Quiz instructions :
1. Total number of questions : 20
2. Time allowed : 20 minutes
3. Each Question carry 1 marks and No negative marking.
4. Don’t refresh the page. It will restart this quiz.
5. At the last of the quiz click on finish quiz tab to see the results.
Quiz Details :
1. You may use review question option to solve questions later.
2. You may also move forward or backward in order to solve questions.
3. You may solve questions randomly by selecting questions from question bar on top of the quiz.
4. We have paid utmost care to prepare this quiz error free. However, if you find any error or mistake. Please notify us along with the question number.
Related Links
BSNL JE Guide Books |
BSNL JE (TTA) Total Information & Guidance
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Our group were studying from your “11 to 29” exam preparation program for bsnl TTA(on daily basis ) ..due to some reasons we all missed that…
So please can you provide that question to prepare for bsnl TTA.
Thank you.
Hello Aashish,
Please follow below link.
BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 online exam preparation plan :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
Is the TTA exam syllabus is same to all branch students
Hello thandava,
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.
HI Sir,
I am first time to start the Online exam and same my first time apply the GOV Jobs in BSNL please tell me about any studding books r materials ……!!!!!
Hello narayana,
BSNL TTA Reference Books :
BSNL TTA (JE) Previous Years Question Papers with Solution :
BSNL TTA (JE) Free Mock Test :
Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.