AAI Recruitment 2022 – 364 ATC & Other



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AAI ATC Company Details

AAI Recruitment 2022 – The Airports Authority of India (AAI) comes under the Ministry of Civil Aviation. AAI is responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation infrastructure in India.

Name of organization : Airports Authority of India (AAI)

Type : Public Sector Enterprise

Website : http://www.aai.aero

AAI ATC Recruitment 2023: Overview

Recruiting BodyAirport Authority of India (AAI)
PostJunior Executive (Air Traffic Control)
Official Websitehttps://www.aai.aero/
Number of Vacancies356
Notification Release Date9 December, 2022
Application Start Date22 December, 2022
Last Date to Apply21 January, 2023
Admit Card Release DateTo be Notified
Online Exam DateTo be Notified
Result DateTo be Notified

AAI ATC Job Details

Job Profile & Number of Vacancies : 364 Posts

Post NameNo of Vacancy
Manager (Official Language)2 (UR-2)
Jr. Executive (ATC)356 (UR-145, EWS-35, OBC-96, SC-53, ST-27)
Jr. Executive (Official Language)4 (UR-3, OBC-1)
Sr. Assistant2 (UR-2)

Salary : ₹ 40,000-3%-1,40,000 /-

AAI ATC Eligibility Details

Education Qualification :

PostsEducation Qualification
Junior Executive
(Air Traffic Control)
Full-Time Regular Bachelor’ Degree of three years in Science (B.Sc) with Physics and Mathematics. OR Full Time Regular Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in any discipline. (Physics & Mathematics should be subjects in any one of the semesters curriculum).
The candidate shall have minimum proficiency in both spoken and written English of the level of 10+2 standard (the candidate shall have passed English as one of the subject in 10th or 12th standard)
Junior Executive
(Official Language)
Post-Graduation in Hindi or in English with English or Hindi respectively as a Subject at Degree Level or Post-Graduation in any other subject with Hindi and English as compulsory / elective subject at Degree Level.
Senior Assistant
(Official Language)
Masters in Hindi with English as a subject at Graduation level OR
Masters in English with Hindi as a subject at Graduation level. OR
Masters in any subject apart from Hindi/English from a recognized University alongwith Hindi and English as compulsory/optional subjects at graduation level. OR
Masters in any subject apart from Hindi/English from a recognized University alongwith Hindi and English as medium and compulsory/optional subjects or medium of examination at graduation level. OR
Graduation Degree from a recognized University along with Hindi and English as Compulsory / optional subjects or any one out of both as medium of examination and other as compulsory/optional subject
along with recognized Diploma/Certificate course of Hindi to English and English to Hindi Translation or two years’ experience of Hindi to English and English to Hindi Translation at Central/State government offices including Government of India Undertakings or reputed organizations.
Desirable: Knowledge of Hindi Typing.
(Official Language)
Post-Graduation in Hindi or in English with English or Hindi respectively as a Subject at Degree Level OR
Post-Graduation in any other subject with Hindi and English as compulsory/elective subject at Degree Level.

AAI ATC Experience Details

PostsExperience Required
Junior Executive (Air Traffic Control)No experience is essential.
Junior Executive (Official Language)Experience of two years in Translation relating to Glossary and from English to Hindi and Hindi to English preferably of Technical or Scientific literature.
Senior Assistant (Official Language)02 years’ experience in translation work from English to Hindi or Vice versa in Central or State Government Office, including Government of India Undertakings or reputed organizations.
Manager (Official Language)Experience in translation relating to Glossary and from English to Hindi and Hindi to English preferably of Technical or Scientific Literature.
Out of which 05 years’ experience as an officer of any office of central/state Govt. including Public Sector Undertaking in the field of Raj Bhasha.

Minimum Percentage in Education :

CategoryMinimum Percentage
UR Candidates60%
OBC (Non Creamy Layer) Candidates60%
SC/ST Candidates60%
PWD Candidates60%

Age Limit (as on 21/01/2023):

CategoryAge Limit
Gen / UR Candidates27 years
OBC Candidates30 years
SC / ST Candidates32 years
PWD General Candidates37 years
PWD OBC (Non Creamy Layer) Candidates40 years
PWD SC/ST Candidates42 years

AAI ATC Application Form Details

Application Fee :

CategoryApplication Fee
UR Candidates₹ 1000 /-
OBC (Non Creamy Layer) Candidates₹ 1000 /-
SC/ST Candidates₹ 0 /-
PWD Candidates₹ 0 /-

Important Dates :

Starting Date of Online Registration22/12/2022
Closing Date of Online Registration21/01/2023

AAI-ATC Notification :

12/2022 Download
12/2020 Download
01/2016 Download
09/2015 Download
01/2015 Download

AAI-ATC Application :

How to Apply for AAI ATC Recruitment 2023?

Step 1: Click on the direct link https://www.aai.aero/.
Step 2: Fill in all the mandatory fields like name, address, contact details, educational details, etc.
Step 3: Attach the required documents like SSC certificate, category certificate, etc.
Step 4: Upload the recent passport-size photograph and click on the submit button.
Step 5: Download and take a printout of the application form for future reference.

AAI ATC Recruitment Details

Selection Procedure : Selection will be made based on On-line examination and Documents verification / Interview / Physical Measurement and Endurance Test/ Driving Test/ Voice test, as applicable for the post.


AAI Recruitment FAQs

How many vacancies are announced under AAI JE ATC Recruitment 2022?

There are a total of 364 vacancies announced under AAI JE ATC Recruitment 2022.

What is the Start Date to apply for AAI JE ATC Recruitment 2022?

The start date to apply for AAI JE ATC Recruitment 2022 is 22 December, 2023.

What is the Last Date to apply for AAI JE ATC Recruitment 2022?

The last date to apply for AAI JE ATC Recruitment 2022 is 21 January, 2023.

What is the exam pattern of AAI JE ATC examination?

AAI JE ATC online written exam consists of two sections. Part I consists of English, General Intelligence/Reasoning, Numerical Ability/General Aptitude, General Knowledge/Awareness. Part II consists of Mathematics and Physics.

What is the age limit to apply for AAI JE ATC recruitment?

Candidates applying for AAI JE ATC post should not be more than 27 years of age.

AAI Guide Books

AAI ATC Total Information & Guidance

1.AAI JE Notification »
2.AAI JE Paper Pattern »
1. AAI JE Airport Operations »
3. AAI JE Civil Engineering »
4. AAI JE Electrical Engineering »
5. AAI JE Information Technology »
3.AAI JE Syllabus »
1.AAI JE Airport Operations »
3.AAI JE Civil Engineering »
4.AAI JE Electrical Engineering »
5.AAI JE Information Technology »
4.AAI JE Reference Books »
1.AAI JE Airport Operations »
3.AAI JE Civil Engineering »
4.AAI JE Electrical Engineering »
5.AAI JE Information Technology »
5.AAI JE Previous Years Papers »
1.AAI JE Airport Operations »
2.AAI JE Civil Engineering »
3.AAI JE Electrical Engineering »
4.AAI JE Information Technology »

Click below given links to get further information.

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  1. hello sir my D O B : 09 – jun – 1985 (30 years 11 months 22 days) O.B.C. caste

    am i eligible for junoiur executive post in this AAI
    please give me the reply
    i called and kept mail to aai no reply

  2. Hellow sir
    Thanku for provding such usefull informtion.I have a doubt regarding ‘ELIGIBILITY’.I applied for AAI adv.NO:7/2015..And under year of passing i entered as 2015.but my year of passing is jan 2016.so i have doubt that at the time of ‘DOUMENT VEIFICATION’will they raise any objecton regardng my eligibility??as in notifcation it is mention very strictly …so please gve the reply

  3. Sir,
    AAI used to conduct JE AAI WRITTEN EXAM based on the branch subjects mainly. But this year only ATC exam is conducted .When will be the Branch paper exam ??

  4. Hello sir
    I have done mechanical engineering and applied for ATC exam as per the notice released in jan 2016 I just wanted to know the subjects from where I have to study do I have to prepare from my technical subjects or should I have to go through physics and maths.

  5. Dear Admin,
    For JE(ATC) , physics and mathematics are the technical section. can we expect Physics questions from school level ? questions will be problamtic r theoretical right?

    Sunil Kumar

  6. hello sir
    this is nikhil,Actually i’m applying for junior executive(ATC) is it necessary to write GATE exam or we can apply directly.
    1)where can i find syllabus for this post(junior executive (ATC))?
    2)please send all previous questions papers?
    3)what will be the cut off for ECE candidates?
    4)Is GATE mandatory for junior executive (ATC)?
    5)clearing the GATE is also mandatory?

  7. sir,
    please can u tell best books for MATHS and physics ,for quick preparation becoz i am employee ,i have less time , i need to job as well as preparation,please tell me good books for
    quick review of MATHS AND PHYSICS mainly

    • Hello shiv,

      Yes they will notify you via email and/or sms. We will also notify about AAI ATC exam date on our Google+ / Facebook fan page.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  8. Hello Sir

    When is AAI ATC going to be held? I dont want the exact date i just wanted to know the month of exam. Will it be held during December 2015 or January 2016 or later. Please reply. Thanks in advance.

    • Hello Saurav,

      As far as we can predict it would held after January, 2016. Rest depends upon AAI management.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • sir,
        u say that exam may be in jan 2016. r u sure about this. if v see last ATC recruitmnt, and calculate the date of xam then it would be fall in mid dec 2015. how did u say it may be jan 2016…r u sure about it…????

  9. sir what is the syllabus of aai atc for 2015

    i am b.tech. in ece

    is b.tech. syllabus not in aai atc

    does physics chem and math asks in aai atc

  10. sir i am b.sc student …when i was reading all comments and seeing all candidate are from b.tech.i thought when all candidate are from b.tech than how it would be possible to crack this exam.
    sir plz reply which reduce my pressure.

  11. sir,
    Suggest me what book should i prefer for physics & maths. As i heard that exam will be basic level of physics & maths. Some people recommended for H.C. Verma, but this book is very high level. This book is for IIt aspirants. Some suggest for ncert book, but ncert books have not solutions & answers for its exercises. Please suggest me only one book for each physics & maths in which book covers theory, ncert concepts, numerical and all its solutions. Plz tell me book which covers all things that i need for junior exe ATC

    • Hello uvesh,

      Please follow this link for AAI ATC Paper pattern, Syllabus & Reference Books info : http://gate2016.info/paper-pattern-syllabus-books/aai-atc-2015-paper-pattern-syllabus-books/

      Buy any one of the listed books in the above post and start your preparation of ATC exam. One book for Physics and one for Maths. ATC exam is neither easy nor hard. May be NCERT books would not enough to clear ATC but H C Verma would be more than enough. So if you follow NCERT than there is chances that you may get selected in ATC but if you follow H C Verma in proper way you will surely get selected in ATC. Book is big enough to read in this short period but who is telling you to read every thing. Read only basics and moderate level questions of each chapter and then move to the next chapter. Rest depends upon you.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  12. Sir,
    i m the student of b.tch (IT) branch nd have applied for JE ATC post .i want to ask that, in AAI JE ATC exam does technial section also contain some syllabus of our b.tch branch(IT) or only phys. and maths questions will come?

  13. I applied for the post of JE(ATC) , I have completed B.E(Information technology).sir can you please tell me the exam pattern and syllabus?

  14. the candiate shall attain minimum proficiency level 4 must b e attain means what is meaninig for that and any course is there to done pls say me sir .i already applied for atc .i know english very well.it is enough r anything else to study.

  15. Dea sir,
    I hv tried again nd again but mu sign do not appears while my photo seen clearly in my downloaded printed application. Now what can I do sir..whether my applicaton not got cancel in future.

    • Hello Naveen,

      If you fill your GATE 2016 application form correctly then Don’t worry much abt it.
      It may be server error.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  16. Dear sir,
    I hv apply for je atc. But in printed app my photo appears on the sceen while my sign doesn’t appears….why? But my application has been got finally submitedited. I am in confusion if there may be error then how it got submitted. My appapplication no- 2190063701

    • Hello divakar,

      First you need to tell me for which you are talking about AAI JE EC or AA JE ATC ?

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  17. Hi,
    i am B.tech(electronics and communication) fresher and would like to apply for the post of ATC.I tried to apply for the post but there are is no option for b.tech in ece.Can i choose the option of B.tech in electronics or i have to choose B.tech in telecommunication?

    Thanks in advance.

  18. Sir i am in Btech CSE final year can i apply for the post :- AAI Jr.ATC

    I am waiting for ur reply sir i have to fill the form and submit it.
    also sir i submit the two cities Delhi as my 1st preference and Allahabad as 2nd.So, most probably i got dlhi as Exam center or not.Allahabad is not Convinient.

  19. hello sir, I completed myy B.Tech in ECE streem but dint gave my GATE so, am I not eligible for JE(electronics)?? and also I see here that ICAO is required for JE(atc) what is that? I am very much confused please help me out.

    • Hello ,

      For AAI JE EC 09/2015 recruitment candidate who have qualified GATE 2014 & 2015 can only apply.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

      • Sir I know English but they r asking icao English level 4.it is course in English and any certificate must bring for exam.I am not understanding that icao level 4 .Pls tell me sir any coaching is there means I will go

  20. respected sir,
    i have completed b.tech with the stream of ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION.
    am i applicable for AAI JE (ATC). if yes then guide me what qualification i shall choose from main qualification tab during apply because ‘electronics and communication’ is not available in the option.

  21. Sir,is hc verma(vol 1&2)) is enough for physics and is portion of electronics and physics comes in je atc and plz tell likely month in which this exam can be held

    • Hello love,

      Yes that must be enough. Month of exam will be update soon on this blog. Keep visiting for latest updates related to AAI.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

    • Hello ,

      B Sc with Physics and Mathematics is eligible if you think that you come in that category then you are eligible.

      Feel free to ask if you need any help in future & join us @ Google+ / Facebook for getting regular updates.

  22. i completed e.c.e in b.tech.i am eligibile.pls say its urget.in that notification b.tech in electronics no such type of department is not thier in a.p.i completed electronics and communication engineering i am eligible.pls send reply

  23. Sir i have completed BE in EEE(2010-2013) and ME in PSE(2013-2015).
    Am i eligible for this post and i have no experience yet.
    please leave a reply.


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