BSNL TTA(JE) Recruitment – 2019



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pulseBSNL JTO Recruitment through GATE 2019

Company Details

BSNL TTA(JE) Recruitment – Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) will conduct a written examination for General (UR), Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Other Backward Castes (OBC) candidates for filling up posts of Telecom Technical Assistant (TTA).

Name of organization : Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL)

Type : State-owned Telecommunications Company

Website :

Job Details

Job Profile :

(1) Telecom Technical Assistant (TTA)

Salary : Rs. 13,600-25,420 /- (NE-9)

Number of Vacancies :

 2014 2015 2016
 – – 2700

Eligibility Details

Eligible Branches :

Three years engineering diploma / B. E. / B. Tech. in any of the following discipline :

1. Telecommunication Engineering
2. Electronics Engineering
3. Electrical Engineering
4. Radio Engineering
5. Computer Science Engineering
6. Information Technology
7. Instrumentation Engineering

8. B. Sc. Electronics / B. Sc. Computer Science
9. M. Sc. Electronics

Minimum Percentage in Education : Not Mentioned

Age Limit :

(1) GEN (UR) candidates : 30 years
(2) OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates : 33 years
(3) SC/ST candidates : 35 years
(4) GEN (UR) – PWD candidates : 40 years
(5) OBC (Non Creamy Layer) – PWD candidates : 46 years
(6) SC/ST – PWD candidates : 50 years

Application Form Details

How to apply :

Application Fee :

(1) UR candidates : Rs 1000/-
(2) OBC candidates : Rs 1000/-
(2) SC/ST candidates : Rs 500/-

Important Dates :

Starting  Date of Online Registration  : 10/07/2016
Closing date of Online Registration : 10/08/2016
Date of Online Examination : 25/09/2016

Recruitment Details

Selection Procedure :

1- The candidates will be selected on the basis of an online objective type examination.

BSNL TTA Notification :

 2013 2015 2016
 –  BSNL TTA – 2015  BSNL TTA – 2016
  BSNL TTA – 2016 (Revised)

pulseBSNL TTA Total Vacancies : 2700


BSNL JE Guide Books

BSNL JE (TTA) Total Information & Guidance

1.TTA (JE) 2023 Answer Key »
2.TTA(JE) Results »
3.TTA(JE) Cut-off Marks »
4.TTA(JE) 2023 Paper Pattern »
5.TTA(JE) 2023 Syllabus »
6.TTA(JE) 2023 Reference Books »
7.TTA(JE) Previous Years Papers »
8.TTA(JE) 2023 Notification»
9.TTA(JE) 2023 Application »
10.TTA(JE) Admit Card »
11.TTA(JE) Free Mock Tests »
12.TTA(JE) FAQs »

Click below given links to get further information.

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BSNL TTA(JE) Recruitment – 2019 FAQs

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  1. hello sir, in this bsnl je 2016 examination i got 69 marks and i cleared the minimum qualifying mark and is there any possibility for further recuitment

  2. sir, I did BE in ECE now pursuing in CSE. now in which stream i have to apply for GATE (ECE or CSE)…to elligible BSNL TTA

  3. respected sir
    there is a corruption in my admit card
    address in the admit card is not correct. In the place of state there is mentioned ARUNCHAL PRADESH instead of kerala
    is there is any problem for attending the exam????
    can i attend the exam ?
    how can i solve this problem

  4. Sir i have given incorrect marks in the marks obtained column in the bsnl form. Will my form be rejected or will there be problem at the time of verification. Sir please reply very tensed.

  5. Hi! admin,

    I wanna know some information about the specialization part as i am from ECE stream please tell me which major subjects i have to get prepare for BSNL (TTA)Exam.Is it necessary to prepare all the 7 modules in that part.Please clarify me

  6. i ve completed my registration properly for the first time.. but i edited but not submitted properly when they given edit option recently … does it affect ???? will i get admit card???

    • Hello preethi,

      You old details which was successfully submitted would be consider in this case and your admit card would be issued on that detail only.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  7. Sir
    Is domicile certificate is necessary to give the test for other state circle.?
    Seat is reserved for which basis :
    1.for the domicile certificate where the candidate is belongs to?
    2.for the test center where the candidate will give the exam?

  8. hello sir
    I am completed my registration but one document is not submitted that is my 8 th sem marksheet.plaese sir tell me how can edit my application form..Is it possible edit application form after closure of registration date.

  9. sir,

    I am in VJNT caste, and there is only 2 caste options, i.e SC, ST, so can I appy in OBC category? am also having Caste verification certificate with me.

  10. Sir m yeh Janna chahte hun ki Mera form submit huya h m Abi fee deposit t nhe ki h becoz there is alwys server busy and net service is too slow pls tell me about it am eligible or not my registration no is 1414712 and passwrd khy458vl pls sir agar form select h toh m fee deposit krwaun

  11. Sir, I applied for bsnl je but i did not got slip i paid the money twice with that registration no but my application was not confirmed after some enquiry i applied again with new mail and phone no. But now both the applications are confirmed..What should i do please help me sir

  12. Sir can you please extend the date of application , i have been trying since last 2 days for payment but it could not accepting , please extend the date for only 2 days ,,,please sir ,,,please

  13. i applied for this post.payment is also done..i received mail as payment successful..

    after that i login by using my id it shows make a line number also busy…kindly reply me soon..

  14. sir, i was made big mistake in online application which has been successfully submitted.that mistake is selected telecommunications instead of electronics and communication branch,my qualification is diploma in ece. sir,can i change or edit my details…?

  15. sir , my application has been successfully done,but i was selected telecommunications branch instead of electronics and communication branch.sir can i change or edited this……….??

  16. Sir,
    I have paid the fees for JE exam 2016. The application was not saved showing page error but money got deducted from account . When i opened by registering again it was showing the same payment step. So after i read the terms and conditions I got to know that if technical error occur during transaction the money will be refunded by bsnl.So application was not saved and today is the last date so I was scared and paid the fees once again this early morning so totally 2000 Rs I have paid (1019+1019 Rs). I just want my first paid money to be refunded. Will that be refunded ? Please help me out.

  17. Hi sir
    My last sem original result is not come .so what I fill in a obtained marks column .my mark are not shown on any result so what I do.

  18. Hello sir
    My diploma last sem original result is not coming so what i fill in marks column.and marks are not show in any result .so what I do

  19. Sir,
    I have paid the fees for JE exam 2016. The application was not saved showing page error but money got deducted from account . When i opened by registering again it was showing the same payment step. So after i read the terms and conditions I got to know that if technical error occur during transaction the money will be refunded by bsnl.So application was not saved and today is the last date so I was scared and paid the fees once again this early morning so totally 2000 Rs I have paid (1019+1019 Rs). I just want my first paid money to be refunded.

  20. Sir mujhe gujrat se apply karna tha but unfortunately jharkhand se ho gya payment is also done……what will i do….again form fill krke wapas payment karu ya edit ka koi option h

  21. Sir iam i mistaken my application details of bsnl TTA JE marks,CASTE certificate is uploaded and OBC is not uploaded then how to modify my application plz tell me the procedure plz fast today is last date.

  22. Sir/Madam

    I have 2 queries

    1. I have done B.E.(ECE), my 1- 7 semester mark sheets are with me and I have given an improvement of one subject of 6th semester subject.I have passed 8th semester and improved marks of 6th semester.I just have the internet print out of 6th and 8th semester result.I asked our college admin but they are not able to provide a consolidated marksheet,they circled my name and marks and attest my print out copy of 6th and 8th semester result.Can i upload original mark sheets of 1-7 sem and print out of 6 and 8 sem results attesed by college.

    2. I have been provided percentage on basis of credit system in our college,can i just add on all the marks and divide by total marks or I have to add all the percentages and divide by 8.

  23. Hi sir I am doing mtech and all my original marks card are in college .Can I upload my diploma Xerox copies, with or without attention ???

  24. Sir ,

    What are the valid certificates to prove obc caste .
    My caste is mentioned in my school TC certificate . Can i upload it as proof for the same .

  25. sir,is there any interview round further…. some sites mention about interview but there is nothing like that in broucher…

  26. Sir, i completed my registration and i got the mail has payment is successfulbut during registratio it again asking payment. What i have to do please reply fast sir

  27. Sir,
    I am from Kerala. I applied to Punjab circle(paid fee also), but given choice of examination centre as Thiruvananthapuram. So is it a problem? Where will I get examination centre? Whether Punjab circle will automatically change my examination centre to Chandigargh? Because of this my application may get rejected or not? Can I edit my registration? Should I re pay fee? What to do Sir? Please tell me sir.

  28. Sir,
    I am from Kerala. I applied to Punjab circle(paid fee also), but given choice of examination centre as Thiruvananthapuram. So is it a problem? Where will I get examination centre? Whether Punjab circle will automatically change my examination centre to Chandigargh? Because of this my application may get rejected or not? Can I edit my registration? What to do Sir? Please tell me sir.

    • Sir,
      I am from Kerala. I applied to Punjab circle(paid fee also), but given choice of examination centre as Thiruvananthapuram. So is it a problem? Where will I get examination centre? Whether Punjab circle will automatically change my examination centre to Chandigargh? Because of this my application may get rejected or not? Can I edit my registration? Should i repay fee for that? What to do Sir? Please tell me sir.

  29. sir i have uploaded only 10th 12th and B.E degree certificate.Is it necessary to attach all 8 sem mark sheets . 500 kb is not enough to uplaod all the marksheets in pdf format 🙁

  30. Hello sir, I am facing problem in eligibility section . I did my BE from pune university in this university. In the eligibility section total marks are from 1st sem to 8th sem marks OR only 7th 8 th sem marks, And sir in totalmarks only marks or percentages. sir i am very confused please tell me what i exactly fill aggregate or only last year marks

  31. I have made my payment for tta but i have a correction in state field it is misplaced as karnataka… How can i correct it

  32. Hi sir,i’m praveena.i have completed my registration and took printout but there was a mistake in selection of state in my address .instead of tamilnadu its came as there any possibility to edit it sir?plz do reply sir

  33. Sir, i have applied for je post and i made the payment.I got the mail also has your payment is success. But when i am going to login its again asking a payment.
    Whats the problem please reply me soon.

  34. sir meme form bharte time grade nahi likhi hai kya foram tho reject nahi hoga na or reject hota hai tho kya me dubara form bhar sakta hu

  35. Sir , is it enough to prepare only theory questions to secure a good mark? Or we have to prepare for problem solving questions too

  36. hi sir
    i am kumar from karnataka by miss take i selected choice circle of candidate kerala but i am karnata is there any problem. and i selected exam centre as Bangalore. Is there any application rejection sir .please replay me to mail id [email protected]

  37. hello sir
    sir is there any extention facility in bsnl tta job for 1 year
    if i want to leave job in middle of trainee period

  38. sir ….is there any extention facility in tta job…
    suppose if we selected in tta exam and if we want to take a leave of 1 year for furture exam…IS it possible in tta
    what bond may be in tta in rupees

  39. Hi Sir,

    Our college is having CGPA grade system. Even in my final marks sheets/transcripts they mentioned cgpa only.

    For the column “Total Marks obtained by the candidate”, how can I calculate the total marks from cgpa system.

    Kindly suggest me the bsnl approved/ correct way to calculate the total marks.

    Instead of total marks can i put my cgpa itself in that filed, as we are not having any proof of total marks obtained.

    Kindly solve my queries and do the needful.


  40. sir, i have selected kolkata telephones as the choice of circle and i am an obc candidate but there is no vacancy in obc. what i need to do now..

  41. Sir,i my marksheets(grade cards),toatl marks are not given only grades and total credits earned are given.How should i fill the total marks and grade/class column in the application form?

  42. Respected sir,
    My friend have not any uid and eid no. He also completed his also can he apply bsnl jto. Please give a solution sir.

  43. Hello Sir,
    i have completed my B.E in electronics and communication. While filling application form in educational qualification what should I choose ?
    Is it should be telecommunication or Electronics ?

  44. Awsome piece of information, I had come to know about your website from my friend vinod, indore,i have read atleast seven posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your blog gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, i’m already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new posts, once again hats off to you! Thanks a ton once again, Regards.

  45. Hello Sir, Whether CSE students also have to prepare all the syllabus mentioned in Specialization part or only the computer section alone ? Is Specialization section same for all the department candidates ?

  46. Hello sir,my stream of diploma is electronics & telecommunication engineering.But in the form there are 2 different stream,one is electronics and the another is telecommunication.Now which one i will select?

  47. hello sir,

    how can i edit form after the payment because i have enter in total marks and the form is submitted with payment. So sir is it possible that i can edit my form after Final submitted?

    Sir u are saying 5 times editing is allow but i cannot get this option when login there is only Continue option
    and after that i have print option.So sir what can i do Know?

    Should my application will rejected?

  48. i have done payment and amount deducted from my account but the page shows to do payment again i didnt get the reciept of final submission.

  49. SIR,can i get obc category benifit if i choose a state circle other than my own state?And do i have to upload the obc certificate during doc upload?also in total marks can i fill the percentage aggregate as i m a btech student?

  50. Sir , while making my fee paymnt i have got an error says yr transaction is failed . i m using my sbi internate banking . and i have enough balance and i tried many times

  51. Respected sir/madam,

    I have done uploading of all documents, photo and sign except the age proof.
    I want to ask that which document should I upload as an age proof ?

    Please help as soon as possible.

    Yours faithfully.

  52. sir,
    am trying to upload ma educational certificate in required pdf format but its not uploading and displaying ” please upload your educational certificates ” again and again. i have made this trial many times but coudnt upload it. please suggest wat to do nw

  53. Sir my branch is electronics and telecommunications. ..what should i write in the form…either electronic or telecommunications? ??

  54. sir, I have passed engineering diploma. I have seen my 6th sem result but i don’t have 6th sem marks sheet. can i upload 1st to 5th sem marks sheets???

  55. Hello sir I want to know my branch is cse in btech how I choose computer in spelization colomn and second which best book for preparation for bsnl TTA exam

    • Hello jatin,

      You need to prepare all 7 subjects mentioned in the specilization section. Syllabus defined by BSNL for TTA(JE) post and it doesn’t vary according to branch.
      If you want good Theory + MCQs then follow Upkar publications BSNL TTA(JE) book. Click here :
      Just prepare as per syllabus topic by topic mentioned in the syllabus of BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 exam.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  56. In our college I had CGPA system. So I know only my CGPA. We have a formula to find percentage. By that I can find percentage. But in BSNL JE 2016 application form, we need to fill total marks obtained. How I am supposed to fill total marks obtained since I have no idea of marks I obtained.Is it OK if I fill my percentage for that. Please help me out.

  57. I have done both diploma and B.E., which should I enter while filling up application?
    if I enter diploma how to write marks obtained?
    first year = 900/1200
    second year = 900/1200
    Third year = 900/1200

    so should I enter marks obtained as =2700/3600.

    please advice.

  58. Sir, my B Tech DGPA is 8.45 & our University(West Bengal University of Technology) does not provide any total marks for individual semesters…….instead they provide CGPA for each semesters & as a result I got 8 CGPAs for the 8 semesters of B tech & DGPA of 8.54 after course completion. So, can I put the DGPA in the total marks of graduation in the online portal?

  59. Sir,i have completed B.Tech in electronics and communication engineeringBut i have select the telecommunication in degree discipline option.Is there any issue ??

  60. Hello Sir,

    I have submitted my application form by uploading state community certificate instead of the central community certificate..Will that cause a problem during my document verification? Or is there any other way for me to upload it again?

  61. Sir,

    I have already submitted my application form by uploading state community certificate instead of the central community certificate..Will that cause a problem during my document verification? Or is there any other way for me to upload it again?

  62. hi sir,
    Recently i got my B.Tech 4-2 semester results.But i didn’t got that certificate also i didn’t got consolidated marks memo which consists of all semesters marks. I have certificates upto 4-1 semester. what should i do?

  63. Sir , I have applied to BSNL TTA with photo size as 45KB & 378×484 and signature size as 14kb & 60×140.I have submitted the form.Does it will ccause any issue as it was not the preferred height and width.

  64. hello sir,
    I have not yet received my final year marksheet though i have given my finals in the year 2015 and passed. I had a supplementary result on my 6th semester which i have given this year only. I would be receiving my corrected 8th sem marksheet sometime later this month. what should i do?

  65. I have uploaded my diploma final mark sheet showing all 6th sem result, it is sufficient, ya upload 1st to 6th sem mark sheet? Plzz help me

  66. I attached only my final year
    Mark sheet , is all 6 semester/ 3 years mark sheet mentioned, so want to know that, 1st -6th semester mark sheet are required ?

  67. sir my transaction is being cancelled again and again. i am doing payment from debit card. my account has 17000+ balance but still it is not tansffering money. my card is ok. i have done payment many times from it. i dont think it is because of slow internet or heavy load on website. because i have tried many times. i have fast wifi connection also. i dont understand in the problelm.i use three cards but result is same. do u help me. please reply today.please

  68. hello sir,
    1. I have uploaded only my final year marksheet in the document section but not submited my 10th and 12 marksheets.
    2. i have given my voter id number insted of adhar card number. do i face any problem reguarding this because i m from up. or is their any edit peroid for both my problems.
    or should i go for a new registration. so that i dont face any problem for admit card.

    • Hello aman,

      1. No issue.
      2. They only mentioned aadhar card there.

      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  69. Hi Sir,
    i want confirm two things
    1)is there any possibility to take exam center as Bangalore after applying for Maharashtra BSNL sector?

    if not

    2) can i apply for Karnataka BSNL sector as i belongs to Maharashtra..?

    Please reply soon..

      • helo sir maine ki h but mere back ki vjh se 2015 m complete hui but mere pas 8th sem ki marksheet h m I aaply this please rply me sir thank you

  70. Respected Sir,
    I submitted the form of bsnl tta 2016 and the payment is also done. But forgot to upload the marks sheets of 10th anf 12th standards. I uploaded only the marks sheet of 8th sem.
    1) Is it necessary to upload 10th and 12th marks sherts? If yes, then how to edit the form for which payment is also done?
    2) Will my form get rejected?

    • Hello Ubair,

      1. 10th & 12th Not necessary but your 8th semester mark sheet must contain marks of all semesters.
      2. Not.

      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello anitha,

      You can upload it right now. You need to submit latest certificate at the time of document verification.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  71. Respected Sir,
    I submitted the form of BSNL TTA 2016 but i uploaded the marks sheet of 8th sem only and the payment is also done.
    Is it necessary to upload 10th and 12th marks sheets as well?
    Will my form get rejected?

    • Hello Sana,

      10th & 12th Not necessary but your 8th semester mark sheet must contain marks of all semesters.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  72. hello sir i made mistake in COMMUNAL CATEGORY and i will complete done pay fees now what can i do please help me sir…

    • Hello pravin,

      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  73. sir i give marks as 3567 in total marks column which is written in my ceetificate out of 5000 but total marks i got is 5676 out of 8000 i make payment is there any chance of rejection

    • Hello arun,

      Your application form will not get reject but you will face problem at the time of document verification.
      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello suraj,

      On the date of filling BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 online application form a candidate must possess the required education qualification i.e., must completed his/her diploma/degree.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  74. Sir i have uploaded date of birth certificte issued by Municipal council in age proof certificate and submitted the application ans also paid the fees…what do i do now?? How can i modify my mistake?

    • Hello jaspreet,

      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  75. Hello sir
    Mai ashutosh KUMAR
    Adhar no ke jagah pan no diya Hu bihar ka Hu kya mera form reject ho sakta hai. Adhar abhi tak nhi bana hai.

    • Hello Ashutosh,

      They only mentioned aadhar card there.
      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  76. 1) Now i m doing mtech, my original educational certificates are submitted in college. I have xerox copy of all those certifcates. Can i scan those copies(black & white) to upload?? Is it essential to upload coloured scan copy?

    2) To upload scanned signature – Black ink pen means, can i use black ball pen to put sign on white paper? my friend told to sign by black gel pen not ball point pen. please reply.

    • Hello marchil,

      1. Yes, No.
      2. Yes. You can use any but signature after scanning must clearly visible.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  77. sir if a person is selected in TTA and JTO (T) both and willing to join JTO (T) then the vacant seat of TTA under the circle will provide to the other student of the circle or not?

  78. Sir please provide me the information regarding centres. I want to appear from Maharashtra circle,but as I’m from Ranchi so can I opt my examination centre from Ranchi or is it mandatory to opt the same region and examination center..??

  79. Sir /madam I am complete my application but iam mistakd in selecting circle am selected Andra pradesh circle I want change my circle to Assam please tell me how to how to change my circle

    • Hello Datta,

      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  80. sir,for BSNL JE examination i have uploaded 10th,12th,all semester mark sheet except 6th semester mark sheet,because of i don’t have it,instead of 6th sem marksheet i have uploaded my consolidated mark sheet

    Is their a chance for cancellation of my application?pls reply sir

    Thank u

  81. Sir,
    I am a Btech 2016 pass out. My last semester results were published a few days back. I have a print out of those results but not original certificate. Am I eligible??Can I upload the original mark list of six semesters and print out of last 2 semesters (attested)? Please reply soon

    • Hello neema,

      You can upload internet copy of those semester mark sheets without attestation. Its acceptable.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  82. Sir,
    I filled the TTA online form one week ago, took the print out also. In documents attachment of education, I attached only my final year mark sheet. Is all 3 year mark sheets, board certificate compulsory to them or only final year mark sheet is sufficient?
    Kindly help……

    • Hello Sujit,

      If your last semester mark sheet contain marks of all semesters then no need to upload all semesters mark sheets.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  83. sir,my 8th sem gradecard itself contains all sem sgpa and cgpa upto 8th that sufficient or i have to attach them separetly
    sir what should i write in marks abtained as we have pointer system. can i write a rough data because i dont have any proof of marks obtained….

    • Hello sonkar,

      If your last semester mark sheet contain marks of all semesters then no need to upload all semesters mark sheets.
      You can convert CGPA into percentage but formula for converting CGPA into percentage is different for different-different college/university.
      For more information visit here :
      or Google : convert cgpa into percentage

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  84. hello sir i had complete my diploma in engineering as well i complete my BE so i have total 12 sem marksheet if i can upload all of them then size of document will be big so what can i do????please suggest me.

  85. sir i made a mistake in total marks place i wrote my percentage marks and subitted my application and payment also done is there any chance to edit my application this cause any rejection of my application.

    • Hello sekhar,

      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  86. i have two doubts
    1. is 10th class certificate which shows the date of birth is ok for date of birth?
    2. in total marks column should i enter overall percentage of btech(all sem) or should i add up marks of all semester and enter that, because i have uploaded consolidated marksheet of btech which mention only overall percentage and also due to size constraint my uploded consolidated marksheet is blurred.

  87. hello sir i had complete Diploma in engineering and also complete B.E so i have total numbers of sem is 12 so i cant upload all sem mark sheet becoze it is so big file in pdf what can i do???

    • Hello pravin,

      Upload either B E or Diploma certificates. No need to upload both qualifications certificates.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  88. sir,im passout 2016 batch from NIT SRINAGAR ECE branch placed in tcs(ctc3.3)…my joining date has not come yet….so my father said that you should prepare for that exam …b/c…(its govt job…)..i have seen the paper held in feb 2016..i think i can easily achieve 120-140 …belonging to sc category…although i have filled the form but not payed the fee….so i want you to give your suggestion as a guide..frnd….gaurdian…im very much confused…

    • Hello abhishek,

      This job would be much better for you if you compare TCS job with BSNL TTA job. Like you will get little higher salary than TCS job. BSNL TTA job is not so hard like TCS job etc.
      If you can score well then you must try. Because if you can score 140 while belonging from SC category you can clear SC category cut off of any state.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  89. sir, my 8th sem gradecard have the clearification of all sem sgpa and aggregate cgpa upto 8th sem..
    do i need to upload them separetly or its okk..
    do i need to upload x/xii marksheet…

    • Hello abhishek,

      If your last semester mark sheet contain marks of all semesters then no need to upload all semesters mark sheets.
      Uploading 10th, 12th class mark sheet is not so important.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Sir,
        my amount was deducted from my debit card,but i have’nt get any registration slip(registration failed during payment).
        so what should i do.
        should i apply again?
        will my amount is refunded?
        Please solve my queries

  90. I’m mohammed navas
    I mistakenly filled adress in bsnl recruitment application
    I want change edit state name
    How i can change or edit in the application

    • Hello navas,

      BSNL message about this issue, “Any discrepancies in address info in application print be permitted to edit and validate, edit and reprint application during edit period. Edit period will be updated here post the closure of registration.”

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  91. R/sir,
    i have completed my bsnl tta apllication succesfully. I also got message n e-mail. But

    1)in total Marks obtained by candidate column is wrongly filled. I have 8.2 Cgpa n i have entered 82. What to enter in that column?
    2)In educational certificate i have uploaded my 10th, 12th result, Last 8th sem marksheet & degree certificate. Total 4 document? Is there any chances to reject my application?

    how to edit my application? No option available. Please suggest sir

    • Hello khushbu,

      Total marks = total of all semester / year marks.
      Like marks of each semester is 100 and there are 8 semesters.
      You get 600 out of 800. Then you need to fill this 600 only in that column. They are asking “Total marks obtained by the candidate”.

      They are asking about your total marks there is no option for entering CGPA.

      You can convert CGPA into percentage but formula for converting CGPA into percentage is different for different-different college/university.
      For more information visit here :
      or Google : convert cgpa into percentage

      10th, 12th & All semesters / years mark sheets of your diploma / degree. If your last semester mark sheet contain marks of all semesters then no need to upload all semesters mark sheets.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  92. I already upload the form with only provisional mark sheet and make the payment, as you say we can modify it Five times but their no link available for the same.

    • Hello Wargish,

      This facility is written in BSNL TTA FAQs. So may be BSNL haven’t started it yet.
      There is also written something please read that statement again :
      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  93. Sir,
    I filled online application form, also online exam payment, one week ago. In documents upload section ie. Diploma/Degree. I completed my diploma in 2003, at that time the exam was annual pattern not semester one. I uploaded only final year mark sheet of Diploma in electrical in PDF format. Is BSNL reject my application or not? Can I upload all 3 year mark sheets, board certificate? Now, in next stage again I will pay fee of Rs. 1000/- or can I modify my application? Is there any provision for modifying my application? Please help…..

    • Hello Sujit,

      You need to put all the marks information of your course there. So its upto you how much mark sheet you need to upload to justify it from your side.
      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello samaresh,

      On the date of filling BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 online application form a candidate must possess the required education qualification i.e., must completed his/her diploma/degree.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  94. In bsnl junior recruitment in the place of total marks obtained by candidate,what should i write???Because in b-tech i have only the cgpa.

    • Hello asutosh,

      Total marks = total of all semester / year marks.
      Like marks of each semester is 100 and there are 8 semesters.
      You get 600 out of 800. Then you need to fill this 600 only in that column. They are asking “Total marks obtained by the candidate”.

      You can convert CGPA into percentage but formula for converting CGPA into percentage is different for different-different college/university.
      For more information visit here :
      or Google : convert cgpa into percentage

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Amala,

      On the date of filling BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 online application form a candidate must possess the required education qualification i.e., must completed his/her diploma/degree.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  95. Dear sir/madam,

    I have been qualified in B.E.( Electrical) 8th semester exam and my 7th sem one paper was back, I have been appeared in 7th sem(back paper) exam on 21st june but result is still awaited and is expected to declare in the month of september(first week). So I want to know that am I eligible to fill form for BSNL TTA. Please confirm me yes or no because in notification there is no mention about it.

    With warm regards

    • Hello jayprakash,

      On the date of filling BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 online application form a candidate must possess the required education qualification i.e., must completed his/her diploma/degree.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  96. Sir iam unable to upload my obc certificate central with 62.5 kb pdf of dated 2014 iam getting pop up msg as please upload community certificate what it mean..

  97. Sir mere 7 the sem Ka one paper bike tha uska exam june me diya hu or. Uska result September first week tak ayega or 8 th sem ka result aaa gya h or sab paper clear h , kya mai bsnl Ka form bhar sakta hu?

  98. Sir I’m BE from electrical and electronic engineering , mere 8 th sem Ka result AAA gya but mere 7 th sem Ka result nhi AAA ya h kya mai bsnl Ka form bhar sakta hu ?? or agar bhar Sakta hu to mujhe mark sheet me all sem Ka upload karna ho gya kya???

    • Hello Shivkant,

      No, On the date of filling BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 online application form a candidate must possess the required education qualification i.e., must completed his/her diploma/degree.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  99. sir my name is sameer arvind mahajan
    but as per 10 th marksheet my name is written as Mahajan Sameer Arvind ie surname is written first then in which way , i have to register my name?

  100. Dear Sir,
    There are 8 mark sheets incuding 6 nos of marksheets for all semesters of diploma containing in single pdf document are not clear view,Is it subject to cancelation of my application ?

  101. My obc certificate not able to upload it’s pdf with 6 kb dated 2014 getting pop up msg as pls upload community certificate so pls help me out sir…

  102. Sir. I have doubt in uploading educational certificates. I completed diploma and I ve all. Certificate in diploma.
    Like provional certificate, course complete certificate, consolidate mark sheet ,all semester mark sheet, transfer certificate and. 10th certificate.
    If I add all these certificate in single PDF its coming to exceed 500kb. I have changed DPI also but its coming exceed..
    Can u tell me which of these important certificate then I will upload those certificate only

  103. Hello admin i have an dought related category will you please provide me a complete information as iam comes under shaik(BC-E) muslim milnority can i apply for OBC Category and what is creamy and non creamy in OBC If iam not eligible for OBC In which category iam eligible and i have Bc-e certifacte plaese provide a clear information.
    Thanks in advance

    • Hello Sir,

      If you have certificate named OBC certificate then you are eligible for OBC category recruitment otherwise you will consider as general category candidate. All other certificates are of no use.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • I filled wrong state in my address and submitted already after online payment. Now how I can correct it. Is there any way to correct it???

        • Hello arvind,

          BSNL message about this issue, “Any discrepancies in address info in application print be permitted to edit and validate, edit and reprint application during edit period. Edit period will be updated here post the closure of registration.”

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  104. Sir, I am a Ex-Serviceman and retied from Corps of Signals in the month of Apr 2015 as a Fore Man of Signals with the trade of Technician Tele Communication Engineer after completing 26 years of dedicated service in this field. I have a Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (Class One) Course which is issued by AICET ( All India Council for Technical Education) in the year May 2008. Can I am eligible for apply for the post of BSNL TTA (JE) post?

    • Hello Amarendra,

      Qualification wise you are eligible. I think you will face age limit issue.
      For this you need to fill BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 online application form. If your age is with in age limit defined by BSNL then you are eligible.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello priya,

      If you haven’t finally submit your BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 application from you can go to previous steps.
      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

        • Hello Ankit,

          You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  105. hi,
    if the documents are blurred as they are compressed to make less than 500kb, would they cancel the candidature???????

    • Hello manpreet,

      No they will not. Its their mistake that they are providing only few kBs to upload many documents.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  106. Sir ,
    In that BSNL application , they asked for OBC certificate.Whether i need to submit Non creamy Layer Certificate along with OBC?
    And I got an OBC certificate last year july is it valid for this year?

    • Hello Wasim,

      If you have Non creamy Layer Certificate of OBC category then only you will consider as OBC candidate otherwise you are UR.
      Upload this one, you will require latest verified certificate of OBC at the time of document verification.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello gopi,

      Yes you can but at the time of document verification you will require original one.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  107. Sir I am doing .I don’t have each semister mark certificates are in my college.can I up load only degree certificate which contain overall marks with semester wise .if I upload it will they reject my application?

    • Hello gopi,

      All semesters / years mark sheets of your diploma / degree.
      No they will not reject your application form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  108. Sir I don’t have my original degree certificate.instead I have provisional certificate.i completed b tech in 2014.shall I upload provisional certificate instead of original degree certificate for bsnl JE

    • Hello Sree,

      You can upload xerox copy images in PDF format but at the time of document verification you will require original one.
      All semesters / years mark sheets of your diploma / degree. They are asking about marks not certificate.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Shika,

      It will depend upon what are your priorities.
      If you can explain them in detail then only I can help you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  109. while applying for the post the state of correspondence i gave as TAMILNADU but after mode of payment it is showing as karnataka. the application will be rejected or is there any possibility to change the details.

    • Hello Kavinandhini,

      BSNL message about this issue, “Any discrepancies in address info in application print be permitted to edit and validate, edit and reprint application during edit period. Edit period will be updated here post the closure of registration.”

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • I’m mohammed navas
      While i apply for the bsnl TTA post
      I put state name Tamil Nadu but after payment it will change as karnataka
      How i can edit change this….

      • Hello navas,

        BSNL message about this issue, “Any discrepancies in address info in application print be permitted to edit and validate, edit and reprint application during edit period. Edit period will be updated here post the closure of registration.”

        Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  110. sir
    I am not update my 7 th and 8 th sem marksheet ..plz tell me how to edit my application form which online payment has done..Do they reject such application.

    • Hello Sonali,

      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Mayank,

      You have to upload All semesters / years mark sheets of your diploma / degree.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  111. Hello Admin,
    If we have Quota than if we are applying from other circle than home state than does it considered in open ?

    • Hello kamlesh,

      If you belong to X category in Y state you will consider as X category in Z state too not as open, if you have proper certificates.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  112. hello,
    ive completed the form filling and uploading all the documents as required bur on the payment section , everytime i try to make the payment it says transaction was broken try again , anyone facing this issue , kindly advice

  113. Respected Sir/Madam,
    I’m Sujit Kange from Maharashtra circle, I filled TTA application for Maharashtra. I have one doubt that in specialization subjects i.e. electrical, electronics & Instrumentation, computer, communication, IT. Can I prepare all these subjects for exam or only electrical as my specialization which I filled in online TTA application form. In your BSNL TTA-2016 advertisement mentioned only syllabus & also in online application form you didn’t mentioned that choose any one subject as your specialization.
    So, it’s my request to kindly help & sort out my confusion.
    Thanking you.


    • Hello Sujit,

      You need to prepare all 7 subjects mentioned in the specilization section. Syllabus defined by BSNL for TTA(JE) post and it doesn’t vary according to branch.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  114. Hi Admin,

    I am B.Tech. in CSE and I have a confusion regarding the syllabus for the third section… Do we have to prepare all the subjects or the particular topics mentioned in the CSE section i.e. the seventh point…?

    I will appreciate you if you will copy paste detailed syllabus for the CSE/IT students

  115. sir i have one doubt that how many subjects we need to attempt under specialization section, plz clarify.if they suggested to attempt all subjects then how i could i know EEE,CSE subjects coz i am from ECE

    • Hello madhu,

      You need to prepare all 7 subjects mentioned in the specilization section. Syllabus defined by BSNL for TTA(JE) post and it doesn’t vary according to branch.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  116. sir i have a doubt in specialization part whether i want to prepare all topics mentioned or only specific topic out of 7

    • Hello muruganantham,

      You need to prepare all 7 subjects mentioned in the specilization section. Syllabus defined by BSNL for TTA(JE) post and it doesn’t vary according to branch.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  117. Respected Sir,

    I need some clarification on Online Payment during the Registration for BSNL JE 2W16.
    I have entered all the personal and academic details and uploaded my signature along with my photo through

    www dot externalexambsnl dot co dot in

    Without online payment itself they accepted and generated application reference number stating that ” you have successfully completed the online Registration “.How can I confirm the Submission of Application.? Please advice.

  118. Sir i completed Btech in ECE but I have submitted application for telecommunication is there any chance of rejection of my application

  119. Sir
    I have completed registration but I am facing a problem. So may I again-register for the same post? Kindly inform me.

    • Hello Subrata,

      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  120. I have completed my graduation but have not received the marksheets of 7th and 8th sem…I have the soft copy of the result generated on the website of gtu…so can I take its print and scan it along with other marksheets???

    Also,do we have to enter the cgpa or cpi or convert cgpa or cpi into percentage and then enter in the column of total marks???

    • Hello Rekha,

      1. Yes you can attach net copy.
      2. Convert cgpa or cpi into percentage and then enter.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello ,

      On the closing date of application for TTA(JE) a candidate must possess the required education qualification.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  121. sir,I have completed 3 year diplomo in cse but got through engineering in ece.Now I am studying final year.There is a doubt for me i can apply for this.If i elligible which marksheet i need to submit.I passed my diplomo with second class.There is problem in second class.Please give me a suggestion.

    • Hello Ram ,

      fill diploma details only.
      diploma mark sheets need to submit.
      No issue, only pass marks is required for this recruitment.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  122. Sir I made a mistake in form that selected stream telecommunication and my branch is electronics and telecommunication,will they reject my application?

  123. sir, I have both diploma and graduation degrees. Do I need to upload certificates of both degrees or certificates of diploma degree will suffice. But I have diploma of 2 years module.

    • Hello Deori,

      upload only one. if you have done diploma of 2 year then do not fill it in the form use degree to fill form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  124. sir I belong to the OBC community. But i come under the creamy layer category. So can i give my category as OBC or should I give that as general (as usually done in bank exams)?

    • Hello Anu,

      If you come under the creamy layer OBC category then there is no advantage of filling form from OBC category you can apply from general.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  125. In OBC certificate is it required creamy or non creamy layer? In notification it is only OBC. and where i can get these certificate???

    • Hello Elizabeth,

      If you come under the creamy layer OBC category then there is no advantage of filling form from OBC category you can apply from general.
      If you come under non creamy layer OBC category then you must have a certificate of OBC category to sumit while filling BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 online application form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  126. In OBC certificate is it required creamy or non creamy layer? In notification it is only OBC. and where i can get these certificate???

    • Hello Tiya,

      If you come under the creamy layer OBC category then there is no advantage of filling form from OBC category you can apply from general.
      If you come under non creamy layer OBC category then you must have a certificate of OBC category to sumit while filling BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 online application form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  127. hello sir, I have completed my B.E. I want to ask about total marks obtain by the candidate field in education al qualification category.
    since in every semester we were having cgpa. My CGPA upto 7 semester is 6.62i.e 59 %.
    Plz explain what should I be entering in that field.

    • Hello Vineet,

      Total marks = total of all semester / year marks.
      You can convert CGPA into percentage but formula for converting CGPA into percentage is different for different-different college/university.
      For more information visit here :
      or Google : convert cgpa into percentage

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello sushmita,

      No. On the closing date of application for TTA(JE) a candidate must possess the required education qualification.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Shweta,

      Medium of instruction – Your graduation medium i.e., English/Hindi/Any other language in which you have completed your course.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  128. Sir i have done my in Electronics & Communication ..So my subject stream would be Electronics or Telecommunications ?

  129. Sir I did B.Tech IT and I have applied for BSNL JE post. While I’m uploading my application form I have attached only 7th and 8th semester result and for age proof I uploaded my PAN card. Whether my application will get reject. Can I edit my data if so how?

    • Hello Karthik,

      You need to upload mark sheets of all semester.
      For age proof PAN card is correct.
      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  130. Sir. I have opted for electrical as my specialization.
    They will ask questions only from this section or from other sections too? Please reply . thank you

    • Hello Barath,

      You need to prepare all 7 subjects mentioned in the specilization section. Syllabus defined by BSNL for TTA(JE) post and it doesn’t vary according to branch.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  131. Hello Madam,

    I need to know what is the selcetion process and Bsnl Job nature i.e., whether it is feild work or we have to work in office.

    • Hello chandu,

      Selection process – Single written exam for selection.
      Job Nature – both, field work &/or office work.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  132. Sir i am from tamilnadu but in application i wrongly entered as karnataka is there any chance to change my state after online submission.

    • Hello Mohana,

      You can modify application details only upto 5 times. If you have used 5 chances for corrections, please reapply before the closure of application date as per advertisement.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello kulwinder,

      Medium of instruction – Your graduation medium i.e., English/Hindi/Any other language in which you have completed your course.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  133. dear sir

    After submitting the application form i found that the state details i have furnished was wrong. will this cause rejection of my application. kindly help.

    • Hello sanoob,

      You can correct it after closing date of application form.
      BSNL message about this issue, “Any discrepancies in address info in application print be permitted to edit and validate, edit and reprint application during edit period. Edit period will be updated here post the closure of registration.”

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  134. Dear Sir, i have a doubt. I want to apply on behalf of punjab circle. CAN i choose my examination centre from KOLKATA?

  135. Hello, i have completed my BE in electronic and telecommunication. Can i fill either electronics or telecommunications in subject stream.

  136. How should we put all semester mark in single pdf sir we should scan 8 mark sheet and put in single pdf or can we upload provisional certificate sir

    • Hello Maha,

      You need to provide marks details of all semester, they do not need your certificate.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  137. sir i m still confused what to write in total marks obtained by candidate CGPA or percentage or total marks of all 8 semester as i already mentioned u that i don’t have my total marks i only have the percentage or CGPA plz sir solve my confusion.. and one more question as i belong to Ahmedabad (gujarat) so can i choose job location as punjab and examination center as gujarat ?

    thanks alot in advance

    • Hello balram,

      You have to update Total marks there.
      You can convert CGPA into percentage but formula for converting CGPA into percentage is different for different-different college/university.
      For more information visit here :
      or Google : convert cgpa into percentage

      You can choose different exam centre and circle of choice.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  138. sir I have an OBC certificate which was issued on 12/04/2016.Can I upload that certificate ,as nothing was mentioned about the date of issue of an OBC certificate in notification.

  139. bsnl je (tta) 2016
    i have not aadhar card but I have Pan Card can i use Pan Card Number?
    uptu gives normalised marks out of 5000. but each semester is of 1000 marks. 8 sem makes 8000.
    which marks should i enter (1) normalised marks out of 5000 or (2) sum of all semester marks out of 8000

    • Hello Jitendra,

      Total marks = total of all semester / year marks.
      Like marks of each semster is 100 and there are 8 semesters.
      You get 600 out of 800. Then you need to fill this 600 only in that column. They are asking “Total marks obtained by the candidate”.
      Only aadhar card details would be accepted.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Eren,

      Yes there is bond. If you left job before the period defined by BSNL you have to pay that bond money.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  140. Sir while applying for BSNL JE I gave odisha as state in correspondanse and postal address but after paying my application fee i got Himachalpradesh as my state in both correspondanse and postal address..I called them they said it cannot be changed..but i didnot do any mistake. I gave my state correctly while my application form.the error may be due to bsnl je registration web site..will i be rejected??

    • Hello Anil,

      You can correct it after closing date of application form.
      BSNL message about this issue, “Any discrepancies in address info in application print be permitted to edit and validate, edit and reprint application during edit period. Edit period will be updated here post the closure of registration.”

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  141. sir,
    i have a doubt. Can i opt for one circle and then write the exam in another circle’s examination centre. Do i have to select the examination centre in that respective circle itself?

  142. sir/madam,

    while uploading educational certificates,,separate mark-sheets of each semester should be uploaded or only scanned copy of the degree certificate is enough??

    • Hello jasleen,

      You need to upload all semester / years mark sheets. They need proof of your marks which you are going to fill in online BSNL TTA(JE) application form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  143. Sir , I have completed B.E. in Electronics and Communication in 2016. what should i fill in Subject stream, Electronics or Telecommunication in TTA application form.

    • Hello sonu,

      You need to apply under Electronics.
      Paper would be common for all branches.Syllabus defined by BSNL for TTA(JE) post and it doesn’t vary according to branch.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello vimal,

      Yes there is an option for BE candidates too in the online application of BSNL TTA(JE) 2016.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Gm sir I have completed my btech in ece through 3yrs diploma. I still didn’t get my certificates can I apply through diploma certificate.
      I have filled diploma and graduation coloms in the application and I have uploaded 10and deploma certificates. Does it effects in the cancellation of my application.
      Thanking u

      • Hello Shaik,

        You need to fill one education qualification even if you have more.
        Most probably your application form will not get rejected.

        Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  144. Hello sir,
    Sir i have query regarding this (JE),TTA recruitment my all the questions are given below:

    1) Negative marking:
    Sir how much negative marking is there ? There is no mention of the static number in the revised sir please guide me.

    2) Material:
    Sir which book is best for the preparation.and is there any official bsnl’s sample question paper link for this 2016 recruitment exam?

    3) Specialization:
    sir , kindly clear the doubt regarding the subjects to be selected in specialization section .This year’s notification doesn’t provide any insight on the same while in previous notifications it was clear that candidates could opt for one among the 7 given choices but no such thing is written in 2016 notification .Kindly confirm the same

    4) Adhar card
    Sir, i don’t have adhar card and there is some another option of E-id(Electronic identification).So, sir What proof is needed for this E-id and what is this E-id where can i get it?. Sir can i use my PASSPORT NO. for my identification?

    sir please guide me with this queries.thanks sir.

    • Hello neha,

      There in the BSNL TTA(JE) application from an option which suits your qualification is Information Technology.
      If you think your branch may consider sub branch of Information Technology, You are eligible.
      As per my information your branch would most probably consider as sub branch of Information Technology. Rest depends upon you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  145. sir what to entrer in column for total marks obtained by the candidate. am not able to enter total marks in dis format 123/780.please help me to fill dat

    • Hello Dhivyaa,

      Total marks = total of all semester / year marks.
      Like marks of each semster is 100 and there are 8 semesters.
      You get 600 out of 800. Then you need to fill this 600 only in that column. They are asking “Total marks obtained by the candidate”.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  146. sir i from tamilnadu state I have a doubt in TTA quota reservation because am belongs to BC can I eligible for this post if eligible any other certificate to be needed or not but I have only BC certificate that is enough.

    • Hello Manoj,

      As per notification your caste must be in the central caste list of SC/ST/OBC and you must have a central caste certificate.
      If you satisfy all these conditions your are eligible for reservation.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Manasa,

      No, On the closing date of application for TTA(JE) a candidate must possess the required education qualification.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  147. sir as per my results my college had not mentioned the total marks obtained, instead of this they only mentioned class and CGPA … so what i have to fill in total marks obtained by candidate.

    • Hello balram,

      You can convert CGPA into percentage but formula for converting CGPA into percentage is different for different-different college/university.
      For more information visit here :
      or Google : convert cgpa into percentage

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  148. Sir I have doubt.Can i put my school leaving certificate for the age of proof and my provisional degree certificate for edutional certificates if not which certificates are needed for age of proof and educational marksheets.

    • Hello herdeep,

      1. All semesters / years mark sheets of your diploma / degree. They are asking about professional qualification so only professional certificates need to upload.
      2. Age proof Certificate – 10th class certificate which contain your DOB.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Age Proof certificate : 10th class mark sheet not containing DOB in Guj Board.
        So School Leaving Certificate is Valid or Not ..?
        if Not then what other document can upload ?

        • Hello Garima,

          Do you have nay of these : Driving License, PAN Card, Passport, Voter ID.
          If yes then upload.

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  149. What should i fill in medium of instruction and what total marks obtained should i give should i give total % obtained in last sem or do i hav to give marks obtained in last sem or the total % of all sem.. please sir help me fill the form m confused..

    • Hello ujjwal,

      Medium of your engineering diploma / degree.
      Total marks = total of all semester / year marks.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • sir I have a doubt regarding eligibility.
        I have completed my Btech this year but have not received 8th sem marksheet from university.
        Is it okay to upload only till 7th sem? Do they reject such application?

        • Hello Ashutosh,

          You have to upload mark sheets of all semester otherwise you will defined as not eligible.

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

          • Hello
            1. can i upload black and white PDF for “All Education mark sheet ” because color pdf is above 500 Kb
            2.In “All Education mark sheet” contain 10th and 12th result ???
            I attach only All semester Mark sheet … Is it ok or not .. ??? ( I am B Tech. completed student )

          • Hello Garima,

            1. Yes you can.
            2. No issue. 10th and 12th not much necessary.

            Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Ajay,

      B Sc Computer is eligible but there is no option for B Sc IT in the application form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  150. Hello sir,
    I hv completed registration of bsnl TTA, but one of the document is not uploaded properly..
    Is there any provision of editing or my form will be rejected???

  151. Sir /maa’m my final sem result is declred on 2nd i eligible to apply fo BSNL (JE) exam?

    Actually when i was filling d form..there was no option for 2016 in date of publishing wat is to be done for that?

    • Hello Aditi,

      Yes you are eligible if your all results are declared and you have cleared them all.
      Now there is option of 2016 selection.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  152. sir,
    i have passed my B.Tech in June, 2016 in electrical engineering but the field
    “year of result publishing” in JE(TTA) application form does not showing year 2016 in the drop down list.
    In this case what i cab do?

  153. sir in the application form at the aadhar option 0 will not appear and in case of uploading documents for bc candidates obc certificate is compulsory or meeseva caste is enough and in case educational qualification diploma provisonal will be enough or all marks cards are required. in case of age proof 10th marks card is required or any certificate is required

    • Hello sivakumr,

      Please mention all the questions clear and point wise if you need clear explanation of multiple questions.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  154. sir,
    i have passed my B.Tech in June, 2016 in electrical engineering but the field
    “year of result publishing” in JE(TTA) application form does not showing year 2016 in the drop down list.
    In this case what i cab do?

  155. Sir do we have to fill form state wise and fight for particular state seats like in rrb or do we have to first write the exam and select zone according to our marks…..

  156. In the form not given option 2016 date of republishing date..i am pass out of 2016 b.e electrical how can apply? Plzz ans

  157. i hv done my diploma and now i’m in final year b.e. so im interested in giving bsnl je 2016 on diploma basis but while filling form it is asking for grad marks as well ithout that its not going further wht to do??

    • Hello vikram,

      Fill your diploma marks, marks which you obtained like obtained 600 out of 800 then fill 600 in that column and grade there like first/second etc.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  158. Sir,I have my B.E Provsiional certificate can i upload this certificate for marksheet documents column for bsnl TTA form please reply fast

    • Hello herdeep,

      You need to upload all semester / years mark sheets. They need proof of your marks which you are going to fill in online BSNL TTA(JE) application form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  159. i am B E from electronic & telecommunication may i apply for bsnl tta because in filling form there is showing either electronics or telecommunication so what i select pls

  160. sir in qualification details, they have asked to enter total number of marks obtained by the candidate. what we have to enter total marks of all semister or percentage

    • Hello sruthi,

      Total marks = total of all semester / year marks.
      Like marks of each semster is 100 and there are 8 semesters.
      You get 600 out of 800. Then you need to fill this 600 only in that column. They are asking “Total marks obtained by the candidate”.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  161. Sir,in the registration page of BSNL JE TTA in the eligibility section qualification details the drop down box has the year upto 2015 there is no option of the year 2016.So the candidates passing in 2016 will enter which year?

  162. in the form the latest year of qualification is 2015 and my result will be out on 12th july 2016 so can i apply for tta?

  163. Hello Admin,
    In today while applying online it is not showing the option for 2016 passout student, it is only upto 2015, so cant the 2016 passout students are not eligible???

  164. Sir, my name is R. Sumanth Kumar Reddy, I had completed my Mtech in Embedded Systems(ECE) in February 2016, can I apply for BSNL TTA (JE)…?

    • Hello Sumanth,

      Firs you need to answer this question to me.
      In which branch you have done BE/ B Tech ?

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  165. What is the Pass out year for Btech for ECE field do they require as I’ve tried selecting the 2016 year but there is no such year mentioned. It’s upto 2015 year only. And no where in any notification for bsnl TTa eligibility there was nothing mentioned about pass out year for ECE freshers?

  166. Hello Sir, my doubt is that, how much vacancies are there for different streams (e.g., electrical, entc, cs, it) individually? bcz vacancies are not mentioned branch wise…?

    • Hello Ashutosh,

      Different- different branches are eligible for BSNL TTA(JE) post, Post is not divided for different- different branches. So you are going to fight total 2700 posts and with all eligible branch candidates.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  167. hiii….can u suggest me subject wise standard boks for basic engineering and specialisation subjects…i am little confused with books

  168. Hello sir
    I need to ask dat while choosing a partucular circle does local lanhuage is neccessary ….or a person can choose any 1 circle frm rest of india..
    I m frm U.P But complete studies in pune & stays here..
    So dats d doubt plz help me.

  169. Sir,

    I have two doubts

    1. Specialization part i need to study all subjects(I am CSE)?

    2.In case if i study to prepare all subjects questions will be in Basic diploma level or Engineering level?

    • Hello sarath,

      1. You need to prepare all 7 subjects mentioned in the specilization section. Syllabus defined by BSNL for TTA(JE) post and it doesn’t vary according to branch.
      2. Basic diploma level because minimum education qualification is diploma in engineering.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello krishnaveni,

      Explanation : It is clearly mentioned in the official notification under education qualification that “On the closing date of application for TTA(JE) a candidate must possess the required education qualification.”
      Note : If you are expecting your final result before closing date of BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 application form i.e., before 10/08/2016, You can apply.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  170. sir/madam, i want to know that i had given my 8th sem in may 2016 in b.e. electrical engg. and result will be announced till 20th july so with all the sem passed am i eligible for bsnl tta 2016 exam? and sir/madam closing date of application form is 10 august so am i eligible to fill the form with complete results of all the sems after 20 july ?pls guide me…..thankyou so much..

    • Hello romeeta,

      Yes. If you have all result of successful completion of your engineering before closing date, you are eligible to fill form.
      Remember do not fill from before your final result declared.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Premnath,

      Explanation : It is clearly mentioned in the official notification under education qualification that “On the closing date of application for TTA(JE) a candidate must possess the required education qualification.”
      Note : If you are expecting your final result before closing date of BSNL TTA(JE) 2016 application form i.e., before 10/08/2016, You can apply.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  171. sir,
    do we have to prepare for all the subjects given in specialization section???…if so why this section has named as “specialization part”. doesn’t we have to choose one out of it??

    • Hello taken,

      You need to prepare all 7 subjects mentioned in the specilization section. Syllabus defined by BSNL for TTA(JE) post and it doesn’t vary according to branch.
      Actually there was option of choosing 2 subjects of your interest earlier but now BSNL drop this option and make compulsory to solve problems from all sections.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Anjali,

      Age limit for General category is 30 years. If you have crossed it you are not eligible.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Hello sir I have passed BE from grading system in 2014 and I am confused that how to fill marks obtained and grade in the blank because I had obtained cgpa 7.77 with first division

        • Hello yogesh,

          You can convert CGPA into percentage but formula for converting CGPA into percentage is different for different-different college/university.
          For more information visit here :
          or Google : convert cgpa into percentage

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  172. Dear admin ,

    I have a doubt regarding TTA Recruitment 2016.

    Sir it has been mentioned that total no of vacancies are 2700 and distribution of these vacancies for different states is also mentioned.

    Sir, shall a candidate fight for all the 2700 posts or for only those no of seats allotted for a particular state he opted for?

    Plz reply .

    • Hello pallavi,

      You must have required education qualification on the date of filling online application form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  173. Sir,
    I have just finished my degree course, but probably the result of the final semester will not be published within the closing date of the online registration(10.8.2016), so am I eligible to apply for the BSNL TTA post?

    • Hello Bivas,

      You must have required education qualification on the date of filling online application form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  174. Good Afternoon sir,
    This is farhat .I have completed my 3rd year of B.Tech in Electronics with 56% & now i’m in 4th year. sir I need suggestion that can i eligible for BSNL exam of 2016 or not?
    if not; when i should apply and what % is applicable for applying…

    • Hello farhat,

      For 2016 recruitment you are not eligible.
      There is no % criteria in BSNL Just completed Diploma / Degree in Engineering.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  175. sir , kindly clear the doubt regarding the subjects to be selected in specialization section .This year’s notification doesn’t provide any insight on the same while in previous notifications it was clear that candidates could opt for one among the 7 given choices but no such thing is written in 2016 notification .Kindly confirm the same

    • Hello Faheem,

      You need to prepare all the subjects given in the specialization section.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  176. Jai jinendra sir,
    I m B.Tech. in ceramic……. can I attempt this one…… plz guide me…….m waiting…….

    • Hello Garvit,

      Please check education qualification section of the notification. If you find your self fit any of those branches then you may apply.
      As far as we can say you would not be eligible for this post.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Arpit,

      You must have completed your B Tech degree at the time of filling online application form. So you are not eligible.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Subhashree,

      Yes you can if you have done engineering as per education qualification required and if you are under age limit.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  177. Hi sir,
    I will be completing my btech course in electrical an d electronics engineering in 2017 I.e I am in final year now.Am I eligible to apply and in which branch.
    Thanks & Regards.

    • Hello Prateek,

      You must have required education qualification on the date of filling online application form.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello shashank,

      Electrical Engineering graduates are eligible for all 2700 posts. No separate post for Electrical Engineering graduates.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  178. sir, is tta a direct recruitment exam.
    after selection in one’s own state. will he remain in his own state or he will will be transferred to some other state
    what is the cut off for the selection normally

  179. sir, what is the starting date for application of online form tta, .
    how many vacancies are for j&k. also the result of my last sem btech is awaiting, am i eligible.

  180. Hi,
    I got to know that bsnl tta recruitment is going to be held.Iam waiting for notification(2016-2017).Do u have any information regarding the official notification.?

    • Hello vani,

      Official notification yet to relate by BSNL office. Most probably in the month of October.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello prabhjyot,

      Age limit for UR candidates is 27 years. So you would not be eligible.
      But don’t lose hope may BSNL increase this limit in the upcoming recruitment.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  181. hi , iam completed BE ECE but i have n’t done any diploma am i eligible or not for jto? when will be the next recruitment in bsnl on jto and tta

    • Hello Anil,

      Now BSNL is recruiting on all India basis so you have less chances of selection but never lose hope.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Pranjal,

      Now BSNL is recruiting on all India basis so you have less chances of selection but never lose hope.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  182. Sir, I got 88.25 marks in TTA exam in OBC category under maharashtra circle.Is there is any chance of selection ???
    can you provide previous year merit please.

    • Hello Deepika,

      TTA exam is all over India basis but merit is circle basis. So if you have applied for TTA post in Uttar pradesh(for example) you will be only eligible for posts defined for Uttar pradesh.
      Chances of your final selection will depends upon many factors like difficulty level of paper, number of candidates appeared in this paper etc.
      In some circle competition would be high so you have to score high while in some other circles competitions would be low so if you just clear the cut offs you will be selected.
      You have chance of selection but not big because you just scored 88.25 out of 200 marks that is less than 50%.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  183. Sir the result shows am qualified …..but how they select in the final merit list on 8th march can you plz give the information about this….

    • Hello Pallavi,

      You final selection will depend upon your marks.
      If your marks are very less then your chances are very low and if your marks are high your chances of selection are good.
      If your marks are good enough to clear any particular circle’s cut off then you will get selection against that circle (like Uttar pradesh is your first choice)
      If you don’t have enough marks to clear Uttar pradesh then computer will check your second preference and so on ….
      So your marks must be with in the rang of last selection of last circle of you choice for your final selection.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  184. Respected Sir,
    I want to know that whether this choice filling for preference order should be based on according to one’s suitability i.e preferred location for posting or it is based on no of seats in a particular circle where one has a good chance to be selected.
    what is the concept behind this.
    I have written exam in Maharashtra circle so please tell me how should i decide the preference order ?

    • Hello Kundan,

      You final selection will depend upon your marks.
      If your marks are good enough to clear any particular circle’s cut off then you will get selection against that circle (like Uttar pradesh is your first choice)
      If you don’t have enough marks to clear Uttar pradesh then computer will check your second preference and so on ….

      Preference must be depend upon your requirement like either you want to work within your state i.e., Maharashtra circle or not.
      But your final selection and final posting (any circle and rural / urban) will depend upon your marks.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  185. Dear Sir,

    I am Ashwani Kumar singh. I score in TTA 2016 Exam In OBC category 100.25 marks.
    what is my chance to come in final merit list.

    • Hello ashwani,

      TTA exam is all over India basis but merit is circle basis. So if you have applied for TTA post in Uttar pradesh(for example) you will be only eligible for posts defined for Uttar pradesh.
      Chances of your final selection will depends upon many factors like difficulty level of paper, number of candidates appeared in this paper etc.
      In some circle competition would be high so you have to score high while in some other circles competitions would be low so if you just clear the cut offs you will be selected.
      You have chance of selection but not big because you just scored 100.25 out of 200 marks that is 50% of total marks.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  186. sir in coming recruitment for bsnl JTO and TTA of 2016 would they allow 2016 passing out candidates.Since we would be getting our final year result by august 2016.

  187. Sir ,I got 83.50 marks in TTA exam.What’s the possibility of final selection.Will you please give me merit list of 2015

    • Hello Himanshi,

      TTA exam is all over India basis but merit is circle basis. So if you have applied for TTA post in Uttar pradesh(for example) you will be only eligible for posts defined for Uttar pradesh.
      Chances of your final selection will depends upon many factors like difficulty level of paper, number of candidates appeared in this paper etc.
      In some circle competition would be high so you have to score high while in some other circles competitions would be low so if you just clear the cut offs you will be selected.
      You have chance of selection but not big because you just scored 83.50 out of 200 marks that is less than 50%.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  188. In specialization part containing 90 marks, do I have to attempt all sections such electrical, communication, control system etc or just one section on which I have done my degree ??

  189. will my application be rejected because i have entered diploma instead of BE,Actually I filled my form on 1st Dec that time there is no such options and I did payment on 9th Dec, but filled form is saved as diploma qualification. It will create any issue in admit card?

    • Hello jyoti,

      Actually it was issue in BSNL application design. So you can tell them about this issue at the time of document verification. They will most probably consider you for selection.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello gulrez,

      It will depend upon notification. Either they will allow AMIE candidates or not. You may refer previous notification for this issue.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  190. Hello admin,

    I am not been able to download the TTA hall ticket even with correct entry of Reg no,Date of birth, (OR) password, Will you help for this…..

  191. hello admin
    Actually i filled the application for which there are some mistakes.So i filled another application also did the payment .
    So i want to know if my application will be rejected for filling two application?

  192. Dear admin, I have read all the previous comment , and you r saying that from 5-12-2015 Btech graduates can also apply along with diploma holder. I just call them now and they said that Btech graduates r nt eligible, I am again in same doubt what is right and what is not.
    Sir, Do u have any link or number of the source from where u have got the info ?
    Thanks in advance

    • Hello Soumen,

      If you have read this BSNL TTA recruitment post then you would find a picture at the last of this post. In which you will find that there is an option in education qualification for B E / B Tech candidates too. So you are eligible. Rest depends upon you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  193. Will my application be rejected because i’ve mistakenly entered a wrong graduation DATE OF PASSING. its just the date . As i’m not able to edit my application anymore. what should i do?

      • Thanks for your reply admin Sir. So. What is your suggestion?? Should i leave it as it is or… Should i filled another application ??? P.S _ Can i fill 2 application form online???

          • What i meant to say is that since i have made a mistaken in entering the DATE Of passing date… Should i apply for another application or shud i leave my application as it is. Hoping that the application wont be rejected. Eagerly waiting for your suggestion

  194. I have done my Special Diploma in Electronics With specialization in Bio-medical Engineering 3.5 year course. Am I eligible for applying the tta?

    • Hello madhu,

      If you qualification comes under Diploma in Electronics than you are eligible. For more details read official notification carefully.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  195. will i be eligible for the vacancies in mumbai circle if i select exam centre as hyderabad and write the exam in hyderabad as there are no vacancies for obc in ap circle ? or i’ll have to select te centre as mumbai..
    please help the bsnl people are not receiving the call..

    • Hello suraj,

      Most probably this time BSNL TTA recruitment is on all India basis. So exam center would be with in your state from where you belong but posting may be all India basis.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  196. iam from uttarpradesh(East) in this circle there is no seat for obc category
    so can i apply for this post or not?
    i want to know whether the merit list is based on all over india candidate or form particular circle based?

    • Hello buchi,

      Most probably this time BSNL TTA recruitment is on all India basis. So exam center would be with in your state from where you belong but posting may be all India basis.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello abhishek,

      Yes you are.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  197. hello sir,
    i got some issues regarding online payment, I had paid online upto two times, but not opening next page of my application,
    and my money also deduct from my a/c ,
    please give me solution regarding my issue.

    • Hello Amol,

      Pay again. your one payment would be submitted in BSNL account and rest will return back to your account.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello Roshan,

      Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Sir, I completed 3 rd year Btech (CSE) with 80% (till now) . Now i’m pursuing 4th year. Am i eligible for this post??

        • Hello Manasa,

          No. On the closing date of application for TTA(JE) a candidate must possess the required education qualification.

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  198. BSNL TTA Exam
    If i select exam center Patna , than can I am eligible for all the circle
    mean can I get job in Kolkata circle because there is no seat for obc in Patna circle

    • Hello deepender,

      Most probably this time BSNL TTA recruitment is on all India basis. So exam center would be with in your state from where you belong but posting may be all India basis.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  199. Hiii Admin
    I want to ask whether to fill percentage or marks in “Total Marks obtained by candidate” column under Education qualification.As there is no column for Maximum marks so how it will be clear that the obtained marks are from how much Maximum marks ??

    • Hello Dilip,

      That section is just for information purpose. You just fill information provided in your marksheets.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  200. Sir i have a doubt, there are no posts in andhrapradesh for obc in bsnl if i apply and crack the bsnl tta exam will i get job in other state or else where i write the exam I’ll be belaong to that state

    Plz answer me i have confusion in this…

    • Hello Kamal,

      Most probably this time BSNL TTA recruitment is on all India basis. So exam center would be with in your state from where you belong but posting may be all India basis.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello rajiv,

      As per latest news only Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates are eligible – Source BSNL

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

    • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

  201. Engineering students allowed or not ?
    can Applicant apply from any state means i belongs to rajasthan , can i apply from other circle ……..and what’s about choice of examination center in that case ?

    • Hello ravinder,

      As per latest news only Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates are eligible – Source BSNL
      Yes applicant can apply from any state. Exam centre will be in the state where you have applied.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

      • Hii admin
        You are saying that exam centre will be in state where we have applied but there is no vacancy for Delhi Region so why are they giving Delhi as a choice for examination centre ????

        • Hello Dilip,

          Most probably this time BSNL TTA recruitment is on all India basis. So exam center would be with in your state from where you belong but posting may be all India basis.

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  202. abt qualification there r given – candidates MUST possess 3 yrs of diploma or n nothing mentioned abt …so its very confusing …..plzzzz help whether r eligible or not??

    • Hello kundan,

      As per latest news only Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates are eligible – Source BSNL

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

    • Hello Nayana,

      As per latest news only Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates are eligible – Source BSNL

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

    • Hello karan,

      We are in the process of getting complete information from BSNL regarding this issue. Wait for few days. We will help you before closing date.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

    • Hello gurdeep,

      As per latest news only Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates are eligible – Source BSNL.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

      • i have done btech in information technology but while applying for the post there are only 2 options either diploma or graduation in bsc.electronics can i still apply for the post of tta

        • Hello prasanna,

          As per latest news only Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates are eligible – Source BSNL

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

          • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

      • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

      • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

  203. Hello sir,
    May I get the link to download old question papers for tta exam? And another thing I want to know is , am I eligible to this post? I completed my engineering graduation in ece. Thank you

    • Hello Abi,

      As per latest news only Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates are eligible – Source BSNL
      we are in the process of posting TTA previous years papers. Wait for few days.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

    • Hello Rahul,

      In all core govt. jobs candidates with high qualification are always welcome. So B E / B Tech candidates are eligible for BSNL TTA post.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

          • @admin thnxx alott :)))

            i have one more query regarding dmrc.
            what should i mention for SC/TO …Degree in “electronics ” or ‘equivalent to electrical/electronics’ ….as m EC graduate.

      • But, in the application form they are asking only diploma or BSc. In Graduation BTech is not mentioned only BSc mentioned.

        • Hello saket,

          We are in the process of getting complete information from BSNL regarding this issue. Wait for few days. We will help you before closing date.

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

          • Now from 05/12/2015 B. E. / B. tech. Candidates are also eligible along with Diploma in Engineering & B.Sc. electronics Candidates for BSNL TTA SRD Recruitment – 2015 – Source BSNL

        • Hello Rekha,

          Yes CS candidates are also eligible.
          For more details please read detailed notification.

          Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

          • sir, you have told to upload all semester’s results, but the all semester results are not upload in given document size.50 KB -500 KB.

          • Hello Bharati,

            Yes you can. I am providing suggestion after trying myself.
            If your final mark sheet has all the semesters marks then you can upload that one only.

            Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Hello Sandhiya,

        If BSNL will recruit JTO through GATE in upcoming months then they will demand GATE 2017 score.

        Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.


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