GATE Score Card Image
GATE Marks
1. GATE Marks : Now a days there are two kind of questions asked in GATE exam.
(1) Multiple Choice Questions
[1] For 1 Marks Multiple Choice Questions, 1/3 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer.
[2] For 2 Marks Multiple Choice Questions, 2/3 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer.
(2) Numerical Answer Type Questions
There is NO negative marking for numerical answer type questions.
Making scheme in GATE exam for multiple choice questions is same as any other competitive exam where 1 marks will be awarded for the correct answer while 1/3rd or 2/3rd marks will be deducted for incorrect answer from the total marks. Total marks assigned in GATE exam is 100 for nearly 65 questions.
2. GATE Rank : GATE rank is also known as All India Rank(AIR). A candidate get his/her GATE rank only for his branch. For example a candidate from Electrical engineering will get GATE rank among all Electrical engineers who attended GATE exam of that particular year.
GATE Score
3. GATE Score : GATE score is calculated out of 1000 while GATE marks are calculated out of 100. GATE score can be calculated using a formula which is based on normalized marks.
Candidate who wish to get direct admission into IISC/ IITs must try to score nearly 1000.
GATE Percentile
4. GATE Percentile : Percentile is percentage of people behind you in GATE exam.
Percentile is calculated as shown below :
{(Total number of candidates appeared in your subject- candidate rank)/(Total number of candidates-1)} x 100
Suppose 5,00,000 candidates appeared in GATE exam.
Example 1
Your rank is 1
Percentile = ((5,00,000-1)/(5,00,000-1)) x 100 = 100
Example 2
Your rank is 100
Percentile = ((5,00,000-100)/(5,00,000-1)) x 100 = 99.95
Example 3
Your rank is 5,00,000
Percentile = ((5,00,000-5,00,000)/(5,00,000-1)) x 100 = 0
Candidate who wish to get direct admission into IISC/ IITs must try to score nearly 100 percentile.
We created this post in order to clear doubts related to the various terms used in GATE exam.
Related Links
- GATE Toppers Marks (2025 -2011): Year wise & Branch wise
- GATE Qualifying Marks (2025-2011): Categorywise, Yearwise, Branchwise
GATE 2024 Marks, Rank, Score & Percentile FAQs
What is the difference between GATE marks, rank, score, and percentile?
GATE marks represent the raw marks obtained by a candidate in the GATE exam. GATE rank indicates the relative position of a candidate among all the candidates who appeared for the GATE exam in a particular paper. GATE score is calculated based on the normalized marks and is used for ranking purposes. GATE percentile represents the percentage of candidates who scored lower than a particular candidate.
How are GATE marks calculated?
GATE marks are calculated based on the actual marks obtained by a candidate in the GATE paper. The marks are not normalized and are specific to the paper and session in which the candidate appeared.
How is GATE rank calculated?
GATE rank is calculated based on the GATE score. Candidates with higher scores are awarded better ranks. In case of a tie, tie-breaking criteria are used, such as the number of incorrect answers, marks obtained in the main subject, and so on.
How is the GATE score calculated?
The GATE score is calculated using the formula: GATE Score = (Total marks obtained by the candidate / Maximum marks in the paper) * (Total marks of the paper / Mean marks of the top 0.1% or top 10, whichever is higher). The GATE score is used for ranking purposes.
What is the significance of GATE percentile?
GATE percentile represents the percentage of candidates who scored lower than a particular candidate. It is used to compare the performance of candidates across different GATE papers.
A higher percentile indicates a better performance in comparison to other candidates.
Can I estimate my GATE rank based on my GATE marks?
It is difficult to estimate the exact GATE rank based on marks alone as it depends on the performance of other candidates as well.
However, you can refer to the previous year's GATE rank vs marks data to get an idea of the approximate rank range for a given set of marks.
Is there a minimum GATE score or marks required to qualify GATE?
Yes, there is a minimum qualifying GATE score or marks that vary from year to year and are determined by the GATE conducting authority. Candidates need to meet or exceed this qualifying score/marks to be considered qualified in GATE.
How can I check my GATE score and percentile?
The GATE scorecard, which is released by the GATE conducting authority, contains the GATE score and percentile. You can download the scorecard from the official GATE website using your login credentials.
How are GATE marks converted to percentile?
GATE marks are converted to percentile using the formula: Percentile = (Number of candidates who scored lower marks / Total number of candidates) * 100. This calculation is done separately for each GATE paper.
Is GATE rank the same as GATE score?
No, GATE rank and GATE score are different. GATE score is calculated based on the normalized marks obtained by a candidate, while GATE rank represents the relative position of a candidate among all the candidates who appeared for the GATE exam in a particular paper.
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i hav got 43 marks in gate 2017 as per key given by iir-R what score can i expect?
and is there any chnce of gettng into an iit or nit?
I am a Fourth-Year B.Arch student. What rank/ What score should I achieve to secure an admission for Architectural Conservation in SPA New Delhi?
SPA admission is not based on GATE Score. it is through interview and portfolio.
Which are the institutes (especially IITs) that will accept a score of 510 obtained in GATE 2016 (Biotechnology)?
i got 15.07 gate marks, can i get admission in good college in Mumbai.
My gate 2016 score is 421. Will i able to get admission in any nit?
what will be my gate score if my expected gate mark is 36 ?will i able to get an iit or nit?
my expected mark in 2016 gate exam civil is 36 .what will be my expected gate score? will i be able to get a iit or nit?
Hello pradyumna,
Yes you have chance to get seat in NITs.
Wait for few days we will update soon some analysis for marks v/s college allocation.
If you really wanted to get admission then fill all colleges / universities application where you wanted to get admission and wait for all rounds of selection. This is what we can suggest you right now.
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.