[PDF] DRDO CEPTAM 2023 (STA-B) – Syllabus, Books & Paper Pattern

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Are you searching best drdo ceptam sta b pattern?
Then you are at the right place. Just check below.”

DRDO CEPTAM – STA-B – Paper Pattern, Syllabus & Books – Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) notified total 1901 posts through Centre for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM) Advertisement no – 10. This recruitment is notified for three different kind of posts Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’ (STA ‘B’), Technician -‘A’ (TECH -‘A’). Different-different categories require different-different education qualification.

B.Sc. degree & Three years Diploma candidates are eligible to fill application form for Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’ (STA ‘B’) post. Pay Band for this post is Rs. 9300-34800 & Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-. Here in this post we are providing Paper pattern, Syllabus & Reference Book list for the preparation of Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’ (STA ‘B’) post in Different-different categories. 

DRDO CEPTAM 2023 (STA-B): Syllabus, Books & Paper Pattern

S.No.Post NameDetails
1.DRDO CEPTAM 2023 (STA-B): Civil Engineering Follow me
2.DRDO CEPTAM 2023 (STA-B): Computer Science Follow me
3.DRDO CEPTAM 2023 (STA-B): Electrical Engineering Follow me
4.DRDO CEPTAM 2023 (STA-B): Mechanical Engineering Follow me
5.DRDO CEPTAM 2023 (STA-B): Electronics & Communication Follow me

There are many candidate who face difficulty in finding exact paper pattern, syllabus and required books list for DRDO CEPTAM examination. Above provided information will surely help such candidate in their DRDO CEPTAM – 10 preparation.

If you’re aspiring to work as a Senior Technical Assistant (STA-B) in the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), then the DRDO CEPTAM (Centre for Personnel Talent Management) exam is your gateway to success. This competitive exam evaluates your knowledge and skills in various technical areas. To excel in the exam, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the syllabus, the recommended books, and the paper pattern. In this article, we will explore the syllabus, recommended books, and the paper pattern for the DRDO CEPTAM 2023 (STA-B) exam.

Syllabus: The syllabus for the DRDO CEPTAM 2023 (STA-B) exam typically covers the following areas:

  1. General Awareness: Current affairs, scientific developments, national and international events, sports, history, geography, and general knowledge.
  2. Quantitative Aptitude: Number system, averages, percentages, profit and loss, time and distance, time and work, ratios and proportions, simplification, and data interpretation.
  3. General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability: Verbal and non-verbal reasoning, analogy, classification, series completion, coding-decoding, blood relations, directions, and syllogism.
  4. General Science: Physics, chemistry, and biology topics up to the secondary school level.
  5. Subject-Specific Topics: The subject-specific syllabus will depend on the discipline chosen for the STA-B post. For example, if you have selected Electronics, then the syllabus will cover topics such as electronic devices and circuits, digital electronics, networks, signals and systems, and communication systems.

Recommended Books: To prepare for the DRDO CEPTAM 2023 (STA-B) exam, here are some highly recommended books:

  1. General Knowledge: Lucent’s General Knowledge by Dr. Binay Karna and Manwendra Mukul, and Arihant General Knowledge by Manohar Pandey.
  2. Quantitative Aptitude: Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma, Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R.S. Aggarwal.
  3. Reasoning Ability: A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal, Analytical Reasoning by M.K. Pandey.
  4. General Science: NCERT textbooks for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology up to the secondary school level.
  5. Subject-Specific Books: Depending on the discipline chosen, refer to standard textbooks used in your engineering curriculum. For example, if you have chosen Electronics, you can refer to books such as Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Robert L. Boylestad, Digital Electronics by M. Morris Mano, and Communication Systems by Simon Haykin.

DRDO CEPTAM Total Information & Guidance

1.DRDO CEPTAM-10 Notification »
2.Paper Pattern, Syllabus & Reference Books »
1.Electronics & Communication Engineering »
2.Mechanical Engineering »
3.Electrical Engineering »
4.Computer Science »
5.Civil Engineering »
3.DRDO CEPTAM-10 Cut-off Marks »
4.DRDO CEPTAM-10 Result »

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DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) Syllabus, Books & Paper Pattern FAQs

What is the syllabus for the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam?

The syllabus for the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam varies depending on the specific discipline. However, the common topics covered in the exam include General Awareness, General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability, and the discipline-specific subjects.

Where can I find the detailed syllabus for the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam?

The detailed syllabus for the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam is available on the official DRDO website or the CEPTAM notification. You can also refer to the official notification for the specific discipline you are applying for to get the detailed syllabus.

Are there any recommended books for the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam?

Yes, there are several books available in the market that can help you prepare for the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam. Some popular books include the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) Guide by Ramesh Publishing House, DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) Exam Guide by GK Publications, and DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) Electronics & Communication Engineering Guide by Arihant Publications.

Is the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam conducted online or offline?

The DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam is conducted in an online mode, which means it is a computer-based test (CBT).

What is the exam pattern for the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam?

The exam pattern for the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam consists of two tiers: Tier-I and Tier-II. Tier-I is a computer-based test with multiple-choice questions, while Tier-II is a descriptive type test. The exact exam pattern, including the number of questions, duration, and marking scheme, may vary depending on the specific discipline.

Is there a negative marking in the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer in the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam. So, it is important to answer the questions carefully to avoid unnecessary deductions.

How can I prepare for the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam?

To prepare for the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam, you can follow a systematic approach. Start by understanding the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly. Make a study plan and allocate time for each section. Practice previous year question papers and mock tests to get familiar with the exam format. Refer to standard textbooks and study materials for the relevant subjects. Additionally, stay updated with current affairs and general knowledge.

Can I use calculators or electronic devices during the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam?

No, you are not allowed to use calculators or any electronic devices during the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam. You should rely on your manual calculation skills and problem-solving techniques.

Is there a sectional cutoff in the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam?

Yes, there may be a sectional cutoff in the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam. Candidates need to meet the minimum qualifying marks for each section to be eligible for the next stage of the selection process.

How can I stay updated with the latest information about the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam?

To stay updated with the latest information about the DRDO CEPTAM (STA-B) exam, you can regularly visit the official DRDO website or the CEPTAM portal. Keep an eye on the official notifications, announcements, and any updates related to the exam

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