• Hello likitha,

      Application under scrutiny means your GATE 2017 application is being checked.
      If they find any mistake in your application form they will contact you but will not reject your application form in any case. So do not worry much.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  1. sir,
    i will be in btech 1st year this year with cs and my dream is to join iit bombay with cs in mtech.
    please can you guide me with the proper methods of preparing for gate along with my btech syllabus .

    • Hello vineetha,

      Last date of application form filling was 8 Oct. So you would not be able to fill a new form now.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  2. hello,
    i had done mistake in filling my gate application form that is i had choosen
    wrong branch so pls give me reply what i have to do now

  3. Sir there was an error in my form regarding signature but still it showing under process i have filled it again have also mailed then 2morow is the last day wat to do now

    • Hello neha,

      If you fill your GATE 2016 application form correctly then Don’t worry much abt it.
      All GATE 2016 application forms are being checked carefully. If GATE 2016 office found any mistake in your form they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  4. Hello sir,
    I have recently submitted GATE-2016 application and payment was also successfully made but my application status hasnt been displayed anything. Ideally it should b displayed as Application received.
    Could you help me this issue?

    Thanks & Regards,
    Arjun Kumar

    • Hello Arjun,

      If you fill your GATE 2016 application form correctly then Don’t worry much abt it.
      All GATE 2016 application forms are being checked carefully. If GATE 2016 office found any mistake in your form they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  5. Hi! I cannot access the gate website. It keeps on loading when I press the submit and proceed to payment button. Is the site down?

  6. Hey Sir I am facing problem in uploading the sign. I have tried aal means but then also I didnot succeed. So in your opinion what I have supposed to do???

  7. I successfully filled the biotechnology GATE 2016 but I need to change it to lifescience ,is it possible?
    or can I fill more than 1 form at the same time?

    • Hello kusum,

      Now you can solve this issue by filling new application form with new email id and mobile number.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  8. Sir I have been asked to rectify the defects of my photo and sign. I have done so.will it be accepted this time or if some defects still persist will I be notified again.
    Their help desk is very hard to reach

    • Hello Pradeep,

      All GATE 2016 application forms are being checked carefully. If GATE 2016 office found any mistake in your form they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  9. i have made the payment ,money has been deducted from my account .and i got a notification which says payment successful .click here to go back to gate 2016 home page as I clicked the network broke down and then it says payment again………….. 🙁 what to do now??? money has already been deducted.

  10. Sir,
    I made sign with capital letters.I got an edit option but i didn’t notice and i made again with capital letters.
    will my application gets rejected.

    • Hello srikanth,

      All GATE 2016 application forms are being checked carefully. If GATE 2016 office found any mistake in your form they will contact you.
      May be they contact you again.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  11. sir my form was found defective and i rectified the defects .. and finally status of my form is ( YOUR APPLICATION IS FOUND TO BE IN ORDER AND HAS BEEN ACCEPTED ) ….. do i need to worry about anything

  12. I tried to make payment twice but both time I got same error. Please suggest what should I do. In one of the queries reply i found that we need to contact zonal office for such issues .Kindly let me know the contact number of zonal office.My enrolment ID is :B550T24

  13. Sir i am 2015 passout but by mistake in the graduated coloumm i mentioned no. What i can do to rectify my mistake??
    Also i don’t have provisional / degree or course completion certificate so i uploaded my recent character certificate in which my name, university roll no. , branch, colg name, and year of passing is mentiöned along with director signature and college seal.
    Is it fine??
    Plz do reply

  14. Hello!
    I have graduated in 2015 and am now planning to apply for GATE. But there is a serious confusions with the set of documents that have been asked for. Our provisional degrees haven’t been made available and also our marks from the final year have been put offline by UTPU (now, APJAKU) with no reasons made clear. The certicate to be signed by the principal is only either for backlog students or the final year students. I am none.

    Please, kindly mention which documents will be deemed fine in such a situation or if there is any application procedure with late fee… I will be highly grateful!

  15. Sir in gate form i have mistaken in my name . I so i want to correct it plz give me right email id and phone no. Of gate zonal

    • Hello vijayendran,

      Automobile engineering is related to Mechanical engineering. So you may choose Mechanical engineering (ME).

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  16. Hi !!
    I have passed B Tech from Anand Engineering College, Agra (Affiliated to GBTU/UPTU). The degree issued to me by GBTU for 2012 batch. during Gate application, is it OK to provide college detail along with the degree which is issued by the University.
    Please advise.

  17. sir i done a mistake in my gate application..instead of BTECH i applied as BSC RESEARCH in my qualification degree…i sent a mail to zonal office 3 days back…no reply frm them…wat i have to do sir now

    • Hello santosh,

      Now you can solve this issue by filling new application form with new email id and mobile number.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  18. sir
    i fill gate 2016 form and make online payment the amount has been deducted from my account but the form still showing to make payment please tell me what i do

  19. sir, i have a problem with payment. actually i want to pay the fee through debit card but accidentally the process was gone through the e-challana form. so please sir give me the suggestion to overcome this.

  20. sir in my application they said sign is in capital letters they said re upload it I had done but more than 3 days its in process I have paid the money what should I do know???

    • Hello vikram,

      All GATE 2016 application forms are being checked carefully. If GATE 2016 office found any mistake in your form they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  21. Hi Sir ,

    I did my M.tech in 2013 and I am looking to attend gate exam for my PHD .So in this application I am not able to find the option for M.tech regular and also Embedded system specialisation in Qualifying Degree Details.Can you suggest me how to fill form for M.tech qualified in embedded system specialisation.

    • Hello harish,

      GATE exam is for getting admission into M Tech or M tech + P HD programme. So you have to choose B Tech as minimum qualification.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  22. Hello sir, i have filled my application and payment had done but the problem is there was a mistake in my address so could u say me that is there any edit option date or other alternative

  23. sir I the money has been deducted from my accou

    nt but it shows no payment made will I get refund of that money after that I made a payment but I made payment two times so could I get refund

  24. Sir i make a mistake ….i do not read the brochure of gate when i fill form so i upload my photograph with red background and my status is -Your application is found to be in order and has been accepted

    So sir is i am dis qualified further or is my application is accepted?

  25. sir i hv 56% in btech..may i get the admission in IIT’s or NIT’s for mtech..? If i get the good gate score…means is thr any aggregate criteria?

    • Hello akshay,

      Most of the colleges demand 60%. You have to have 60%, its eligibility criteria. GATE score is another criteria along with this.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello ,

      You may upload it.
      All GATE 2016 application forms are being checked carefully. If GATE 2016 office found any mistake in your form they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  26. Sir I have got status of application order and OK from iisc Bangalore… mujhe doubt hai ki I have submitted wrong eligibility certificate .Can I check or view the eligibility certificate ??..how I know or confirmation??..plz give me a proper guidence….

    • Hello rakesh,

      You application form has been verified by IISc then you need not to worry abt it. There is no way to recheck form now.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  27. sir i have completed Btech in year 2014 but i had a back paper which may be given in december 2015….but i wish to applied gate2016..should i eligible for gate 2016

  28. Hello sir/mam

    i don’t have my degree certificate or provisional certificate so can i attach my engineering last year mark sheet to form for applying gate 2016 ?

  29. I want to fill the form from general category. But i am enrolled in college from OBC category. Will there be any problem if i will fill the form from general category?

    • Hello Ashish,

      As per GATE 2016 office :
      If you have paid the GATE exam fee, GOAPS will reflect your payment in three working days. If GATE office will not get your payment, they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  30. My GATE 2016 application status is still under process since the last 10 days. I am very anxious. Shall I fill a new application. What should I do?

    • Hello shivi,

      If you fill everything right then you need not to worry. You application form is under process.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  31. hello sir
    I fill up the application form correctly but while paying money unknowingly I pressed the e Challn option. Now I want to pay money by debit card but I am facing the problem .How do I resolve this?? I don’t want to pay money by Chalan

    • Hello Ankita,

      You have to pay using Challan. Otherwise you have to file a new application with a new email address (mobile number can be same) and fill form correctly this time.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Megha,

      You have to upload provisional certificate in GATE 2016 application form. Provisional certificate is different from Bonafide certificate.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello hemanth,

      As per GATE 2016 organizing Institute :
      Candidate who have passed qualifying examination required for GATE 2016 in 2015 or earlier, have to submit any course completion certificate like degree certificate / provisional certificate for completing your GATE 2016 online application form.
      Try to contact to your college/university administration regarding this. Providing provisional certificate is not so hard for them. Rest depends upon you.
      For more details about Eligibility Criteria of GATE 2016 click here : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-information/eligibility-criteria-of-gate-2016/

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello mounika,

      GATE 2016 organizing Institute divide mistakes in two categories :
      (1) minor mistakes
      (2) major mistakes

      1# For minor mistake correction candidate need to send email to your Zonal GATE Office.
      2# For major mistake correction candidate need to file a new application with a new email address (mobile number can be same) and fill form correctly this time.

      Try first one and send mail to your Zonal GATE Office. if you think this is not working then you have to choose second option of filing new application form before closing date of GATE 2016 application form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  32. Sir i have 1 kt in last semester so can u tell me procedure for aplying cause i dont have graduate certificate and principal certificate for applying but i have be appeared certificate

  33. Sir, i have done mistake in filling application regarding category actually am belongs to general category but i kept as obc what i should do please suggest me

  34. Hello sir, i am a student of st category i dont have caste certificate, is that compulsoy that i should apply my cerficate while applying for gate ?

  35. Dear sir

    I am trying to upload scanned provisional certificate in pdf format of file size about 200 kb. But, a error “upload a valid eligibility certificate in pdf format with file size between 10 kb to 300 kb “. Please help me with it.

    Thank you

    • Hello Deepanshu,

      Reduce size of file little more and then upload if not work then again reduce and upload. This will work.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  36. by mistake in my account i uploaded my friends principle confirmation letter…..how i correct this mistake?can i upload my original principle confirmation into my account,if yes then how?or any charges for this process?

  37. In college ID proof certificate two boxes are given.I did not tick to any one of the given boxes but I applied my application form.i am present studying 4th year B.tech.sir please suggest me.so due to this reason any rejection in application form.please reply for rectify the given problem

    • Hello shlok,

      This is not a minor mistake. File a new application with a new email address (mobile number can be same) and fill form correctly this time. Rest depends upon you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  38. sir i filled the eligibility form but not with wight background photo so it will be rejected or not because i all ready filled gate application form and fees to so what i do.

    • Hello Nakul,

      As per GATE 2016 organizing Institute :
      If the photo you have uploaded is not acceptable then you will get an email/SMS. You can then correct the photograph and other details as requested.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello vikas,

      As per GATE 2016 organizing Institute :
      Candidate who have passed qualifying examination required for GATE 2016 in 2015 or earlier, have to submit any course completion certificate like degree certificate / provisional certificate for completing your GATE 2016 online application form.
      Try to contact to your college/university administration regarding this. Providing provisional certificate is not so hard for them.
      For more details about Eligibility Criteria of GATE 2016 click here : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-information/eligibility-criteria-of-gate-2016/

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  39. Hlo sir,
    I have filled the application form but i have made mistake in filling passout year of degree which is 2016 but with mistake i have filled it 2015. What can i do now? I have made my payment also

    • Hello suman,

      GATE 2016 organizing Institute divide mistakes in two categories :
      (1) minor mistakes
      (2) major mistakes

      1# For minor mistake correction candidate need to send email to your Zonal GATE Office.
      2# For major mistake correction candidate need to file a new application with a new email address (mobile number can be same) and fill form correctly this time.

      Try first one and send mail to your Zonal GATE Office. if you think this is not working then you have to choose second option of filing new application form before closing date of GATE 2016 application form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Thnku sir for ur valuable suggestion.
        Sir i have already sent email to zonal gate office but they didn’t rplied.
        Sir now my application status is your application is found to be in order and has been accepted.
        Now sir my ques is that will mistake of passout year of degree create any problem in future?

    • Hello Bikash,

      Certificate must be latest and updated always. Although your certificate will accepted if it is not too old and photograph attached with the certificate match with you properly.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  40. I want to appear in GATE 2016 what is the fees for enrolling and to qualify what is the cut off this year for open category as well as validity of the score card??? please let me know as soon as possible thank you

    • Hello Rishabh,

      If you fill your GATE 2016 application form correctly then Don’t worry much abt it.
      All GATE 2016 application forms are being checked carefully. If GATE 2016 office found any mistake in your form they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  41. Hi,

    My enrolment id for Gate 2016 is B420F78.

    I have paid twice Rs 1500

    One time using my debit card and another time using my father debit card . How can i get back refunded.



  42. I have only college id as my identification proof, but it has no number on it. But it has my college details like address, logo. phone number & my roll no. and course duration 2014-2016 (Year Backed). Is this enough for gate id Proof. If so what should be filled in id Proof number (like my roll no.) ? If not can aadhar card’s receipt be accepted. I have not yet availed for aadhar card but my family says that if I avail for one they will hand a receipt first & the real one within a month. Someone plz reply quick. Thank you in advance.

  43. hlo sir,
    I have submitted my application form for gate exam yesterday. but I have made mistake in filling year of passing my degree which is actually 2016 and with mistake I have filled it 2015. So sir plz suggest how can I correct that mistake. what should I do now? Should I fill the form again but same information can create some problem. sir I have made my payment also.. plz suggest me some suggestion

  44. Sir, by mistake i kept my category as obc but i am belongs to general category then how can change this to general in application form.I should reapply?? please help me out from this situation

  45. sir,
    i login in goaps with my login id and password but accuont of different person is opened. This caused me delay in making payment.What should i do?

  46. sir,
    Please tell me the date of gate 2016 exam , from where the application form can be download and last date of apply

    can I pay through DD or Cheque

  47. Hello admin ,
    I have forgotten to write my college address in my GATE 2016 form and I have submitted my form .what should I do? Will my form rejected by GOAPS?

  48. hello sir ,
    i ve filled the form upto certificate from principal. when i came to uploading certificate from prncipal which satisfies the required specification as mentioned wit college name , pin code , address , principals signature wit date and pdf size of 257kb but still it shows some error which stated like upload failed n file uploaded is not as per specificatn … can u suggest me what to do … ???

  49. Sir/Mam,

    I am unable to upload my provisional certificate for GATE 2016 even though my file size is well within the range of 10KB to 300KB (My file size is 107KB to be precise). I am also unable to get in touch with GATE 2016 help desk. Please guide. Thanks.

    Riza Mohammed

    • Hello Riza,

      Reduce size of file little more and then upload if not work then again reduce and upload. This will work.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  50. Hello Sir,
    My enrollement ID is B259J49. I am a b-tech mechanical student.

    Unknowingly there was a mistake in qualification details. Instead of btech mechanical , it was apepearing as

    FOUR YEAR B.Sc.(RESEARCH) / B.S.(POST DIPLAMA / 4 MECHANICAL ENGG. but the paper code is same i.e ME.

    How can i change it ? Is there any solution?

  51. sir/madam,
    i filled my gate application form today at 9p.m but regarding filling a form their is mistake in qualifying degree,acually i am btech final yr student but in that form by mistake fill bpharma in the place of btech.i am worry about that, my application form will be rejected ??? plzz help me plz

  52. sir i hava face a problem while uploading my signature. only the resolution is given size of the picture is not given. and how to upload certificate in PDF format

  53. sir, i had made payment and also application fee had deducted from my bank account but still they are asking me to make the payment. what should i do?

    • Hello piyush,

      As per GATE 2016 office :
      If you have paid the GATE exam fee, GOAPS will reflect your payment in three working days. If GATE office will not get your payment, they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  54. Hello sir
    Is there any issue for use different photo in certificate from Principal and gate application form.I used 7-8 month old photo in certificate from Principal.but it is mention in the gate broucher the photo will be latest after July 2015 .can I use latest photo in gate application form but old in certificate from principal?

  55. sir I am passed BE in june2015, but my original 8th sem markshet and provisional degree has not come till now,,, collage is saying degree nd original 8th sem markshet wil come after some days,, and gate ki last date bhi aa gayi,,, what I will upload plz reply me as soon as passible on email

  56. Hello sir,
    While submitting the form of GATE 2016,I filled the gender details mistakenly as “Male” instead of female…Therefore the fee deducted is Rs.1500/- which should be reduced to Rs.750/-…I want to correct it…What I need to do?
    Please suggest as early as possible.
    Thank you.

    • Hello Prajakta,

      As per GATE 2016 office :
      For change from Male/ other to Female, you need to send an email to your Zonal GATE Office.Change will be done with no refund. For change from Female to Male/ other, the procedure will be notified later.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  57. Sir, I am applied GATE 2016.But in my final application print out a mistake in qualification details. that is GRADUATED:NO is in my application .BUT I am complited my B.TECH so can I change my Graduation Details in application.how can i change my details?

    otherwise can i elgible to apply for a new application with same NAME,EMAIL,and other my details to GATE2016.

  58. Sir,i am sc candidate I don’t have this year caste certificate but I have 2012 caste certificate it is acceptable or not please reply sir, thanking you

    • Hello kishore,

      Most probably be accepted.
      All GATE 2016 application forms are being checked carefully. If GATE 2016 office found any mistake in your form they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  59. My Enrolment ID isB314Z67
    during making payment due to server error two times transaction done in my SBI debit card
    so tell me how can i get refund my extra fee?

    • Hello Revina,

      Don’t worry much about this issue.
      If you have paid twice. You don’t have to do anything. Contact GATE 2016 office only if you do not get refund by 31st October 2015.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future.

  60. hello sir ,my gate form is showing under scrunity.basically i graduated in 2015 .while filling the form ,i givens gratuation no and gratuating year 2015 ,and uploaded the Course completion certificate.and ho wto solvethis problme.i s it ok or not.i called iiscs reagrding this ,they told it ll be ok ..im still under dilemma..shal i fill other form ..what to do p\..plzzzz tel me

  61. Hello sir, l have applied for gate 2016..l have received a mail that ur application is in order & ok..my application status is accepted & ok..but my application form is not getting downloaded…bcoz their is no print option der…even l didnt get mail of my application form from gate…..what to do??

    • Hello vuppula,

      If you fill your GATE 2016 application form correctly then Don’t worry much abt it.
      it may be server issue.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  62. Admin, sir i am facing a lot of difficulty in uploading my certificate of final year. i have tried several times. can u help me? ? and despite virtual calculator can we carry our own calculator? ? ?

    • Hello Anurag,

      Reduce size of file little more and then upload if not work then again reduce and upload. This will work.
      No physical calculator is allowed.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  63. Hello sir,

    I completed B.tech in 2015. I already wrote gate 2015.i have my provisional and degree certificates. Is any certificate is mandatory from head of the Institution to apply gate 2016..

  64. Sir I completed my Post Graduation in 2015. I have my final year marksheet. But I have not been issued the degree yet. Can I upload the scanned copy of final year marksheet instead of the degree?

  65. Hello,

    I have changed my surname after getting my degree. I have all gazetted documents and i have updated my surname in all the id proofs. Now in GATE2016, i have to upload degree certificate in which old surname is mentioned. I am not able to upload any other document as the size of file is big except my degree certificate. Please help whether they will ask for gazetted documents or simply reject my application?

    • Hello Yogendra,

      You name in all certificates must be same otherwise your form will get rejected.
      Reduce size of file little more and then upload if not work then again reduce and upload. This will work.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  66. Respected Sir,
    In my registration form the name of the city to which I belongs is not involved.Is there any problem ?Will the exam supervisor allows me to write the GATE exam 2016 ?

    • Hello Rima,

      If you fill your GATE 2016 application form correctly then Don’t worry much abt it.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  67. sir, i am student of M.sc Environmental Science. can i fill the GATE application form for M.tech in environmental engineering, and if i can fill the application form then which branch should i fill ?? because i can’t found the syllabus or previous year question of environmental engineering or this type of branch on this site. i found only civil branch. so please guide me…..

  68. Hello sir,I am pursuing btech final year in mechanical engineering under JNTUH affiliated college.I have applied gate through online today.IN the hardcopy,it came as “FOUR YEAR B.Sc(RESEARCH)/B.S(Post diploma/4 MECHANICAL ENGG.” in QUALIFICATION DETAILS..but i am a mechanical engineer .will there be any problem? If yes,is there any solution???

  69. Is there anyone know that if any one is in MSc final year then wat should he select in qualifying column n whichich year shoud we mention in graduate year n if anything wrong submitted in form can it be corrected after payment .
    I done Bsc chemistry in 2014 n now in MSc final chemistry

    • Hello kajal,

      If you fill your GATE 2016 application form correctly then Don’t worry much abt it.
      They are checking all forms one by one.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  70. Hello sir
    I have filled form of gate 2016..and uploaded 8 sem marksheet as certificate..will be there any difficulty in future because I have uploaded marksheet instead of provisional certificate.

  71. Sir I fill the form but can’t get any message on my mail that procedure is completely successfull and online payment also done tell me about payment that it successfully completed.

    • Hello bhagyashri,

      If you fill your GATE 2016 application form correctly then Don’t worry much abt it.
      All GATE 2016 application forms are being checked carefully. If GATE 2016 office found any mistake in your form they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  72. Hello sir,
    I am an OBC candidate. Sir,I want to know about OBC certificate criteria such as should it be one or two years older. Because i recently made my OBC certificate.

  73. Hello Sir,
    By mistake i had uploaded my photograph with blue background, now i came to know that the photograph should be in white background. I hv submitted my documents.
    The photograph which i was uploaded is well n good in all aspect, it is clear and appropiate but only the back ground is blue .
    Would it be rejected or not ?? I had also made the payment… kindly suggest for the same.

    Thnx n regards
    Nayan kr.

  74. i am a final yr student in M.Sc Chemistry. Any Certificate is reqd frm head of the institution to apply GATE Exam 2016


    tHANKS * bijaya

  75. Im in the final year of be in civil….i have entered the wrong pincode of my college will it be any problem with my application form…..the pincode in the certificate from principal is correct….

  76. hello sir,

    i finished my application and submitted the gate 2016 .
    my status is still :payment received successfully , when will i get the conformation that my application has been received

    • Hello steve,

      If you fill your GATE 2016 application form correctly then Don’t worry much abt it.
      All GATE 2016 application forms are being checked carefully. If GATE 2016 office found any mistake in your form they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  77. sir i am a engineer student. sem back can fill the form of gate exam. now I am in final year but by sem back now I give exam of 5th sem then 8th sem then 7th sem…. Sir I having confusion so tell me

  78. hello sir,

    Which caste certificate should be uploaded with the application- central or state ?
    Right now I have ony state caste certificate, can i upload that?

    • Hello nisha,

      You may get it convert into central. Just fill all the details same as in state certificate and get it approved from tahsildar’s office.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  79. Hello sir. I wanted to know if it is mandatory to draw that rectangular box while scanning my signature. I’ve already scanned one without the box but it is satisfying all other criteria . I want to know if it’s ok

    • Hello nisha,

      Upload state certificate.
      All GATE 2016 application forms are being checked carefully. If GATE 2016 office found any mistake in your form they will contact you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  80. Sir i cleared my B.E but my result is held.
    I had completed the RLE process but result will be issued in october so what should i upload in certificate? ?

  81. sir.. i am in btech 4 th year… my degree will be completed in august 2016 … In the entrance form of gate shall I upload all my scanned degree certificates or just the certificate having the signature of college principal?

    and can you provide me the certificate the ?

  82. sir, is image dpi important? i saw in some sites for photo>200dpi, for signature 200dpi. i ask this question because there is no specification of image dpi in gate 2016 information brochure. my photo having pixel size 480*640. but it is no t greater than 200 dpi. it can be uploaded. yes, it was successfully uploaded. can i use this? or will it be a problem?

  83. I have a doubt about ‘Qualifying year’ selection. I completed my classes for all the eight semesters in B-tech degree. I had a few backlog in semester 3 and 4. I wrote all my backlog papers but I’m waiting for my results. So, which year should I select as my qualifying year?

    • Hello Isaac,

      Select year in which you are expecting your all result with you. Which shows you have cleared B Tech without any active backlog.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  84. Sir! Is there any possibility to submit “provisonl certificate as Trans scripts”, as in my college they are not issuing those certificates as we disnt got fee- reuimbersment.

  85. Sir i upload a photo of red background what should i do
    Because i heard that photo of white background is accepted other are rejected ……what should i do. Please sir reply ………please sir

  86. Hello Sir,

    Can I upload previous year photo and signature uploaded in gate 2015 in gate 2016?? I have the images in correct format saved to my drive, so i will not have to re-fromat them again.

    • Hello Anant,

      Yes you can but it should exactly match with you.
      If there is any change in your face from 2014 to 2015 then you must get clicked a new photograph.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  87. HI..

    I want to know that the certificate from principal which has to be downloaded from the official site and after signing it with seal form our college principal, we have to upload it in jpg file or pdf file?

    • Hello prateek,

      You haven’t used caste certificate till now in your educational career and if you want to use it now then you must check your all previous details and try not to show any where both kind of information like one says you belong to this caste and other says different if this happen then you would be in some trouble.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello bhagyashri,

      You must use Net Banking option it is very easy and fast and in this way you need not to send any document anywhere so you would be sure about your application form receiving by GATE office after filling it completely. If you dont have Net banking option associated with your bank account then you can use your friend or relative Net banking to payment.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  88. sir,

    I completed B.Tech in 2015.I already wrote GATE 2015. What are the certificates to apply GATE 2016. I have my provisional certificate,is their any certificates are mandatory. please tell me sir.

    • Hello shaik,

      Yes it is compulsory. If you do not upload your documents then your form will get rejected.
      You need to reduce the size of your document. Try to reduce it under 300 kB then you would surely able to upload it. Remember do not reduce the size of the document too much otherwise it would not be visible.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  89. sir,
    I passed out BE in 2015 and want to apply for GATE 2016.In brouchure they have metioned to upload a degree certificate but we receive it in february.So what am i supposed to upload????

  90. Hello Sir,

    I am an OBC candidate. Do I need to provide my caste certificate during the online form filling process?

    I could see that only SC and ST candidates are required to submit soft copy of their caste certificate. Why they did not ask me to provide caste certificate? Am I filling form correctly?

    Any feedback/guidance is highly appreciated!

    • Hello jameet,

      If B.E./B.Tech.course run by your college is recognized by AICTE then you are eligible for GATE. Please contact to your administration for more details.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  91. Hey i applied for gate 2016 and i can download the application form now.(payment done successfully)

    the face area in the photo i uploaded is less than 50% but it is good enough and my face is clearly visible
    can my form be rejected ??

    would i be able to upload another photo..in case if there is any rejection

    • Hello Ankit,

      The main objective of photograph is to identify the exact person who filled the form and who is attending exam at any stage of recruitment/selection process. If you are photograph is visible and clear then there must not be any issue.
      If you haven’t finally submitted your form then you must change the photograph as per instructions of GATE office given in GATE 2016 brochure.
      GATE 2016 brochure : http://gate2016.info/gate-2016-brochure/

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Thanks for the reply 🙂

        Actually i have already submitted the form.
        Before rejecting it,do they give a chance to rectify the problem??

  92. Can someone elaborate on the payment method for GATE 2016? I’m asking this question because the application webpage and the payment page are different. So, I’m worried that if I click ‘submit and proceed to payment’, I won’t be able to go back and edit any information on the application if there is any.

  93. Hello admin, I have completed B.E. in Civil and preparing for Gate.
    I have done diploma and not pursue 11th and 12th std that’s why m not having proper knowledge of Engg. Maths, I have come in touch with maths in 3rd semester only as 1 and 2 semester are omitted as I have done diploma and that also passed by me through second try. So It will right to start the maths from the beginning as there are 5 months remaining for the gate exam? I am not doing Job just preparing gate from Home.

    • Hello Palak,

      As we know time is less for GATE 2016. So you must first concentrate on your strong areas and areas which you can cover with less preparation. As you explained in your above comment which shows you don’t have good command on maths so you must not waste your time in maths now. You must do other subjects first because in GATE exam there is no sectional cut off. If you have time for preparing maths at last of the GATE exam preparation you may prepare math at that time.
      In math there are some areas which can be cover with less effort. you may cover them at last time of preparation if you have less time.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  94. hello admin
    i have completed but b tech in the year 2014 but i hadone back paper and iam waiting for my results
    so am i eligible to write gate pls do reply

  95. Hello sir, I am a B.E CS student I am interested in research and development in CS. will writing GATE be helpful to me or in what way it is related to research and development in Computer Science? If I want to get into a higher institution who does research & dev what should be my average score ? I am waiting for your reply sir. Thank you.

    • Hello velu,

      You must first find the institutes/organizations which have research and development unit such as DRDO, ISRO, BARC. List them all and also note down what education qualification they require. Few of them will require M Tech as minimum education qualification or P HD. You may also enter these institutes/organizations after just completing B E/ B Tech using your GATE score.

    • Sir I have submitted my application of gate ..if I want to check the or view form now about the confirmation of degree certificate which is submitted correct or not ??Do I check this ??

  96. Sir,
    I completing b-tech in ece.now I want to apply for gate exam in another stream like computer science or any stream. can I eligible for this exam or not ?

  97. hello sir,

    i want to know if am i eligible for applying for post that requires educational qualification as degree in combination of any sub stream of electronics engg…? i am B.E I.T

  98. sir,
    I am a student of petroleum engineering pursuing my B.tech in this stream. I would like to know whether or not petroleum engineering will be a discipline in GATE 2016

  99. hello sir /mam i am a student of B.E Mechanical ,,can a person who have secured good score in gate get job in union public sectors like Bhel,,Ongc???

    • Hello Gowtham,

      Yes when you score well in GATE exam you will have an opportunity to join many public sector companies including BHEL & ONGC.
      These companies use GATE score at the primary stage of selection.
      They shortlist the candidates on the basis of their GATE score and call them for further selection process like GD/PI.
      There are nearly 30 PSUs which are recruiting on the basis of GATE score.
      Complete list of PSUs through GATE 2016 : http://gate2016.info/psus-through-gate-2016/

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  100. sir i heard that from this year,electronic calculator is not allowed.i want to confirm whether it is true or not..if it is,then is there online calculator will be provided for the exam?


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