineering in which Industrial Engineering eligible branches are :
        1. M.E. Engineering Design
        2. M.E. Industrial Engineering
        3. M.E. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
        4. M.E. Product Design & Development
        5. M.E. Computer Aided Design etc.

        Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.


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