15 Must Read Tips and Tricks to Crack GATE 2025: Your Comprehensive Guide to Success



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Discover valuable tips and tricks to excel in GATE 2025, unlocking your path to a successful engineering career.

“What are some good tips for gate 2025 exam preparation?
Is there any trick which can help in gate 2025 exam preparation in last months?

You all must have this kind of questions in your mind nowadays. Below article will solve this puzzle of yours. Just take a look.”

15 must read tips and tricks to crack gate

15 Must Read Tips and Tricks for GATE 2025 Aspirants – Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering and science.

GATE is a national level competitive examination which is taken by more than 10 lakhs candidates every year for post-graduation, research and PSU job opportunities.

GATE 2025 exam will be conduct by IIT, Roorkee on dates 1, 2 and 8, 9 February, 2025.

GATE 2025 Highlights

GATE 2025 Conducting BodyIIT, Roorkee
GATE 2025 Exam Date1, 2, 8, 9 February, 2025
GATE 2025 Total Subjects30
GATE 2025 Exam ModeONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT)
GATE 2025 Exam Duration3 hours (180 minutes)
GATE 2025 Total Questions10 (GA) + 55 (subject)= 65
GATE 2025 Total Marks100
GATE 2025 Question TypeMCQ, MSQ, NAT

Candidates which are highly motivated and with a clear vision of their goals will only be able to score high in the GATE exam.

In order to crack GATE 2025, candidates must have a proper strategic plan for GATE 2025 examination. The GATE score of a candidate reflects the relative performance level of a candidate.

2. GATE 2025 Highlights

Exam NameGATE 2025
GATE Full FormGraduate Aptitude Test In Engineering
Examination ModeComputer Based Test (Online)
Duration3 Hours
Number of Papers in GATE 202530 Papers
  • General Aptitude (GA)
  • Candidate Selected Subject
Type of Questions
  • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Multiple Select Questions (MSQs)
  • Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions
Design of QuestionsThe questions are intended to put the specified abilities to the test.

  • Application
  • Analysis
  • Comprehension
  • Recall
  • Synthesis
Number of Questions65 Questions

  • General Aptitude – 10 Questions
  • Core Discipline- 55 Questions
Distribution of Questions in all Papers except CY, AR, EY, MA, GG, PH, and XL
  • Engineering Mathematics – 13 Marks
  • Subject Questions – 72 Marks
  • General Aptitude – 15 Marks
Distribution of Questions in CY, EY, AR, MA, PH, XH, GG, and XL
  • Questions from Subject Concerned – 85 Marks
  • General Aptitude – 15 Marks
Total Marks100 Marks
Marking SchemeAll of the questions will be worth one or two marks.
GATE 2025 Official Websitewww.iitr.ac.in

The tips listed below summarised all the elements you need to score high in GATE 2025 examination, starting with getting familiar with the syllabus & paper pattern, to taking mock tests, and do’s and don’ts in the last few days leading up to the GATE 2025 examination.

GATE is one of the most competitive examinations in India. There are various coaching institutes that offer a proper path for the aspirant but it is not the only way to score well in the exam.

Therefore, we have come up with some essential tips that candidates may follow to get great success in GATE 2025 examination without coaching.

3. 15 Must Read Tips and Tricks for GATE 2025

1. Strategic Approach to GATE 2025

Mastering the Art of Selective Study for Success

First of all go through latest syllabus of GATE completely. Read every single topic of each subject carefully mentioned in the GATE syllabus.

It is important to know what to study but
it is more important to know what not to study

Because you have to choose subjects to study as per GATE syllabus you do not need to study all subjects which you have studied during your B.E. / B. Tech. course.

2. Boost Your GATE 2025 Preparation

Get Made Easy and ACE Academy’s Previous Years’ Papers Books with Detailed Solutions 

Buy Made Easy / ACE Academy GATE previous years papers book with explained solution. It will surely help greatly those who are preparing self at home.

GATE previous years papers book contain detailed solution of previous years papers. These books will help to solve questions easily and help in your GATE 2025 preparation.


GATE previous years’ papers books from Made Easy or ACE Academy, contain detailed solutions and can be highly beneficial for self-preparation for GATE 2025.

3. The Significance of Standard Books in GATE Preparation

A Path to Success

Always read standard books.

Why need to read standard books ?
Because standard books written by highly experienced Professors of reputed institutes / universities.

Data available in those books are very well examined on theoretical as well as practical measurements.

These books always comes with complete analysis and statistics, which you can find on the start and last of the books.

GATE papers are designed by IISc, IIT, NITs highly experienced professor those who have written many international and national level books and articles. So always try to use standard books.

Try to avoid mere knowledge books. Some standard publications are Tata McGraw-Hill (TMH), Prentice-Hall of India (PHI), Wiley etc.

4. GATE 2025: The Early Bird’s Advantage

Why Starting Your Preparation Sooner Matters

Many would say 3 to 4 month serious preparation is enough but I would suggest you as per present competition, You must start your preparation as soon as possible, targeting GATE 2025 examination. 

A GATE aspirant can start their GATE exam preparation from any year of college like 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year or 4th year. These is neither attempt limit nor age limit.

5. Strategize for Success

Crafting a Tailored GATE Preparation Plan

First of all make proper plan before starting your GATE preparation. What you have to study ?

What you have already studied or in which areas you are weak and in which areas you are strong ?

How many hours you have in a day for GATE preparation ? Specially if you are preparing for GATE with college study.

GATE Study Time Table for GATE 2025
DayAt least 2 HoursMore Than 2 hours2-3 hours
MondayEngineering MathsSubject Specific TopicsNumerical Ability
TuesdaySubject Specific TopicsSubject Specific TopicsVerbal Ability
WednesdayEngineering MathsSubject Specific TopicsSubject Specific Topics
(Pick those that need more time)
ThursdaySubject Specific TopicsEngineering Maths
(Pick the ones that need more time to cover)
Numerical Ability
FridaySubject Specific TopicsVerbal AbilityNumerical Ability
SaturdaySubject Specific TestFull-Length Mock TestAnalyze Your Mock Test
SundaySubject Specific TestFull-Length Mock TestAnalyze Your Mock Test

6. GATE Insights from the Pros

Leveraging the Wisdom of Previous Toppers

In free time try to read articles or guide notes written by previously qualified candidates or toppers.

It will surely give you a good idea about GATE preparation because experience take time and you are getting it without wasting your time.

If possible try to communicate with them so that they can rectify your silly mistakes in your preparation strategy.

7. Navigating GATE Success

The Importance of Staying Aligned with the Syllabus

Always keep a copy of syllabus of GATE with you, refer it as much as possible because many time we try to ignore many topic and those topics have big portion in your GATE paper and that inversely affect your rank in GATE examination.

8. The Path to GATE Success

A Structured Three-Step Preparation Plan

Don’t start your preparation in rush like preparing all subjects at once. Starting studying everything like theory and numerical of all subjects at once it will confuse you in last time preparation.

Start with basics then go high as you find yourself good enough prepared. As per my suggestion make your GATE preparation plan in three steps :

  1. First basic studies like definitions, units, dimensions etc. It will help you very well during extensive study.
  2. Theoretical portion of that particular subject.
  3. Numerical portion of that particular subject.

At last revision of that particular subject before starting new one. Try to study only one subject at a time. If you can manage two subjects at a time that would also good.

But more then two subjects at a time may lead you in big confusion in last time preparation or at revision time.

9. Mastering GATE through Practice and Precision

A Guide to Selecting the Right Study Materials

Try to solve as much as possible theoretical and numerical problems because as said “Practice makes man perfect”.

I will suggest you read only one subject at a time from only one book. That one book must good enough to follow GATE syllabus.

 So before starting GATE study, consult with your seniors or GATE qualifiers about books for GATE preparation.

Do not follow books without knowledge because all books don’t have good learning material it may lead you less marks in GATE exam.

1. GATE Best Books for ME (Mechanical Engineering)
SubjectsBooks and Authors
Design of Machine ElementMachine Design by VB Bhandari
Engineering MechanicsEngineering Mechanics by Bhavikatti
Heat TransferHeat & Mass Transfer by JP Hollman-RC Sachdeva
Fluid MechanicsFluid Mechanics by RK Bansal/Modi and Seth
Industrial EngineeringBy OP Khanna, Buffa, and Sarin
Strength of MaterialsBy Gere and Timoshenko/BC Punamia
Thermo – DynamicsBy Cengel
VibrationsMechanical Vibration by Grover
2. GATE Best Books for CE (Civil Engineering)
SubjectsBooks and Authors
Strength of MaterialB. C Punmia, U. C Jindal, R. K Bansal
Design of Steel StructureSK Duggal
Structural AnalysisTheory of Structure by S. Ramamrutham & R. Narayan
RCC DesignRefer to the book Reinforced Concrete Design written by Devdas Menon and S Pillai
Environment EngineeringSK Garg
Fluid Mechanics-HydraulicsWritten by PN Modi and SM Seth
Engineering HydrologyK Subramanya
Highway EngineeringS. K. Khanna & C. E. G. Justo
Fluid MechanicsYunus Senegal
3. GATE Best Books for EE (Electrical Engineering)
SubjectsBooks and Authors
Electromagnetic FieldsEngg Electromagnetics by WH Hayt, JA Buck
Signal and SystemBy PS Bhimbhra
By Allan S Willsky, S Hamid Nawab
Power SystemBy CL Wadhwa
By Nagrath & Kothari
Control SystemIJ Nagrath & M Gopal
Power ElectronicsBy PS Bhimbhra
Analog and Digital ElectronicsIntegrated Electronics: Analog And Digital Circuits And Systems by Christos C. Halkias, Chetan D. Parikh Jacob Millman.
Digital Design by M.Morris Mano.
4. GATE Best Books for ECE (Electronics and Communications)
SubjectsBooks and Authors
NetworksFundamentals of Electrical Circuits by Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Saidiku
Signal and SystemSignal and System by Alan V. Oppenheim, Allan S. Willsky, S.Hamid Nawab
Digital CircuitsDigital Logic and Computer Design by M.Morris Mano
ElectromagneticsPrinciple of Electromagnetics by Matthew N. O. Saidiku
Analog CircuitsMicroelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications by Kenneth C Smith
Analog and Digital CommunicationPrinciples of Communication by Herbert Taub, Goutam Saha, Donald Schilling
5. GATE Best Books for CSE (Computer Science and Engineering)
SubjectsBooks and Authors
AlgorithmsIntroduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein
Operating SystemOperating System concepts by Silberschartz Galvin, Gagne
Theory of ComputationAn Introduction to Formal languages and Automata by Peter Linz
DatabasesRefer to the book named Database System Concepts written by Silberschatz, Sudarshan, and Korth
Digital LogicDigital Logic and Computer Design by M. Morris Mano
6. GATE Best Books for Engineering Mathematics
Higher Engineering MathsBS Grewal
GATE Engineering MathsArihant Publications
Advance Engineering MathsErwin Kreyszig

10. GATE Topics Preparation Strategy

Deep Dive into Topics for Comprehensive Understanding and Excellence

Stay with a particular topic, understand what GATE paper designer ask from that topic, read all questions asked in GATE previous years, try to solve similar kind of question as much as possible from standard books.

11. GATE Time Management

Uncovering Shortcuts and Strategies for Efficient Problem Solving

When you find you have done enough questions for that particular topic then try to find some tricks that will help you to solve question with in shortest possible time so that you can utilize your remaining time in other questions solving because in GATE paper three kind of questions they aske :

  1. Easy : Which many students would be able to answer without much preparation.
  2. Moderate : These kind of question easily answered by who prepared for GATE with some awareness.
  3. Hard : For this kind of questions student need very good preparation of every single topic of each subject mentioned in the GATE syllabus.

This kind of question mostly lengthy and include more than 1 logic which you have to apply to solve that particular question.

Many times 3-4 logic. So, such kind of question need more attention and need more time to solve than easy questions. So always try to save your time in exam for such kind of questions.

12. Unlocking GATE Success

The Art of Crafting Effective Problem-Solving Techniques

Always try to develop some good tricks while you study at home because to be master in some kind of tricks you have to practice it as much as possible time.

You can learn it from a magician he work for a single trick nearly 10-12 hours in a single day for just making one show of some minutes but what after introducing that trick ?

All the people in the hall just praise his work and clap for his trick, Same as that magician you have to practice as much as possible to make your trick successful for that you need to study continuously for hours with very high concentration.

13. GATE Success Blueprint

The Vital Role of Mock Tests in Exam Preparation

Mock tests are the most important part in your preparation because you are going to prepare for an exam not for writing a book.

So, if you will not try to prepare in exam like environment you will surely do some silly kind of mistakes in the exam that in return lead you less marks.

So if possible try to make some mock tests by yourself if you can’t afford any coaching expanses or try to collect some test papers from your friends who have joined coaching and taking mock tests.

You can use those papers as your own mock test preparation, Just sit with your table and chair like in exam, set a clock for 3 hours exam like as exam hall and try to solve question same as you would solve in your GATE exam.

If you can afford coaching expenses then you may join any test series of good coaching institute.

Mock tests give you a good idea about time management in the exam hall in which many fails due to some silly reasons.

The whole plan of exam must be in your mind like you have given this exam many times even if you are giving it first time.

It would only possible if you prepare yourself for this exam previously very well.

14. Strategic Study Planning for GATE Success

The Art of Balanced Preparation

Always evaluate yourself, not just run like a horse in a race. Make a plan for study. Study for 6 days in a week and left 1 day for revision purpose for what you have studied in last 6 days.

Same do it for a month plan. Leave 2-3 days of a month in last for the revision for what you have studied in that particular month.

You need to revise what you have studied in your whole preparation like if you have 6 months for GATE preparation than you have to complete your whole GATE syllabus in just 5 months.

Keep last month for revision because you can’t revise/recall everything what you have studied in last 5 months without revising it.

15. Strategic GATE Preparation

Focusing on High-Yield Topics and Expert Guidance

If you don’t have enough time to prepare the whole syllabus of GATE then first calculate in what areas examiner asked questions the most try to prepare them first then others.

If you need any kind of guidance or have any kind of query related to GATE examination preparation you may write it below through comment box.

We will provide solution as soon as possible. Feel free to ask anything related to GATE preparation.

Good Luck for your GATE 2025 Exam 🙂

4. GATE Preparation Tips and Tricks FAQs

How to prepare for GATE 2025?

Follow these basic steps for GATE 2025 exam preparation:
1. First, Check GATE syllabus,
2. Check GATE exam pattern,
3. Give more and more mock tests,
4. Start with easy topics,
5. Be confident during GATE 2025 preparation,
6. Buy best and authentic books and resources,
7. Make proper notes,
8. Make a proper study plan,
9. Take enough rest during the preparation time.
10. Believe in yourself.

Is it easy to crack GATE 2025 Exam?

Cracking GATE 2025 exam will require hard work, time management, dedication and proper use of resources. If you are dedicated to cracking GATE 2025 exam, you can clear it easily.

Can GATE 2025 be prepared in 6 months?

Nothing is difficult if you are really concentrated and committed. With proper support, plan, education, and time management, candidates can clear the GATE 2025 exam in 6 months.

How much time is required for GATE 2025 preparation?

The answer actually depends on person to person. You have to put all your time, resources and effort into preparing the best for your GATE 2025 exam.

How much time is needed for GATE 2025 Preparation?

A candidate who study 7-8 hours a day, Can easily crack the GATE 2025 Exam in 8-10 months of preparation.

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GATE (Reasoning & Aptitude & Maths) Books

GATE Guide Books

GATE Total Information & Guidance

1.GATE 2025 Introduction »
2.GATE 2025 Notification »
3.GATE 2025 Dates »
4.GATE 2025 Login »
5.GATE 2025 Application »
6.GATE 2025 Paper Pattern »
7.GATE 2025 Syllabus »
8.GATE 2025 Books »
9.GATE Previous Years Papers »
10.GATE Free Notes »
11.GATE Free Study Material »
12.GATE Free Mock Tests »
13.GATE 2024 Paper Analysis
1. GATE Paper Analysis - Institute Wise »
2. GATE Paper Analysis - Year Wise »
14. GATE 2024 Answer key »
15.GATE 2025 Exam Schedule / Dates »
16.GATE 2025 Exam Centers / Cities List »
17.GATE 2025 Admit Card »
18.GATE 2024 Result »
19.GATE 2024 Cut-off Marks »
20.GATE Helpline »
21.GATE FAQs »

Click below given links to get further information.

GATE 2025 Total InfoGATE 2025 BooksFree Notes 2025
IES 2025 Total InfoIES 2025 BooksFree Mock Tests 2025
JAM 2025 Total InfoJAM 2025 BooksEngg Diploma 2024
PSUs 2024 Total InfoM Tech 2024 Total InfoUGC NET 2024 Total Info

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  1. Hii sir,
    There is no one to guide me for preparing Gate.
    From this can i get a person with whom i can contact Regularly n if possible i want to meet him regularly.

  2. Hi,
    I’m Dinesh.P currently doing my B.tech in Civil Engineering 3rd year (completed 5th Semester) and planning to study for GATE. I don’t have any idea about from which subject to start from… Kindly help me in this regard…

  3. Hello sir… I want to know what is benefit ho sc/st category in PSU job after scoring 50+ in gate exam… With mechanical Branch… Please reply me sir

  4. Sir I want to get top 10 rank in gate. I have that capability also. But the main thing is should I study all the topics in standard textbook. Are important topics. But I felt every topic has related to another topic. Is it good to prepare all. I am e2 now.

    • Hello Kanchu,

      One who want to get rank under 10 in GATE need to prepare everything mentioned in GATE syllabus but first do what is more important.
      You can divide your GATE exam syllabus in 3 parts.
      Very Important
      Less Important.
      You must prepare first Very Important topics properly then Important and at last Less Important.
      Very Important topics must prepared by you without any fail.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Thank you for your suggestion sir.I understood that thing.I am good about signal and system and weak in Electronics should i refer nptel videos.If yes i have 40 videos for each subject.In ece we have 8 subjects.If i refer all videos is it good.

        • Hello santosh,

          Thanks for appreciating our work.
          First NPTEL videos are good for understanding topics of engineering subjects.
          Second this is a source of information out of many. If this technique suits you means understanding topics using NPTEL videos then you can refer NPTEL videos without any issue.

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  5. I am a working person, and i am having only 4 months from now, can you suggest me how to start preparation. i applied for computer science.

  6. Sir, iam preparing for gate & for that i am studyingMade easy notes doing previous year ques.
    But now , i am thinking to add some more practicing book in my schedule and little bit confused which would be worth for that.i am confused in kanodia book and schaum series.as i can follow only one of them, so, please tell which one should i bought …or just practicing prev year gate questions 4-5 times will be enough.
    Curiously waiting for ur reply.

  7. Sir, I’m civil engineering student.
    can you please give me suggestions for how to prepare gate 2017 in 3months…
    And how to select subjects for good score with easy preparation…….

  8. Sir i am a lateral entry student. i am poor in mathematics like differentiation and integration . how can I prepare for gate exam ?

    • Hello durga,

      Try to understand these topics from level zero.
      Like 1+1 = 2.
      You can opt any online or offline book for this purpose even you can start these topics understanding from your 11th & 12th class books.
      You can take help of coaching institute or any close friend which can help you for these topics. These are the best ways which we can suggest you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  9. Hello sir my name is sagar Gupta ..I m studying in NIT-MANIPUR…. presently I am student of 3rd semester of mechanical engineering……..I m having subjects….. Thermodynamics, strength of materials, engineering materials, manufacturing technology and mathematics….can you provide me the name of textbooks for these subjects for GATE.

  10. Sir , I read your article and it really helpful . I have some problem. Firstly I am currently a Final year Information Technology student under WBUT . On our syllabus Compiler design and discrete mathematics not there but those 2 subjects are in GATE syllabus.So I dont know a single thing of those subjects. Also I started my GATE 2017 preparation from this final year. My question to you , so how can I prepare for GATE with those subjects (Compiler Design and Discrete Maths )?

    • Hello Pritam,

      GATE syllabus is designed as per the requirement of that particular branch, it doesn’t depend upon any university/college i.e., Information Technology in your case.
      Certainly if you are going to prepare for GATE and want to get good rank/marks in GATE then you have to prepare these two subjects too.
      Just follow one standard book of these two subjects which will give a good idea about each topic of GATE syllabus of your branch.
      Please follow this link for GATE 2017 CS&IT Reference Books : http://gate2016.info/gate-books/computer-science-and-information-technology-cs-gate-books/
      You can get idea about GATE level questions from previous years papers of CS&IT branch.
      Made Easy or ACE book you can prefer any. Check these from above given link.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  11. Hello sir ,

    i am going to buy ACE mathematics solved papers with solutions book .
    Here is the link for the book .


    From the description i am not sure if it contains solutions with explanations or only solutions.

    Can you please help me confirm this as I want solutions with proper explanations and not just
    “The right answer is option (a)” kind of answers.
    Thanks in advance.

  12. I’m planning to take an internship to enhance my industrial skills. Will this affect my GATE preparation ? Added to this, I heard people saying do many presentations with the interest subjects to gain knowledge. Please, input your suggestion to me.
    Thank you.

    • Hello Hari,

      All these things are good for you & your engineering course.
      But I am going to tell you a bitter truth, What if you do your engineering & all other things good but fail to score qualifying marks in GATE year by year.
      GATE AIR 1 will get call from all PSUs & one who has many certificates at their graduation level but do not qualify GATE will not get call from any PSU.
      What I want to say give first preference to your GATE exam or any other exam for which you are preparing.
      Now decision is yours.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  13. Sir im self preparing for gate 2017. Will u plz tell me wat type of schedule n books I must follow for scoring well.

  14. Hello sir , my name chinni achari. Firstly i would like to thank you.
    Sir while solving problems in text books we were unable to know the exact right answer , so i would like to request you that please provide some kind of solutions for preferred text books

    Thanking you,
    Chinni achari

  15. sir…….. i am in B.Tech {electronics and communication} 3rd year (started)…………i am confused whether i should prepare for gate or ies ……..or i should prepare for both simultaneously………..
    if i prepare for any of the exam( gate or ies) ……….what should i do for prepration and how to do prepration……..
    i also dont want to join any coaching…….
    Plz help me sir…..

  16. I m sagar Gupta studying in NIT–M … n my branch is Mechanical. Presently I m in 2nd year .can you suggest me how to plan n prepare for GATE….. becuz I want to get under 10 rank.

  17. sir I have not joined any coaching classes and I have just completed my btech in CE branch. Please suggest me how to prepare for gate 2017 by own. Please help me.

  18. helo sir, can i prepare for GATE at home?, or is coaching compulsary? im civil engg student sir.. which books are good to refer to compelte GATE syllabus..?

  19. sir, now my 4th sem EEE is running i have decided to write my gate exam in 2018 sir i have no idea about how to start my preparation ..i started watching nptel lectures of electrical machines and signals and system and understanding it..but theres a big question mark in my mind that is it sufficient for my exam also simultaneously i have a zeal of getting into IES sir ..and i am an average student..sir i want to get complete knowledge of my subject as well as i need the practical knowledge of electrical engineering..by doing internships wil we be able to get that..can you please provide me the correct syllabus and reference books for gate cum IES so that i can concenterate and try to give my best…please help me sir..

  20. Hello admin,my name is Suvin Majithia. I am an engineering student in IT branch and am preparing for gate 2017. I wanted to ask for a preparation plan or time table on how to prepare well for gate 2017. As i have my final year project going on simultaneously and also i go to coaching for gate i am not able to prepare nicely for gate. In coaching as to cover the syllabus they finish a subject soon and we are not able to cope up with their speed given my time table. So what to do and how to prepare? As i do not want to avoid taking a year’s drop.

  21. sir
    i’m pursuing my b.tech in ME . through lateral entry.i have saw there is no career option in PSUs for us.
    now i’m in 4th year and dreaming to do a job in PSUs.
    sir,plz show me path .i want to know which organisation i can go through GATE(govt./PSUs).
    plz plz plz help me…

    • Hello Ashis,

      If you have completed or you are in the final year of BE/B Tech of ME then you are completely eligible for PSUs recruiting through GATE.
      It doesn’t matter you entered into BE/B Tech course after completing 12th or after completing engineering diploma.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  22. sir
    i am totally poor in basics. can i crack the gate below 500 rank. i want to job in psus plz suggest me what are the plans ,am totally scared about my future plzz sir help me

  23. Hello sir,
    my name is Mayank..I completed my 3 year diploma ..nd now I m doing b.tech(2nd)..because diploma holders direct admission in b.tech(2nd year)…tell me one think..that..
    1)kya ydi me b.tech ka pura syllabus pdta chlta hu to ye gate ki preparation k brabr hoga..mtlb b.tech ka syllabus or gate syllabus same h na..?
    2)mere strategy h ki sath me ydi me made easy or kytx or ACE ki test series dete chlu to esse faaeda rhega ya b.tech k complete hone k baad gate ki preparation kru aalag se….?
    3)kya running me b.tech ka pura syllabus PD leta hu to..after b.tech me Cochin join nhi kru(jisme pura syllabus krvate h) yaonly test series join kru…?
    4)kya b.tech vala student graduation k baad Gate crck kr skta h ya Cochin cmplsry h..?
    5)b.ech k leye. standard book lu ya Jo sb pdte h vo…?
    reply me sir…I m waiting for your answer… Thnks

  24. i have appeared for gate 2016 and i have done very silly mistakes .so please tell me how to avoid these siilly mistakes. is there any hope for psu between 55-60 marks in this year ? i belong to obc category . so please suggest me

    • Hello amit,

      Some silly mistakes are general in nature which can be avoided by basic awareness and some by practice GATE exam in exam like environment.
      Rest mistakes vary person to person. So you have notice them and rectify them at your level.
      Although cut off depends upon many factors like number of candidates appear in GATE exam, difficulty level of GATE paper, number of seats in each PSUs. You can get some idea from previous years cut-offs but you can’t get some certain cut-offs. I hope you are understanding.
      PSUs Cut-off marks : http://gate2016.info/psus-cut-off-marks/

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  25. Currently I am a working professional having 6 days a week job. I need to prepare for GATE 2017 and strongly want IIT for M.tech. What should be my strategy and on what subjects should I focus. I am ECE graduate of 2013 batch. I also want to join some coaching with only classes on sunday … Please suggest

  26. hello sir ,
    i am doing btech 2013-17. I do collage work as well as i prepar for gate . how i manage my time and from where i start study? please tell method how i prepar i want to crack gate in 2017

  27. . For SE mechanical ,
    TOM SOM and Applied Thermodynamics [ I.C]. Which books are best Clearing concepts and Gate cracking books . And Recommended by Gate experts .

  28. Hello , admin. For SE mechanical ,
    TOM SOM and Applied Thermodynamics [ I.C]. Which books are best Clearing concepts and Gate cracking books . And Recommended by Gate experts .

  29. Hi admin , I’m in SE mech pune university In university prescribed books there are two section for each subject like textbook and reference for eg . FoR
    Fluid Mechanics Textbook = R.K.Bansal ,
    And that for reference = kundu Cohen Dowling
    I’m so confused what to purchase exactly Indian authors or International

    • Hello Sahil,

      Text books specially designed as per certain syllabus / follow certain syllabus while reference books are not.
      But still we follow reference books because they help us to understand our syllabus in depth.
      These reference books are generally written by well known national or foreign authors.These books doesn’t vary university to university or country to country. You may say them universal books.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  30. Hello sir,
    I am Amit Sadashiv Patil, in Third year CSE from Pune.
    I have started my GATE preparation from Ace Postal Coaching.
    Whenever I get doubt I refer google to solve it. I just prepare subject wise from the booklets provided by Ace class.
    I do not refer standard reference books but as I said I clear my doubts from net and focus on solving more quality questions to get concepts thorough.

    Reading reference books looks so time taking for me. And I feel that GATE exam is of solving MCQs based on concepts.

    Am I going in totally wrong direction???
    Please help…

    • Hello Amit,

      The main thing is you must clear your concepts. The source of info doesn’t matter but it must authentic that’s why we refer popular authors books.
      What if you solve a question in GATE exam and after getting result you find that you mistakenly solves 2/3 question wrong not because of lack of knowledge but wrong knowledge.
      So you may refer any source of info but checking that source of info authenticity is your responsibility.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  31. Sir i m in 3rd year b.tech (civil) and i wants to starts my preparation for GATE IES 2017 …SO Tell how can i do and from which standard book i start my study

  32. Hello Sir !
    I am 2013-17 batch student from civil branch and I want to crack gate 2017 exam…
    Is this much sufficient for my own preparation in home?

    • Hello Alka,

      One year with full dedication is more than enough for GATE exam preparation at home. But remember full dedication is essential. Do not waste a single minute, prepare a single formula from your GATE syllabus in this short time. If you will start using this much time you will surely get your goal achieved. I am not saying do not watch TV, do not enjoy life but remember for what you are preparing, for what you have invested your 20-21 years of education. That’s it.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  33. hello sir i am Rahul Sikder,mechanical engineering student.actually sir i am in 4th semester and i want to start preparation from now onward but sir i donot no how to do because i have to do class daily .i just want to know from you that how to do preparation now onwards and tell me some best books name and study materials and tricks.it will be very helpful for me please…

  34. Well … congrats for your best work.
    I am Dipakraj P kale_patil …
    Sir I am aspirant that I want to crack gate exam for 2016 …
    Now I am in last year of engineering.
    I have not prepared anything yet.
    but I have confidence that I will crack .
    It requires prior planning…can you share your help me to start preparation…..?
    you can mail me on [email protected]
    Thank you sir.

    • Hello Dipakra,

      First make a time table for remaining 2 months. Include revision and practice time in it mainly. It’s a must.
      Solve previous years papers precisely. If possible join a good test series which will also help you in your GATE 2016 exam preparation in this short period.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  35. Sir,
    I Am working in an MNC and want to clear GATE 2016 (Civil Engg )
    Now Hardly 50 Days are remaining.
    Please Give me tips and method of studying in so less time.
    Reply Soon

    • Hello Gaurav,

      First make a time table for remaining 2 months. Include revision and practice time in it mainly. It’s a must.
      Solve previous years papers precisely. If possible join a good test series which will also help you in your GATE 2016 exam preparation in this short period.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  36. sir,which part we should the most from the point of view to gate,(Theory or numericals).If we are going through the numericals except theory then,how much it will matter for me? Thanks

    • Hello hament,

      GATE exam is based on numerical problems mainly. Nearly 70-80% problems in GATE paper are numerical but numericals can not be solved easily if you don’t know about their base and base can only be strong by making strong your theory part. I hope you are getting my point.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  37. Sir please tell me how can i start preparation for gate 2016…..i couldnt start earlier ….will i be able to prepare in 2 months?? currently i am not workng and studying….

  38. Sir,I am 3rd year student of ME . For me the problem is what to study and what to not .The syllabus i got from official site of gate having chapter name of standard book there are many subtopics in each chapter . So i m not getting what to study or what to not . Sir please help me about this .

    • Hello Dheerandra,

      Either buy a study material based on GATE syllabus or buy a chapter/topic wise previous years GATE solved papers book.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  39. Sir i have classroom notes and package of
    mech. Made easy.now i m in 3rd year mech.
    How to practice the notes and package ??should
    i prefer notes or package or standard books to
    connence with??I m also confused with way to
    make best use of notes and package??should i
    write down while practising?if yes then which of
    notes or package !??please help me out sir!!!Also
    when to start solving previous year gate

  40. hello sir,
    i have applied for GATE 2016. my doubt is, can i follow the books that i have used during my semesters (that may be a local author or text books) or i should follow the GATE materials?
    next, can you mention some important areas(subjects) in GATE 2016 for ECE, that i could prepare at first?

  41. Sir iam studying final year mechanical 4 months self home preparation RK Jain conventional and objective book is helped in gate exam please give me our suggested

  42. Sir i have classroom notes and package of mech. Made easy.now i m in 3rd year mech. How to practice the notes and package ??should i prefer notes or package or standard books to connence with??I m also confused with way to make best use of notes and package??should i write down while practising?if yes then which of notes or package !??please help me out sir!!!Also when to start solving previous year gate papers???

  43. Sir,
    I have studied Nodia publication books of R K. Kanodia.There are 4 volumes. Beside that i have also studied text books & i have overall medium basic knowledge in some subjects and in power system, machine ,power electronics, math i have good strength .Is 6 month serious preparation(8 hr- 10 hr/day) enough to crack gate 2016 & get a very good score?

  44. please help me which topics to study from Standard books and which chapters are to be left out because in the course for gate only the topics are given and they have’nt given the sub topics. Can any one help me out with my problem?

  45. Dear admin,
    I want to crack GATE 2016 for Job in PSU’s .MY branch is Mechanical. I am studying but want to know some tips that GK publication types book can help me to crack at psu’s level. And want some more detailed motivated knowledgd. Is it possible without refrence book. Suggeat me 2-3 books that are saficiant to know concept regarding GATE.

  46. Sir, iam a 4th year civil student.if i start preparation now ,asap syllabus for civil engg has increased how should i start and how many hours per day should i work to crack gate 2016. iam taking coaching in ACE.

  47. sir am sadhana.am doing my architecture final year…will you please suggest me the best coaching center for gate in architecture and planing.and also please suggest me how to start my preparation…am getting confused a lot.can u please provide me any marking criteria for the topics of architecture so that i can schedule my topics with respect to the marking weightage…

  48. Sir, Is solving only previous 25 years papers thoroughly from made easy’s publication good enough to get a good rank in GATE….

    • Hello gaurav,

      Solving only previous years questions will not ensure your good rank in GATE exam. If this happen then every one will solve only previous years papers and atleast get qualified GATE exam. Only 15%(nearly) candidates qualified GATE exam. For more details click here : http://gate2016.info/gate-guidance/gate-yearwise-analysis/
      Yes if you solve previous years paper smartly then you will easily qualify GATE and also have a good chance to get good rank but for top most rank you have to study well.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  49. sir my name is akash sen and i want to do mtech from best college i am final year student of electrical branch but i have no knowledge about preparation of gate and i have no money for any coaching institute so please give me guidance in right direction plz

  50. I have qualified in gate15 and got 8362 rank in EE paper. I have studied some of the subjects only at that time so please suggest me how to start preparation.

  51. Hello sir,first time I am giving gate exam.I have done m.sc. In Physics..n nw not doing job.I am married.so please suggests me good tricks,study materials and books so I cn crack exam in short time.I wanna give my best.I have only time till exam date…atleast 5 months..please reply on my e-mail id. Please help me.

  52. Sir I am a student of chemical engg. Upto what rank good PSU can call me and what are their cut off scores? I really want to go in Ongc. And how should I start preparing for it.

  53. Sir,good evng,i apeared for gate2015 but not qualified in the exam.i had taken coaching in my final year b-tech for gate-2015.now i completed my b-tech.now i am preparing for gate-2016.for gate-2015 i completed major subjects but had done lesser problems and i had not solved previous year problems.at the time of last 30 days i am in confusion what to study and what not to study.now i am preparing for gate-2016 so please give me suggessions.tell me the mistakes i had down in the last year preparation.

  54. I want AIR<200 which is too much mandatory for me but as i started preparation in August so is it possible?
    I'm studying 6/7 hours a day as i want top iit any anyhow ,
    Please suggest me that path which should i follow to achieve my goal ?
    Books should i refer ? how to refer? i mean quick go through or study detail ?
    As per my family condition it wouldn't possible for me to take 1-year drop so i must must score AIR<200 in gate 2016 only,
    I'm ready to do any thing should i take leave from college and study 15/16 hours a day or any other kind of activity/learning,
    seriously i have problem of LACK OF GUIDANCE so please provide it to me that how can i do this?

  55. Hello Sir ,
    I m in 4th year of my B.tech aim is to clear gate2016 but sir i afraid always that i hve no potential to qualify gate imalways complaing myself tht im weakin these subjecys like allnd all but sir realy i want to clear gate exams so sir please tell me what can i do can i realy cleae if i do my 100 !nd sir also i hve less tym bcoz presently i also go to college so sir plz suggest me wt can i do thnkuuu

  56. Hello Sir ,
    I m in second year of my B.tech……my only aim is to clear gate….i don’t know where to start from…can u give me sonme guidance how to start my preparation for gate exam…..if possible please reply to my mail …as i m not a frequent user……..

  57. hi sir, i am ramakrishna.i a, civil engg student.i want good standard text books for preperation. so please suggest mem which books are required for gate 2016.

  58. I am a 3rd year ece student in pbi univ. I belong to patiala. I can’t join any institute for preparation due to some reasons. Can i get made easy study material (notes) for gate 2017 preparation ?

    • Hello Sakshi,

      Yes you can buy them directly from Made easy or you can purchase them from any book shop in Delhi in less price.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  59. sir, i am student of b.tech ee final year. sir i have the notes from made easy for gate, sir my question is this that is it enough to prepare theory form these notes and numerical problems form books or from other source

    • Hello mahesh,

      If you are preparing for GATE 2016 then there are few months left for GATE 2016 preparation.
      You can only refer one source now for theory part. If you are able to understand Made Easy notes easily then follow those notes and do solve as much as problems form standard books.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  60. Sir,
    I likely to say that I have preparing for GATE -EE paper…
    Kindly suggest some quotes how to achieve good rank in gate, if iam going to start my preparation from today…

    How much time do I spend to prepare for it… Plz reply….

  61. Hello Sir…
    Sir Shud I just consult study material provided by any repited institute e.g; Made Easy…..
    or m supposed to go through books…
    I am in civil engg branch.

    • Helo Sajad,

      Study material are designed as per syllabus of GATE exam.
      So it will provide you an idea about what you need to study and how much.
      So Books, Study material, notes, study video lectures these all are tools for study.
      It’s totally depends upon you how to use them and how much use them.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  62. sir,
    Currently I am doing my engineering in Electrical branch. But I want to prepare for GATE in physics.
    During these three years, I have not studied physics much.

    kindly guide me. and suggest me some books from basic to advance preparation for the same.

  63. sir i am going to prepare for gate with some notes of ace academy and previous questions and books ,but i am not confident because i feel that no one can get gate without a coaching institue and time.

    • Hello Haffis,

      Every year there are not few but many candidates who are being select in UPSC IAS, IES, GATE etc exams with self study.
      If every candidate who join coaching is being get selected then why only 15-20% candidate clear GATE cut off which is generally 25% or less of total marks.
      So its totally depends upon you if you are comfortable with self study then self study is best for you if you are comfortable with coaching then coaching would be best for you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello suresh,

      Its depends upon you mind catching power, storing and restoring power, your plan and strategy for GATE exam, you source of preparation etc.
      So, its really hard to tell you how much hours you must study a day to secure a good rank in GATE.

      However we can give you some suggestion for your preparation time table :
      (1) make plan as per time availability in a day for study exclude other times like daily routine work etc.
      (2) Always study in three level anything :
      1. easy
      2. medium
      3. Hard

      First follow easy. Like you are going to study a chapter. Note down all the important topic from exam point of view and study introductory of every topic then move to next chapter and so on. It will not take much time and you will complete your whole syllabus at least once then medium than hard.

      Make a time table for a whole day, for a week, for a month and for a year for GATE 2016. Stick to the time table. Must include time for revision in each time table.

      You need to have atleast one standard book for each subject. Standard books are with correct and good information.
      One previous years paper book of last 20-30 years. It will help you what kind of questions they asked in exam.

      Complete book list for GATE 2016 : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-books/

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  64. hello admin,
    i am in b.tech mechanical 4-1 now so,can i skip the topics in which am weak and start preparing in the areas which am strong? is it a good thing ? and i request you to suggest any materials related to gate exam.
    thank you.

    • Hello umamaheshwara,

      As you said you are in final year so you would have less time for your GATE 2016 preparation.
      It is also necessary that you keep your concentration more on your final year because that is more important than GATE.
      Yes there is no problem if you start your preparation with subjects in which you are strong.

      GATE 2016 ME engineering Reference Books : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-books/mechanical-engineering-me-gate-books/

      First you have to have a book of previous GATE 20-30 years papers with solution so that you can get a good idea about GATE questions.
      Then atleast one standard book of each subject. All books required for GATE exam preparation in Engineering are mentioned in above link.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  65. Hi admin,

    I’m Aditya from Hyderabad. First of all, I appreciate you for providing very useful information regarding GATE exam.

    I have completed my graduation in 2014 from Electrical background with an aggregate of 69%. I made my first attempt in 2014 but couldn’t crack the exam. After my Engg, I was in job search for nearly three months.
    Luckily, I’ve got placed in solar company but couldn’t afford with the salary provided.

    In this way I have wasted one precious year of 2014 and so couldn’t attempt GATE 2015.

    Now I’m presently working as a Maintenance Engineer in a well reputed company from March 2015 and I’ll be getting nearly 3-4 hrs for preparation. The shifts will be rotational on daily basis with only 1 weekly-off per week.

    Whatever be the situation, but I’m willing to attempt GATE 2016 at my best.

    So, kindly suggest me how can I manage my time so that I try to achieve my best in GATE…….
    I’m an average student and interested in Power Systems and Control Systems.

    Finally, I wish you for a grand success in future…….

  66. Sir kya strictly gate syllabus ko follow kerte hue gate clear ho sakta hai
    I mean to say that jo topic gate syllabus me diye hue hai unki study enough hai kya
    Ya phir whole subject ko study karna chahiye

  67. Can u pls tell me the name of some subject which is very very important in gate… I am a ece student. I am now in 7th sem.

  68. First of all, it’s a great initiative taken by u guys for providing us a healthy discussion platform regarding gate exam. I am a Mechanical engineer working in a power project for last one year. I couldn’t get good marks this time, just 56 this time. It being my second attempt left me frustrated as I seriously wanted to get into a psu. But I gave it a thought and I found out that it was my job which was taking a toll on my preparation. As I was working 10 hrs a day on field I felt too tired to study and thus couldn’t even give the mocks in the end. But now I am half heartedly doing my job thinking all the time about how to crack it next time. Suggest me whether I should drop my job now and prepare for straight 6 mnths or continue my job and prepare side by side in an inconsistent manner. Please reply asap.

    • Hello Tushar,

      As per given information by you I also felt that you job is the main reason of your less score in GATE exam.
      There are nearly 6 months for GATE 2016 exam.
      If you can take 6 months leave without affecting your job, family condition and all then take get leave.
      If you can’t bcz of any reason then atleast take 2/3 day leave in a 6 day working week so that you can get 3/4 days in a week for your preparation and you would also not felt tired during those days and would be able to prepare well. As I can think after working 10 hours in a day studying for GATE exam will not boost your mind so that your analytical technique.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  69. Hello sir,
    It was really g8 to see ths all inspiration nd suggestions which was made to be given by you..
    I was in a search of the same..
    As i have completed my 2 yrs in B. E. in mechanical branch i got through the syllabus nd previous years papers. I felt that much preparation is needed for this.
    I dont have a great command over maths nd around 15 to 20 marks are alwys made to be asked frm that.
    I need to hav a good start over my week point plzz make me to suggest what should i do..? I have purchased made easy book frm that i got which areas are most important for good marks..
    The problem is that i am not able to understand how to have a strt.. Plz make me to know what could i do for that…???

    • Hello Arvind,

      Start with zero level.
      Collect some good books which help you to understand the subject from very basic level.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  70. yes ofcourse tips offered by u were excellent but im an average student till now i didnt have much grip on any subject so wat could i do for that please lend me iformation regarding this

    • Hello pavan,

      First clear your basics now.
      Without learning A,B,C,D you can’t be master in English.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  71. I have completed two years of chemical engg at nit surat. So i have a good deal of time for preparing for gate 2016 but i want to secure the best possible position, hence i want to start the preparation just now. So please guide me as to how should i start the preparation.

  72. Hello sir,
    I want to know when would be the appropriate time to join a test series for gate-2016. I still have some subjects left to prepare so should I wait until I get done with those subjects?

    • Hello DEEPAK,

      Whenever you completed your whole subjects to join whole subject test series.
      There are some institutes which provide test series subject wise u may join them now.
      Test series are for testing yourself. You can join them any time but b series for your test.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  73. Sir,

    Please suggest about NPTEL videos and their usefulness for mechanical courses.

    As When I pick a book there is a lot to study because whatever I read feels important to me.

    I am doing full day job and after that I can hardly collect 6 hours to study..as far as my previous study(BE) is concerned it was not up to the mark..

    Please help sir, as I want to achieve a good rank also ready to work hard but too much confused to concentrate on studies.

    Please suggest so that I can achieve what I want.

  74. hello sir,
    I joined made easy for both gate and IES electrical. but I cannot revise the classes. would it affect me at preparation at late? how to prepare time table for long term study of 7 months from now ?

    • Hello swaroop,

      If you are taking coaching than you have to study parallel with coaching.
      If you are not revising your classes you are actually loosing your study. It will surely affect your last time preparation bcz when you revise these parts at last if you find any difficulty or either if you forgot something then what would you do in those last moments ?
      So from now revise regularly atleast what you are studying at coaching except this you need to invest some time for your own study bcz after all you are going to take exam, coaching not instead of you.
      For last 6 months preparation strategy please refer – How to prepare for GATE 2016 in 6 months? : http://gate2016.info/gate-guidance/how-to-prepare-for-gate-2016-in-6-months/

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  75. sir,
    I am in my 7th sem of my engineering I failed in a sub in 6th sem , am I able or eligible to apply for gate .

    • Hello Deepak,

      Yes you are eligible.
      Candidates who are currently in the 4th/final year or already completed are only eligible for GATE exam.
      #Information as per GATE 2015 Information brochure.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hi haritha,

      For important subjects and topics buy a previous years papers book in which you will find all the analysis very well including GATE 2015 paper.
      GATE 2016 Reference Books : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-books/
      However we will provide here complete analysis of each subject but it will take some time.

      If you still have any query you are free to ask.
      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  76. I was qualified in gate 15 in PI. But some say I don’t get in to PAY or PhD with PI score….. What should I do…

    • Hello Jagdeep,

      If you qualified GATE and get admission though GATE score in any Institute which accept GATE score card for admission in M Tech or P HD program you will get scholarship from MHRD for any course.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello teju,

      Your % is good enough for getting admission into most of the top institutes.
      Your % is good enough for getting a call from companies after completing your masters or during your masters.
      If you really want to get a good placement and want to do job in core sector then you must prepare again for GATE and get admission in one of the best IITs/IISc.

      However last decision would be yours.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  77. I would like to thank the makers of this platform for gate exam. It’s a great effort and thought to guide students/aspirants for their healthy career start. Great initiative and surely it would have helped a lot of aspirants for their self study. It means a valuable add on in ones career. Thank you very much Team.

  78. Hi,
    I have already done my Mtech in Construction management and have a good 3 years work exp. in MNCs and prestigious projects. I am currently associated with State Irrigation department. I am strongly willing to prepare for GATE 2016 to secure a post in any PSU. When I resumed my studies I learnt that I have forgotten the basics of most of the subjects and finding it real hard to actually take off from a point. I feel directionless. Please provide basic guidance and structure to suit my improvement and efforts. I have a desk job here and time is 10 to 6. Looking forward. Thank you.

    • Hello Sacheen,

      There major points of consideration are here :
      1. You have done M Tech
      2. You have 3 year experience
      3. Your job suits for preparation

      First comes first, you have done M Tech so obviously you have done work hard earlier so now you just need to recall that. If you have your old notes and books then try to collect them at one place. If you still have them, First just check them if they recall you some past memories of your study then its good for your GATE 2016 preparation. If not then do not worry much nowadays there are many books and guidance available on internet and offline too.
      First you need to buy some basic books like a made easy handbook in which you find all the formulas and important theory in a compact form or you can make a notebook by yourself of all important formulas and theory but it should be summarized so that you can revise it quickly during your preparation and at the last time of your preparation i.e., at the time of revision.
      Second a book which contain atleast previous 20-30 years papers with solution. So that you can know what kind of preparation you need to clear GATE 2016 exam. You must have boos for each subject mentioned in the syllabus, if you don’t have then you can check this list of books for GATE 2016 : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-books/
      Always prefer standard books because they are error free and contain theoretical as well as analytical knowledge.

      This 3 year experience will help you while you will face PSUs interview. SO take advantage of all the plus points you have.

      Don’t worry much, while we move from 10th to 11th we study whole new syllabus. We study that and clear exam. Here you are just recalling what you just have read earlier. Surely it will take some time but you have to have patience and keep moving in right direction. As you said your job is kind of desk job then now its time to use this time. Make notes at home and revise then at office.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.


    • Hello NIKHIL,

      Study time & its management depends upon your suitability.
      So it doesn’t matter when you study. Important is you concentration towards study.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  80. Sir, I’m a civil eng b.tech passed student. My depth of knowledge is not so good. I attempt gate exam twice but failed to do bellow 10000 rank. I’m pretty much frustrated now as I’m a jobless person. I want to crack the gate exam with full determination but what if I’ll get stuck during my preparation as my concepts r in poor condition should I join a good institute like made easy or self-study may be possible for me to get a good rank…..please help…..

  81. Sir,
    i am a student of Mechanical Engineering, i have just written the 6th sem exam.
    I want to preapare for GATE 2016 by selfstudy.
    please suggest what to do and how?

  82. Sir I am in b.tech. 7th sem electrical engineering. I have 6 month for preperation of gate but sir I am too confused and not confident that I will crack the gate exam or not . In 1st year to 3 rd year I did not read with standard book as you suggest above . I am weak in power system and analog electronics. Sir please suggest me that which books i preffer for best understanding and for the purpose of best prepration of gate 2016. Sir will study with standard books from now be appropriate ?If yes then please suggest about all the electrical engineering books subject wise which are best for gate 2016 . Sir how can I achieve my confidence and how can I start my preparation ..sir please help me I am too confused about choice of book that which book i prefer.
    Sir please suggest me that what type of time table and how many hours study in a day will be eough for preperation .My college time is 9 am to 5 pm .. please help me sir

  83. Hello admin,
    I am BE passout student and now I’m preparing for gate 2016 but I don’t have much study material, i don’t have standard reference books of electrical branch can u please suggest or help me…..

  84. Respected admin,

    As i have my coaching classes in weekends.Hence there is no much time actually no time for the faculty to clarrify my doubts that i have over the week,they instead ask me to post those doubts to thier mails but i feel face to face conversion will be effective any day. Can u suggest me some advice to tackle this.

    your sincerely

    • Hello sampath,

      Actually you must first check the institute in which you are going to take admission as per your requirement. I have written a post about this.
      Now you must contact to previously GATE qualified candidates around you, take guidance from facebook there are many communities there you can post your questions/queries and you can also make a local group of the students who are taking coaching with you at the same institute or other. Some students are strong in some subjects and other in some others. So you guys can help each other.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  85. Hi! Thanks for giving such information.

    I have a question. I’m a student of Industrial Engineering (3rd year completed). I have hardly 5.5 months to prepare. So, could you please suggest me the main topics which are very important for PI GATE exam? Because I may not be able to complete whole syllabus with good amount of practice.

  86. hi sir, last year I joined classes.. n I gof 30 marks.. so I m little bit confused ..either I go for m.e or give one more attempt.. I m from electronic.I actually gave one year for gate.. so is it good to invest one More year for gate?? how should I prepare for gate2016??

  87. respected sir,

    One thing I want to know from you is wheather a person can crack a rank in 1 to 2 digits in gate mechanical while he is working for some IT company.

    thank you.

  88. sir I am doing btech civil engineering and wants to crack gate in Ist attempt.I had completed my 1st year.
    so please guide me how to start my studies from now itself…

  89. Hi friend,
    I read your article and found it very fruitful. I want one more help from you that the reference books which you have mentioned in your site are many and I want one reference book for one subject which should cover 90% of the syllabus, so please email me the list of such reference books. It will be so nice of you!

    My details
    Name: Amit Sadashiv Patil
    Branch: CSE

  90. Sir, last time i have done coaching for GATE 15 but not qualified… I got +27 marks. Again i am preparing for GATE 16. What shall i do to get good mark and rank also in GATE 16 ? Please guide me

  91. Sir, I am in 3rd year Mechanical .Is going for gate coaching helpful now for 50 days?(Ace academy-Hyderabad)l . Sir please suggest the best way, as the amount to be invested is high(36,000/-). If it is really worth I will invest.

  92. Sir …i want to join coal india limited as a post of management trainee .
    U gave me idea about mt through gate or direct coal india limmited recruit directly as a post of MT.??

  93. Sir, i m working in u/g coal mine as well as studying mininig engineering course in final year ….i want to qualify gate 2016 ….i have no much time….but no matter i m ready to full secrifice to study for the preparation of gate 2016 . Sir give me an idea ,how to manage time and more study in less time..??


    • Hello Suman,

      Preparation schedule varies person to person. It would b better you make your own as per your requirement, availability of time in a day and your knowledge.
      However we can give you some suggestion for your preparation time table :
      (1) make plan as per time availability in a day for study exclude other times like daily routine work etc.
      (2) Always study in three level anything :
      1. easy
      2. medium
      3. Hard

      First follow easy. Like you are going to study a chapter. Note down all the important topic from exam point of view and study introductory of every topic then move to next chapter and so on. It will not take much time and you will complete your whole syllabus at least once then medium than hard.

      Make a time table for a whole day, for a week, for a month and for a year for GATE 2016. Stick to the time table. Must include time for revision in each time table.

      You need to have atleast one standard book for each subject. Standard books are with correct and good information.
      One previous years paper book of last 20-30 years. It will help you what kind of questions they asked in exam.

      Complete book list for GATE 2016 : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-books/

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  94. Hello Sambit,

    (1) GATE syllabus doesn’t change frequently. The same syllabus is being used by GATE office since many years.
    (2) GATE paper pattern have changed from 2014 a little bit. Earlier there were only multiple-choice type questions now they asked multiple-choice type and numerical answer type questions.

    For GATE paper pattern & Syllabus : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-pattern-syllabus/
    For GATE 2016 Brochure : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-brochure/

    Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  95. Hello Abhay,

    It would be better to join multiple test series if you can bcz you will face variety of question from different-different institutes. You will face different-different kind of questions for the same subject designed by different-different institutes master if you join multiple test series.

    Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  96. Sir I have only six month so I have to study two subject at a time then in which combination of subject I studied
    Sir please suggest me I am in big confusion

  97. Hello Sarfraz,

    Notes are designed for guidance basically they alone can’t give you assurance of your success in any exam. So follow notes but with standard books of each subject atleast one book.

    GATE 2016 Mechanical Engineering Reference Books : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-books/mechanical-engineering-me-gate-books/

    For better knowing abt important topics n subjects buy made easy previous years papers book in which you will find complete analysis of from which subjects they ask questions mainly and regularly prepare them first.
    Prepare previous 20-30 years papers in depth n well understanding. Although in GATE exam questions are not repeated but they ask like one time 2+2=? then second time 2×2=?. So prepare this time smartly.

    Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  98. Sir/Mam,
    May I start preparing with the help of notes this time because notes are as per GATE syllabus and I am in mechanical stream so what subject should I prepare first and how should I prepare for mechanical stream?

  99. Hello Sarfraz,

    You have done GATE coaching it will surely help you this time. Before starting preparation again first know what mistakes you have done in your last time preparation like lack of time management, lack of guidance etc. Note down all those mistakes and try to solve those mistakes this time.
    Complete dedication and right approach is necessary for success. If you fail to maintain any one of these you will fail. Make a proper plan this time and stick to that.

    For more tips n guidance read these post of this blog :
    (1) How to start preparation for gate 2016 ? : http://gate2016.info/gate-guidance/how-to-start-preparation-for-gate-2016/
    (2) Top 10 Mistakes Done By GATE Aspirants : http://gate2016.info/gate-guidance/top-10-mistakes-done-by-gate-aspirants/

    Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  100. Hello sir,
    I have done coaching for GATE 2015 but I didn’t get benefit now I want to prepare for GATE 2016, I have also coaching notes, so how can I prepared self?

  101. Hello Narendra,

    It’s good to see that you want to prepare GATE 2016. As you mentioned you are strong in control systems, networks, maths. These three subjects actually cover almost 40% of the GATE total marks.

    Just make a time table stick to that prepare all subjects one by one. Solve previous 20-30 years GATE papers. Always refer standard books.

    Gate 2016 Electrical Engineering Reference Books – http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-books/electrical-engineering-ee-gate-books/

    Complete dedication and right approach towards any exam lead you towards success. If you join coaching for a year and work hard then no on can stop you to be in top 100.

    Follow these link for more guidance :
    (1) Is it necessary to join coaching for GATE 2016 ? – http://gate2016.info/gate-guidance/is-it-necessary-to-join-coaching-for-gate-2016/
    (2) How to start preparation for gate 2016 ? – http://gate2016.info/gate-guidance/how-to-start-preparation-for-gate-2016/
    (3) 15 Must Read Tips and Tricks for GATE 2016 Aspirants – http://gate2016.info/gate-guidance/15-must-read-tips-and-tricks-for-gate-2016-aspirants/

    Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  102. Hi, i want to prepare for GATE EE 2016. I have completed my b.tech this year in Electrical. I was attempted GATE 2015, i got 15 marks. I have 85% in B.Tech. I am strong in subjects like contrlol systems,networks, maths. These 3 subjects only prepared for last attempt. I want to go for long term coaching. Is it possible to get GATE rank below 100., ? Give me some suggestions to improve my knowledge….

  103. Hello joy,

    First of all no need to think much about your study in college. Now start from start.
    It is good to see that you want to prepare for GATE 2016.
    Basics are really-really important in order to clear any exam. So start your preparation with basics.
    Try to improve your basics first then go further it will definitely help you to learn the rest quickly.

    Always study in three level anything :
    (1) easy
    (2) medium
    (3) Hard

    First follow easy. Like you are going to study a chapter. Note down all the important topic from exam point of view and study introductory of every topic then move to next chapter and so on. It will not take much time and you will complete your whole syllabus at least once then medium than hard.

    Make a time table for a whole day, for a week, for a month and for a year for GATE 2016. Stick to the time table. Must include time for revision in each time table.

    You need to have atleast one standard book for each subject. Standard books are with correct and good information.
    One previous years paper book of last 20-30 years. It will help you what kind of questions they asked in exam.

    Complete book list for GATE 2016 computer science : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-books/computer-science-and-information-technology-cs-gate-books/

    Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  104. Sir, I am a student of final year in cse.I have not study a single subject in 4 years and I dnt have basic knowledge in any subject.firstly,give me a list of books for preparing gate 2016 in cs and then tell me what should i do?i will be very obliged. sir

  105. Sir,
    I wish to enter into the PSU and I belong to civil stream, for that how much mark or score is required and is there any strategy to get more marks in gate xam is concerned… Mention some of the cut off score required for such PSU barc etc which belongs to civil stream….

  106. hi sir i attempt 2014&2015 gate exam both times i missed qualify with small marks @that time i am free but this time i am doing job is it possible to get

    • hello suresh,
      Qualifying GATE exam is not so hard. You might doing some major mistake(s) during your GATE exam preparation. If you focus on some important topics of technical subjects and of mathematics and of non technical section then even you can qualify easily.

      For qualifying any exam you need to study continuously and meaningful. So Make a time table for your spare time and do regular study as per that.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  107. SIR i have given GATE 2015,i am just qualified.I want job is PSU’S thats why i have prepare in this year.Could you suggest me the coaching institute for mechanical stream.And keeping in mind that gate2016 organizing institute is IISC BANGLORE

    • For getting success you need to do hard work in right direction. So first find what you need to prepare than prepare hard.
      I will not suggest you any coaching personally but you may ask this question on Facebook, quora, pagalguy etc. Actually a student should choose a coaching as per his/her requirement. So match your requirement with various coaching available and select one.
      GATE 2016 will most probably organized by IISc Bangalore but now this is not about IISc or X IIT now it is more about your luck and your hard work because now GATE office uses scaling. So now prepare hard and pray to god that you get good marks after scaling.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Surely sir, i’ll work hard…But about the right direction you are talking about that is where i am finding problem,I am really searching for the right direction….Sometimes i think that i am taking a huge risk of doing coaching outside….if i fail then?MY financial condition is not enough….I will work hard but where i could get the right directionb?

        • If your family can’t afford your coaching fee than why you are rushing towards coaching ?
          Coaching is mainly for guidance + study material + time 2 time solution problem.
          (1) If you can get proper guidance from any of your senior who have qualified GATE than no need of coaching. You may also search such GATE qualifiers on Facebook and ask them for help n guidance.
          (2) Study material is not issue you can buy any coaching study material without joining it. Even now you may arrange it outside the coaching with less price or you may arrange it from previously qualified candidates.
          (3) If you have completed your B Tech than you have a whole year so make a plan for every day, every week, every month and for a whole year and stick to that plan. Remember always read standard books and keep some time for revision in your preparation plan.
          Obviously you would get stuck many time during your study so here again you need help. So here again you need to contact to your seniors who have qualified GATE or you may get help from Facebook.

          If you can do this all properly than no nee to join any coaching but I want to say one thing many aspirants even after joining coaching not able to maintain these things. So nowadays coaching doesn’t matter much your dedication matters a lot. I have seen many GATE & IES qualifies who never join any coaching and clear GATE & IES with good rank.

          About joining any coaching read this article : http://gate2016.info/gate-guidance/is-it-necessary-to-join-coaching-for-gate-2016/

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  108. i have only 6 months time for preparing gate and i’m an engineering student so i have to manage both the college work and gate preparation i couldn’t get sufficient time and i used leave gate preparation for some period of time how should i manage this

    • srivarshini first of all during your preparation time always think that you would be able to qualify GATE exam with good rank and start your preparation in this way. This positive though will give you more strength and power to your preparation.
      Start your preparation with solving last 20-30 years papers of GATE. It will give you a good idea about what kind of questions you are going to face in next GATE exam also it will clear you more that what you need to study from GATE syllabus with more effort n what with less.
      Always read standard books bcz they are error free and written by highly educated person.
      Now about 6 month plan for preparation :
      1. First of all calculate your whole day time which you spend in college and daily work then make a time table for remaining time for daily, weekly and monthly study. Try to spend your maximum time in your GATE preparation.
      2. Spend your 1st month in previous years papers solving then start solving more question on 1 by 1 subject basis. remember concentrate more on the topics which r asked more frequently first then prepare others.
      3. The most important part you must include in your preparation is revision part. Revise what you have studied at the last of the day, week and month. It will help you in quick revision in last time in less time.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  109. Sir I want to prepare gate phy. So pl tell me how to do it.in syllabus we have to see only given topics or sub topics also.wt about numerical and apptitude.how to prepare for these two.

  110. I could attempt only 30 questions. my big problem was sily mistakes. so I devoted much time for questions in which I was 100% sure. my time management was not good. BT I was really able to solve 60-70 out of 100. And I could only attempt 40-45 marks.

    • Pradeep mistakes are obvious. Everyone does but important is how less.
      One of the best solution for reducing your mistakes is practice as much as possible & timely revise your notes.
      For your time management you must join one or more test series of some reputed Institutes if you can.
      If you can not join any coaching due to any reason than make some tests by yourself by selecting good questions from different-different books / online resources and put them in a paper same as GATE exam n solve them in same environment & time as you attended GATE. You can also contact any of you friends who has joined any test series he may help you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  111. sir, I appeared in gate 2015 in mechanical. I face a big problem in that. i was able to solve 60-70 out of 100. bt I couldnot attempt all questions due to lack of time. how can I manage time in examination hall and how can I avoid sily mistake.?

  112. can one top gate in just 6 months in chemical engineering if yes then tell me how many hours we must prepare for that

    • Selection is matter of your dedication & approach towards GATE exam.
      There are many students who have cleared GATE exam with good rank just in 2-3 months preparation.
      So everything depends upon your plan for exam & your hard work.
      How many hours ?
      Study hours depends upon your study technique. Some students may understand a topic with in a minute some take a whole day. So make a study plan according to the syllabus for a day not according to hours of a day.
      Hours doesn’t matter if you know what you need to study.
      Because in this competitive world it is more important to know what not to study than what to study.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  113. I am an working person I get 1-2 hour for a day to prepare for Gate .
    Can you suggest me how to start …………..

    • Suggestions :
      1- First of all solve 20-30 years previous years papers of GATE exam. Don’t just solve them but also understand them & solve some related question also. If you have solved all GATE previous papers than do solve problems given on last of standard books. Solve as much as possible questions.
      2. Always read standard books.
      3. Join some good test series for your better performance in GATE exam. It will prepare you for exam like environment.

      Time Management :
      1- You must have more time than 1-2 hours. How ?
      Study at home and note down all the important topics & Formulas in a note book/notebook & revise them during office time whenever you find yourself free. Utilize your free time as much as possible.
      2- Study on regular basic don’t waste a single day. Study less or more but study daily it will keep you connected to your study.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • i am working,tel me how to start my preparation for gate 2016,if possible give me some contact details of last year gate top rank holders,to have discussion and guidelines from them sir,help me as soon as possible.

    • sir ,one more thing I haven’t concentrated in deep for the 3rd semester topics in ECE the topic like circuit analysis ,digital electronics and electronic devices and circuit, but I’m able to solve every question in circuit analysis and digital electronics,but not a few part of EDC on rajasthan technical university baisis ,my semester exams gone well,my mistake was all this that I never read any standard book,so my query is this that all my preparation has now gone to drain? sir im looking for your sincere response.

    • Sir, can u plz tell me about the book kanodia..forr electrical aspirant.. Am I supposed to prefer it r not?

      • Hello Mona,

        kanodia books are good. You can take them as reference books. But always refer text books for individual subjects. You can prpfer text books which you have used during your graduation.
        If you are preparing for GATE 2017. You must first focus on completing GATE 2017 syllabus as soon as possible.
        kanodia books will consume your time if you solve every single question given in that book. Solve selected problems of each subject and move to next subject.

        Please follow below link.
        How to prepare for gate 2017 in 6 months ? : http://gate2016.info/gate-guidance/how-to-prepare-for-gate-in-6-months/

        Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.


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