
How to Complain BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 Wrong Questions ? – Check Here!
BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 Answer Key – Many candidates has asked us about BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 answer key & result date. Now we have some sort of certain information related to BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 answer key as well as result. BSNL will release BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 response sheet & answer key within few days most probably within a week period.
This answer key will be provisional in nature means it could change. Candidate who have any objection against any question they would be able to submit their query online soon. Query submission period is 7 days which is defined by BSNL. After that period no query will be accepted. After all correction BSNL will again release answer key which would be final and candidates can calculate their marks finally on the basis of this answer key. If this process completed by BSNL successfully. BSNL would be able to publish BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 final result by the month of November.
BSNL TTA (JE) 2016 Final Answer Key Out. – Check Now!
Result Preparation Strategy of BSNL :
1. Provisional answer key release
2. Query submission
3. Final answer key release
Evaluation & result preparation of the examination :
Activities Involved :
1. The provisional answer key/link would be announced in the BSNL Portal after the Online Examination held within 5 (five) working days.
2. Any queries regarding answer key/link with authentic proofs in the prescribed Proforma (BSNL Online Examination Queries Proforma) may be submitted within 7 (seven) working days to email id: [email protected] or fax no. 011-23356657.
3. Opinion of the Expert Committee, on queries that would be received, is to be submitted within 3 (three) days and thereafter the final answer key/link would be issued in the official website of BSNL.
4. No queries after the above prescribed time frame & without authentic proof shall be entertained.
5. Paper-wise marks scored by the candidates would be prepared.
6. Marks scored by the candidates would be uploaded in the System and candidates would be able to view the marks scored by them from the website by logging in their User ID and Password.
7. Marks scored by the candidates could be downloaded from the System.
8. Merit list would be prepared on the basis of marks secured by the candidates on the basis of their year-wise eligibility.
9. Final result would be prepared from the merit list on the basis of number of vacancy available for a particular year.
BSNL online examination queries proforma :
(1) NAME OF EXAMINATION : …………………………………………………………………………
(2) DATE OF EXAMINATION : ………………………………………………………………………….
(3) NAME OF THE CANDIDATE : ……………………………………………………………………..
(4) REGISTRATION ID : ……………………………………………………………………………………
BSNL Information Document
BSNL Online Examination Query Proforma
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