BSNL 2016 Application – TTA (JE). Apply Online Now!



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BSNL TTA (JE) Application

BSNL 2016 Application – TTA (JE) – An open competitive examination for Junior Engineer (JE) recruitment for the various circles all over India will be conduct by BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited). BSNL will commence examination at all India level at nearly 25 exam centres. The number of vacancies to be filled on the basis of results of the Junior Engineer (JE) would be 2700 for the year 2016.

Web address for Junior Engineer (JE) in BSNL Online Application is :


BSNL TTA (JE) 2017 Online Application Website will Open from
10th July 2016.”

bsnl tta je online application procedure

Important Dates of Junior Engineer (JE) in BSNL 2016 :

 (1) Starting  Date of Online Registration 10/07/2016
 (2) Closing date of Online Registration 10/08/2016
 (3) Date of Online Examination 25/09/2016

Must Check : BSNL JE 2023 Notification

Submission of Application : Junior Engineer (JE) in BSNL applications can be filled in online mode only.


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BSNL 2016 Application – TTA (JE). Apply Online Now! FAQs

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  1. hi sir..i have completed my b.e.eee and i hav applied for bsnl tta exam..while applying i have uploaded only my 12th mark…bcz i cant upload all the other tat way wat i hav applied s right…r else wat kind of remedy have to undergo to correct my application form..

  2. Dear sir/madam,

    I have been qualified in B.E.( Electrical) 8th semester exam and my 7th sem one paper was back, I have been appeared in 7th sem(back paper) exam on 21st june but result is still awaited and is expected to declare in the month of september(first week). So I want to know that am I eligible to fill form for BSNL TTA. Please confirm me yes or no because in notification there is no mention about it.

    With warm regards

  3. Can I upload SSC marklist Xerox instead of original why I am asking this question is my original SSC marklist is in my college they didn’t give to us due to incomplete reimbercement by govt so please suggest any way to apply

  4. Dear sir/mam I’m Nikhil Mishra, I have 3 queries hope you will clarify it. My 1st query is that what is percentage % criteria for B.E. I mean aggregate required. My 2nd query is that I’m June 2016 passout in BE (ENTC) but I have 2 backlogs currently, and I will reappear in NOV and my result will come in FEB 2017. So what will happen if I’ve got selected and my result is pending and can I eligible for applications form which is on 25th SEPT. And my 3rd query is when the result of BSNL JE post will come, I mean any rough idea about that like in 2017 or before. Please kindly reply my all listed queries and help me to sort out things. And if possible kindly suggest me some tips and tricks for getting selected.
    And finally what is the official website for registration(link). Thanks Yours regard.

  5. my marksheet contain only grade and cgpa only..then how to i fill up the form(total marks obtained)…even i fill my percentage but (%) symbol cannot working.

    • Hello anandh,

      You can convert CGPA into percentage but formula for converting CGPA into percentage is different for different-different college/university.
      For more information visit here :
      or Google : convert cgpa into percentage

      Total marks = total of all semester / year marks.
      Like marks of each semster is 100 and there are 8 semesters.
      You get 600 out of 800. Then you need to fill this 600 only in that column. They are asking “Total marks obtained by the candidate”.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • First of all thanks for this wonderful job that you are doing.
        I have converted my cgpa into cgpa is 6.52 and after conversion it becomes I have filed 65.20 in the place of total this OK or is there any problem.
        Kindly reply..

  6. Sir please tell me that in BSNL TTA JE form i have to upload only BE final semester marksheet or all 8 semester marksheet. please guide me.

  7. i am studying my btech 4th year 1st semester am i eligible to write the bsnl je exam and if yes then what should i enter in the date of result publishing ?

  8. Do I need OBC certificate mandatory to apply for this post. If yes kindly assist me the procedure to get that certificate. thanks in advance

  9. Sir, i have completed my degree in e&c. In the enter marks section do i have to fill marks of final year or the overall aggregate?

  10. Sir , I completed My B.Tech in mechanical course may I know I am eligible to apply this and if I eligible what the specialization I need to take and I completed my B.Tech in 2016 still now I am not getting PC from my college How can I apply sir

  11. 1.i was student of etc so i had both electronics and telecommunication
    so which is to fill graduation block which marks to be filled? final year marks or over all aggregate?

  12. I was student of E&tc Means i had electronics and telecommunications
    but there is options for both of them so which is to select?

  13. sir my final result is expected to be declared by july ,but in the meanwhile i have filled the 1st step of bsnl tta registration form .so can i save the form till 1st step and fill the other details after the declaration of result?In one of your comment you told that bsnl saves the time of our 1st step registration and date of final year result declaration should be before that time.Is this true?

  14. I have completed B.E(ECE) and while filling form, there is third part “SPECILIZATION”.
    Do we need to study all the topic (irrespective of given stream). ?
    e.g, i am from ece background, do i need to prepare computer science and Electrical subject ,etc?

    Kindly provide your comments, Looking forward your reply!

  15. hello sir i have caste certificate of obc .currently i have no obc certificate.can i upload caste certificate of obc in bsnl tta form?

  16. sir, i have caste certificate of obc.currently i have no obc certificate .can i upload caste certificate of obc as a proof ?

  17. hi
    In the application form for TTA , it is asking for total marks obtained by the candidate in graduation. how to fill it whether with the last semister marks or with the total marks obtained in graduation?

  18. I have completed my B.Tech. In the result, we don’t get the total number, instead, we get “grade points” & “DGPA (degree grade point average)”. But, in the application form, we are asked to give the total number. how will I fill up the form ????????

  19. I wanted to ask what is E-id No. which is required while filling up the form online
    PS: I don’t have Aadhar Card so does it mean i have to apply for it or what?

  20. What extra component in salary will be added in TTA( JE ) Recruitment ?

    can you share salary structure with me in Percentage term ?

    how much time will take in training & what is stipend amount during training?

  21. i paid money but after paying money i din’t get acknowledgement to print but i got massage to my email that u r charge has been debited from my account so in-order to print in another tab i opened my bsnl account again but it again showing pay the money. so now what should i do

  22. 2016 passouts are not eligible for BSNL JE??.. In the registration portal of JE,onlu upto 2015 is given.Will this be the case with JTO also?

  23. Sir I having a bit of confusion about choice of filling the circle because I don’t know
    The selection will be based on all India basis or state basis and in some state there vacancy is less.
    And I belong to Bihar so please advice me which circle I have to filled.

  24. i applied for bsnl junior engineer….amount debited from bank..but after trasaction application not generated…it shows page cant be displayed…again i checked my shows to pay again to complete app process….contacted customer care…but they told to wait for one more day to again pay app fees…already paid app fees should be refunded after 45 days…what can i do now…plz help

  25. what is electronic identification number?adhar card is showing mandatory in bsnl tta form..what one should do if they dnt have adhar card and in lieu of it.It is asking for e0id card no. waht does it mean.plz reply sir

  26. sir, currently i am preparing for ssc cgl but i am interested in bsnl jto job . Could you please suggest me which is better and would I be able to clear jto exam if I start preparation from scratches now ? I did eee . please reply back . thanks in advance

    • Hello aqeel,

      BSNL JTO exam is an exam like GATE & IES. Like you will face theoretical & numerical type questions which will require good knowledge of your subjects.
      Also there would be three sections in a single paper & you need to clear cut off of all three sections.
      I would not tell you that this exam is hard but you would require at least 3-4 month hard study, if you will start from scratches. Rest depends upon your subject understanding speed.

      Both services are good through SSC & through BSNL. BSNL service would be better than SSC service as per our view. Rest final decision is yours.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  27. I completed BE computer science…..confused in specialization section….what i have to study….computer related syllabus or whole part…plz provide cs syllabus in specilization section..thank you

  28. I have been complete B.Tech In Electrical Engineering, can i apply for JE post IN BSNL Organization.

    Please suggest to me.

  29. I have completed my B.E. in electrical & electronics stream .
    Am I eligible this because in notification it is unclear

    • Hello Atul,

      Yes you are eligible as Electrical engineering graduate. Because EEE is the sub stream of Electrical engineering.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.


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